super unscrupulous student

Chapter 7334 Confession 2

"I see. Then can you make the box out again?" Nangong Aoyue rolled her eyes coquettishly, and asked curiously again.

"Of course!" Zhuo Yifan chuckled, and then took the suitcase out of the storage ring like a magic trick.

Seeing the suitcase reappeared, Nangong Aoyue was taken aback again. Before she could react, she found that the suitcase had disappeared again.

"Okay, it's not a big deal, there's no need to be so surprised. Can we go now?" Zhuo Yifan looked at Nangong Aoyue who hadn't recovered yet, and reminded with a smile.

"Oh...Okay, let's go then!" Nangong Aoyue finally came back to her senses, and nodded in agreement with a slightly strange expression.

It was already ten o'clock in the morning when he returned to the capital with Nangong Aoyue.In the villa, apart from Xia Yun's mother and son, only Qingyan and Zhuo's mother were present.Although it was just these few people, it still made Nangong Aoyue, who came here for the first time, really nervous.Especially when facing Mother Zhuo, she felt like her little heart was about to pop out of her throat.

Fortunately, apart from Qingyan, Xia Yun and Zhuo's mother are both thoughtful and eloquent women.Seeing Nangong Aoyue's nervousness, he chatted with her immediately.After a while, Nangong Aoyue gradually got used to it.I felt that Zhuo's mother and Xia Yun got along very well, and the tension and restraint in my heart gradually disappeared.

Seeing that Nangong Aoyue got along well with his family, Zhuo Yifan immediately relaxed.While Zhuo's mother and Xia Yun were busy setting up a room for Nangong Aoyue, Zhuo Yifan left the villa directly on the pretext that he had to go out for a while.

"Is he always so busy?" Nangong Aoyue looked at the direction Zhuo Yifan was leaving, and asked thoughtfully.

"Yeah, he is usually very busy. You can hardly see him at home during the day, and he comes back very late at night. Sometimes he even disappears for several days. After all, he has to travel around the world. But I know that he is always in his heart." They are all thinking about us, and they care about us the most. We are all used to it!" Xia Yun, who was on the side, nodded slowly and explained.

"Then do you have any complaints in your heart?" Nangong Aoyue asked.

"No! I think you will understand soon." Xia Yunda shook his head meaningfully as a reminder.

Listening to this explanation, Nangong Aoyue was a little confused.But she didn't ask too much.Now that she has chosen Zhuo Yifan, she will not give up easily.Even if this man can spend very little time with him.

After Zhuo Yifan left the villa, he made a direct phone call to X's office.

It was Guo Zifeng who answered the phone.Hearing this familiar voice, Zhuo Yifan asked with a smile: "Excuse me, is X free to see me now?"

"Have you returned to the capital?" Guo Zifeng asked with a smile.

"I just came back. I know No. [-] will definitely see me in the next few days, so I plan to take the initiative to send it to my door!" Zhuo Yifan explained with a smile.

"Oh? What made X definitely want to see you these few days? Why didn't I know?" Guo Zifeng was taken aback when he heard the words, and asked curiously.

"This... I guessed it!" Zhuo Yifan explained vaguely.Probably only No. [-] knows about the matter that I want to retreat, Guo Zifeng doesn't know about it.

"You kid, is there any secret you don't want to tell me?" Guo Zifeng suddenly burst out laughing when he heard this.

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