super unscrupulous student

7430 - Zongmen forbidden area 1

"The aura here is so strong. If you practice here, it will be much faster than on Earth, but it's still not as fast as using fairy stones." Zhuo Yifan said after feeling it.

"Do you think that everyone has such good luck as you, and can use fairy stones to cultivate? Even on the planet Tianmu, which is rich in resources, fairy stones are extremely rare treasures, and not ordinary people can afford them." Qingyan explained, and at the same time Get up and go inside: "This is the forbidden area of ​​our Immortal Sect, which houses the treasures accumulated by the sect for countless years. Except for the suzerain and the elders, only I, a saint, have the authority to come in. You can come here An opportunity."

Zhuo Yifan said with some concern: "I don't know what happened to Master Li and Qinglong. The demon master just now was really terrifying, and he is not at the same level as the demon ancestors I saw before!"

"The ancestor of the demon race suffered too much damage after passing through the space vortex. In fact, he is one of the nine masters of the demon world. Although he is only ranked at the bottom, his real strength is somewhat stronger than that of the great elder. "While Qing Yan was speaking, she had already reached the end of the hall, stopped in front of a huge stroke, frowned and said: "The big thing is not good, the important place has been completely closed, unless the sect master or the sect heir, no one will Can’t open it, all the treasures of the sect are inside.”

Zhuo Yifan stepped forward nervously, staring at the huge mural, and said in surprise: "The painting on it is the mountain where the Immortal Sect is located?"

"That's right, this is the mountain range where my Immortal Spirit Sect is located. Thousands of miles around is our territory. Thousands of brothers and sisters practice and live in this land, pursuing the Dao, but now, they are all gone." Qing Yan As he said that, there was a trace of melancholy in his eyes, as if he was recalling his good sisters.

"Yan'er, don't worry, although the demons have occupied the fairy sect, they don't necessarily kill everyone. There may be survivors like you living in other places. As long as we work together, we will be able to kill all the demons." Expel them, and let all Jupiter humans continue to live happily."

"Don't comfort me, we all know how bleak this hope is. The power of the demons has suddenly increased, and all walks of life are in danger. There is not much time left for you. If you can't go to the Three Sacred Mountains as soon as possible and obtain the inheritance of the immortals Improve the strength, the demons on this interface will soon be able to find the space node, and the earth will be in danger."

"Then what should we do now? We have nothing but a treasure house, but we can only watch." Zhuo Yifan has never been a person who follows the rules. He reached out and pressed his hand on the mural to feel it, and frowned: "It's nothing special at all. !"

Qingyan said with a flushed face: "If you and I have not married, using the pure virgin blood of my saint, it is possible to break the seal, but now it is a bit difficult."

Zhuo Yifan patted his head with a dry smile, after all, it was his own fault.

"Why don't we try and see if we can brute force it." Zhuo Yifan said, thinking about luck.

"Don't! This is the forbidden area of ​​the sect. If you dare to use brute force, it will immediately trigger the backlash of the big formation. The power of the big formation is poured in by several elders and suzerains. It is enough to wipe out the masters below the Mahayana stage." Qingyan's expression changed drastically, and she hurriedly stopped Zhuo Yifan.

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