super unscrupulous student

Chapter 7275 The dragon family is in chaos 4

"What? Ancestor, what do you mean?" Long Xiaolin was shocked when he heard the words, and asked the ancestor of the Long family with a face full of surprise.

"What? Are you questioning me?" The ancestor of the Long family's face sank, and he asked in a very dissatisfied tone.

"No... no! This junior is just a little surprised. The Zhuo family has always been our enemy. What is your purpose in taking the prince to the Zhuo family?" Long Xiaolin's face changed again when he heard the words, and he quickly shook his head to explain road.

"Are you still afraid that the old man will sell your father and son?" The ancestor of the Long family narrowed his eyes and asked in a cold tone.

"No... our ancestors can't possibly harm us. After all, we are all your descendants. It's just... you propose to take the child to Zhuo's house like this. The younger generation has no idea and will inevitably feel a little nervous!" Long Xiaolin Cold sweat began to break out on his forehead. Seeing that the ancestor of the Long family seemed about to get angry, he immediately shook his head and explained.

"The old man has promised Zhuo Yifan that the prince will stay in the Zhuo family's old house for a period of time. The shortest period is half a year, and the longest period is a year. During this period of time, the prince must stay in the Zhuo family's old house." The ancestor of the Long family said again explained.

"What? You want to take the prince to the Zhuo family's old house? You want him to stay there for so long? Forgive me, what's going on? Please tell the ancestor!" Long Xiaolin was shocked when he heard the words, and his expression was very serious asked awkwardly.

Prince Long was also taken aback by the words of the ancestor of the Long family, and immediately asked with a pale face: "Ancestor, did your grandson do something to make you angry? You can't send me to the Zhuo family. Zhuo Yifan hates me to the bone, if I go to Zhuo's house, how can I survive?"

"Don't worry, Zhuo Yifan promised me that he only needs you to stay in Zhuo's house for a while. He will provide you with delicious food and drink. Apart from not being able to leave Zhuo's house, he will not cause any trouble for you. As long as I hope you can focus more on cultivation during this period of time in Zhuojia, and stop thinking about intrigue and domination of the world all day long! In my opinion, these nonsense things are not as practical as cultivation Don't forget that you are a cultivator!" The ancestor of the Long family snorted coldly and said in a very dissatisfied tone.He is not ignorant of what the Long family father and son did.On weekdays, he just turned a blind eye to it, but he would never encourage them to do such a thing.Now that Zhuo Yifan put forward such a condition, he was worried that he didn't know how to explain it, and it happened that this incident gave him an excuse.

"Old Ancestor, is what you said true?" Long Xiaolin's face turned ugly.When he asked this sentence, he already thought of the answer.How could the ancestor of the Long family travel all the way to Antarctica to play such a joke on him?What's more, he still won't leave Huaxia easily, and it's even more impossible to scare them with such things.

But if this is true, what is the reason?Why did the ancestor suddenly compromise with the Long family?Even at the expense of taking the next generation of heirs to the Zhuo family as hostages?These questions made Long Xiaolin smell a hint of danger, and his heart immediately sank to the bottom!

"Of course what the old man said is true. The prince must come with me. To tell you the truth, I have never cared about what you did before, and I didn't bother to care about it. But you think that the old man is really old and blind. Stop asking? When the old man turned a blind eye, you thought that the old man was supporting you? The old man hoped that you would wake up in time and put your energy on cultivation. But look at you, all of you are now What are you doing? Do you really think that the Long family is invincible and can dominate the world? If things were that simple, I would have been the king of the world when I was young!" The ancestor of the Long family looked full of hatred With a look on his face, he spoke angrily and taught.

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