Lai Dongsheng was full of fear and regret.He regretted that he should not have decided to attack Nangong Aoyue so hastily.He didn't even expect that the relationship between Nangong Aoyue and Zhuo Yifan would be so close.Zhuo Yifan actually went to Hong Kong in person for her, which made him feel very absurd.At least he didn't think Long Xiangtian or Prince Long would do such a thing for a woman.But the young master of the Zhuo family in front of him did it.

Maybe I should bear it, and I should find a way to slowly devour the Nangong family, at least not to attract Zhuo Yifan's attention.Or go directly to the Long family for help, maybe it will be safer.But what Lai Dongsheng didn't know was that when Nangong Aoyue went to ask Zhuo Yifan to avenge her mother, his poor fate was already doomed.

"Long Family? As I said before, the Long Family will not be able to keep you this time. Let alone the Long Family today, it will be useless even if the Heavenly King Lao Tzu comes." Zhuo Yifan sneered when he heard this.

"No... I am very important to the Long family, they will not leave me alone. I have a lot of money, as long as you let me go, I can give you all the money and shares in my hand." Lai Dongsheng was terrified staring at Zhuo Yifan pleadingly.

"If I knew this earlier, why did I do it at the beginning? You know you regret it now? It's a pity that it's too late. Some things are done, and I don't lack money, but you have to pay for what you do. You don't buy it with money, It's life!" Zhuo Yifan sighed helplessly seeing Lai Dongsheng almost pissing in fear.

"Lai Dongsheng, don't expect to have a chance of surviving today." Nangong Aoyue also said in a cold voice at this time.

"Aoyue, do you really want to do it yourself?" Zhuo Yifan looked at Nangong Aoyue with concern and hesitation in his eyes.He didn't want Nangong Aoyue to kill someone.Even if he wanted to kill him, it shouldn't be now.She has not reached the mentality of a cultivator. To a normal woman, killing someone is actually a very terrifying thing.He was afraid that this incident would leave an indelible shadow in Nangong Aoyue's heart, and it would also affect her future cultivation.

"No..." Nangong Aoyue shook her head, then looked at Zhuo Yifan leisurely, nodded seriously and said, "You are right. This kind of scum's blood will only stain my body." hand."

"Then leave it to me!" Zhuo Yifan breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this, and smiled happily.

Nangong Xingwen on one side also looked relieved.Fortunately, his daughter was not carried away by hatred.But at this time, he became more and more satisfied with Zhuo Yifan, a cheap son-in-law, almost beyond satisfaction.

"Aren't you afraid of getting your hands dirty?" Nangong Aoyue reminded with some hesitation.

"Don't worry. I don't need to kill him. It's enough to use my mind!" Zhuo Yifan explained with a smile on his face, shaking his head confidently.

"Thinking? This can also kill people?" Not only Nangong Aoyue, but even Nangong Xingwen on the side also showed a look of surprise.Although they have already seen Zhuo Yifan's methods, it's really unbelievable that he can kill people as long as he puts his mind to it?

"Let's go. Let's go back! You and your uncle were both shocked today, so you should go back early and have a rest." Zhuo Yifan said with a smile to Nangong Aoyue and his daughter, regardless of Lai Dongsheng who was on the side.

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