super unscrupulous student

Chapter 7503 The Wonder of God Armor

Xuantianzong pondered for a while, and said: "You must be very curious about the reason for this, let me tell you first, so that when you meet an opponent in the future, you will know it well."

"Thousands of years ago, the demon king captured Xuantianzong and plotted the 'Xuanwu Divine Armor', but Xuantianzong had already merged with the Divine Armor. Xuantianzong would not die, and the Divine Armor would never be easy to master. In a fit of anger, the Demon King killed Xuantian Zong Lian and his divine armor were placed in the Abyss of Nine Nethers, and they were burned for thousands of years with the magic fire of Nine Nethers, arousing the power of heaven and earth, and finally wiped out the Xuantian Sect."

"Xuantianzong is dedicated to the sect, and his will is immortal. With the help of the power of the divine armor, he deceived the devil king, and finally succeeded in one blow, and escaped from the devil world. But the devil king's plan has been fulfilled. Hundreds of millions of demon souls were calcined and refined by the devil fire. Condensing the new fairy spirit is the evil spirit. The devil thought that he could completely control the "Xuanwu God Armor" by refining the evil spirit. Who knew that the will of the Xuantianzong had already generated a new fairy spirit, which would eventually The evil spirits cast out the armor."

"After all, the evil spirit and the Divine Armor once merged into one, which led to the existence of two weapon spirits in the Xuanwu Divine Armor. The evil spirit always wanted to expel Xuantianzong and completely control the Divine Armor, and Xuantianzong also wanted to Find the successor of the Earth Sect, let the Divine Armor return to the sect, and kill demons."

"In this case, the battle between the two has continued for thousands of years. The evil spirits are unable to break through the blockade and enter the divine armor, and Xuantianzong is also not allowed to leave here due to the evil spirit's sealing circle."

Zhuo Yifan opened his mouth wide, he really didn't expect that there were so many stories in it.

"However, the body of the earth spirit is too rare. To become the master of the 'Xuanwu God Armor', one must have a physique, because this is not an ordinary armor. Participate, and finally such a magical fairy treasure was born."

"The materials used for this fairy treasure are very rare. They come from various planes and even mysterious space cracks. Although it is called a fairy treasure, it is better than a fairy treasure. Moreover, this is a fairy treasure with the possibility of growth. Treasure, its most powerful feature is that it can be integrated with the user's whole body, instead of being worn outside the body."

Zhuo Yifan was dumbfounded, and asked in surprise: "Full body fusion, is this possible?"

"Nothing is impossible. The 'God Armor' uses all kinds of strange baby materials, many of which come from the depths of space cracks, and they have space attributes themselves. If the master is strong, the God Armor will be strong. If the master is weak, the God Armor will also be weak. , the strangeness in it, you can experience it slowly in the future, I guarantee you will be pleasantly surprised."

Xuantianzong continued: "The mystery of the Divine Armor is something you can't think of, and there is nothing you can't do without it. On the other hand, it can even be regarded as a permanent boosting pill, which is fused into the blood of the bones. If the Demon King hadn't used the demonic fire of the Nine Nether Abyss to burn it for thousands of years, he would never have thought of killing Xuantianzong."

"How can I get the real approval of Shenjia?" Zhuo Yifan asked.

"You have been recognized by the God Armor now, but because I am still there, you don't feel it. Of course, the process of integration is a bit painful, I hope you are mentally prepared."

"This junior has the confidence to face all difficulties and tests! Excuse me, is there any unfinished business in this world that I need this junior to complete?" Zhuo Yifan said respectfully.

"I'm just a condensed will of Xuantianzong, not the real Xuantianzong. My mission is to find a real master for the divine armor. If I wish, it's just Xuantianzong's wish. In the future If possible, it will be enough if you can reunite the five sects into one."

"Senior, don't worry, this junior will definitely do his best, and he will never let the Divine Armor be ashamed." Zhuo Yifan solemnly promised.

"So, I'm relieved."

After Xuantianzong finished speaking, his aura suddenly disappeared. Zhuo Yifan was taken aback by his simplicity. He still had a lot to ask.

As soon as Xuantianzong's aura disappeared, Zhuo Yifan felt the divine armor on his body suddenly squirm, as if the whole body came alive, and instantly transformed into hundreds of millions of individual individuals, desperately drilling into Zhuo Yifan's body.

Even if Zhuo Yifan was mentally prepared, this fusion method was beyond his imagination. The divine armor instantly split into countless dust particles, and suddenly a khaki mask covered Zhuo Yifan from head to toe, No meaning left out.

Zhuo Yifan gave up resistance and let the dust penetrate into his body. hurts!

Rao Zhuo Yifan has endured a lot of suffering in recent years, and his ability to withstand it has been greatly enhanced. At the moment when the dust penetrated into his body, he still couldn't help but let out a scream.

That feeling is like ten thousand ants eating the heart, no, it is a hundred times more painful than ten thousand ants eating the heart, because not only the heart, but every part of the body, and even every cell and tissue are suffering at the same time .

Zhuo Yifan felt that these dust particles were fused with his own body cells. This fusion was so thorough that it was as small as the cell tissue.

This basalt god armor is refined from all kinds of strange substances in the Three Realms, and now it is disassembled and completely fused with its own muscle cells. So, is my body still a human body?

Zhuo Yifan was stunned.

Nima himself will not become a monster like a liquid robot, right?

It turns out that Zhuo Yifan really thought too much, how could this be the level of a liquid robot?The mystery of Shenjia is tens of thousands of times higher than that of liquid robots, okay?

This painful fusion lasted for three full days and three nights.

During these three days and three nights, Zhuo Yifan was numb from the pain, but with his strong will, he finally persevered.

Originally, Zhuo Yifan already thought that his body was awesome enough to be comparable to ordinary spiritual weapons and magic weapons, but now seeing this body, Zhuo Yifan realized that he was too self-righteous before.

With his current body strength, even with the blood spirit thorns, he couldn't penetrate it. The basalt armor and his body cells were completely fused together, as if each cell was covered with a layer of armor. The defense was so powerful that It's unimaginable.

However, Zhuo Yifan finally understood what Xuantianzong meant by saying that the stronger the master, the stronger the armor.

This basalt god armor was originally so powerful that the entire secret realm could hardly suppress it, but after wearing it on him, although it was still powerful, compared with the previous feeling, it was much worse.

After all, Zhuo Yifan's strength was far worse than Xuantianzong's.

But Zhuo Yifan is very satisfied, this is the truly humanized armor, which is equivalent to directly doubling Zhuo Yifan's defense.

If Zhuo Yifan's strength is stronger, then the Shenjia will be adjusted again to synchronize with Zhuo Yifan, which is equivalent to a complex of two Zhuo Yifan.

The magical substance directly increased Zhuo Yifan's physical strength, so that he could really fight against ordinary magic weapons without losing the wind.

After the evil spirits and Xuantianzong disappeared, the entire altar dimmed, and the huge phantom standing in the void also disappeared. Except for Zhuo Yifan, there was no living creature in the entire earth-type secret realm.

Zhuo Yifan sighed, turned around and looked at the bones all over the floor, stretched out his hand, and a flame rune flew out, landed on the bones, and burned blazingly.

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