super unscrupulous student

7314 - Li Yan's call 1

"Heaven and earth conscience, I'm speaking the truth. Right now, you, a beautiful woman, are the only ones who are qualified to invite me to your room. I really ignore other people! Let's go, my wife, I can't wait!" Zhuo Yi Fan urged impatiently.

Nangong Aoyue, who is full of shyness and sweetness, has already put the previous things out of the blue, and is immersed in the world of two people with Zhuo Yifan.She has never been in love before, but she never thought that being with the person she likes would feel like this.This feeling is really amazing.

"I really can't do anything about you. Come upstairs with me. In fact, my room is not very attractive. It's also a bit messy. I just came back, and I haven't cleaned it yet!" Nangong Aoyue nodded shyly and agreed.

Laidong died, and died very peacefully. No one knew how he died, only that he died in his office.What makes people feel even more weird is the way he died, which is simply unbearable to vomit.If you are lucky enough to catch a glimpse of someone, it is estimated that you will not have an appetite for eating these days, and you will be awakened by nightmares when you sleep, right?

Accompanied by Lai Dongsheng's death, what followed was a major earthquake in Hong Kong's business circles and Hong Kong society.As a big boss, Lai Dongsheng's group business and political power are naturally extremely large in Hong Kong, which makes people daunting.However, the tree fell and the monkeys scattered, and Lai Dongsheng's death immediately triggered a series of chain reactions.Anyway, all the brats jumped onto the stage, intending to take advantage of the chaos and seize their own share of interests.

However, all of this is not what Zhuo Yifan needs to care about. The XG is big, but also small.Although he is one of the financial centers in Asia, it is still too small for Zhuo Yifan.He didn't care about this benefit, but he thought it would be more beneficial for him to let it go to the Li family and the Nangong family.

Li Jiacheng and Nangong Xingwen were overjoyed this time.They didn't expect that this matter would become so easy because of Zhuo Yifan's participation.Once Lai Dongsheng died, his group company also fell apart.They can use countless means to obtain the maximum benefit.For a whole afternoon, Nangong Xingwen was very busy, but he never tired of it.Even Li Jiacheng, who was still in the capital, rushed back to Hong Kong immediately and joined the cake-sharing camp.

However, some are happy and some are sad.Li Yan was really in a hurry this time.She had never been so distraught as today.From the moment Nangong Aoyue's plane arrived in Hong Kong, her heart was lifted.After receiving the news from Lai Dongsheng that the kidnapping was successful, she secretly breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that her boss should have settled the matter in a short time.At that time, I can also retire and get the part of the benefits I deserve.

But Li Yan never expected that after waiting for two hours, the news would be Lai Dongsheng's death.The news was like a thunderbolt, completely breaking Li Yan's little heart.Lai Dong is dead, how did he die?What does his death represent?Li Yan didn't even know how to think about it.Have you exposed yourself?Does the Nangong family know that they are spies?Or maybe they don't know.Or is it that Lai Dongsheng's death has nothing to do with the Nangong family, but is caused by other factors?

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