"Zhuo Yifan, how do you know where my true god is? It's impossible, absolutely impossible!"

Dongfang Xiaoliang screamed, his face full of disbelief.

Zhuo Yifan laughed loudly: "I have known for a long time that an insidious villain like you would not be able to take risks in person. You are plotting against me, so why am I not plotting against you?"

Lie Jiao flew back angrily: "It turns out that you already knew that this is just his clone, and you let me bear it all the time and make the last blow."

Zhuo Yifan said: "If it weren't for this, how could he have been fooled and wanted to take the opportunity to attack me, but I caught him instead."

Dongfang Xiaoliang's body twisted and struggled in the raging fire, but the bloody enchantment in front of him suddenly became fragmented like a bubble, and soon appeared in the real space. A magic knife appeared out of thin air, and was captured by Zhuo Yifan grabbed it.

The magic knife was obviously an extraordinary magic weapon. After being caught by Zhuo Yifan, it was still struggling, and the black energy spread, but those demon souls were scared by Zhuo Yifan, and they didn't dare to show their heads at all.

Zhuo Yifan held Dongfang Xiaoliang in his right hand, and the magic knife in his left hand. The blood spirit thorn was floating in front of his body. He was unparalleled in domineering, like a god of war descending into the world.


There was a sudden shock in the strong void, and ripples appeared in a circle.

"Liejiao, hurry up and help, Shui Ningrou's barrier has been broken, and they probably won't be able to resist it."

Zhuo Yifan's eyes froze, and the true energy of the fire spirit seemed to come alive under the control of his consciousness, and instantly transformed into a fire talisman, which fell into his hands.

Zhuo Yifan stuck the fire talisman directly on the magic knife and squeezed it hard.

There was a shrill cry from the magic knife, and a flame burst out from the fire talisman, spreading to the entire blade and handle of the magic knife with a stabbing sound.

The traces of red light are not like flames, but like red ribbons, intertwined into a spiritual fire net, covering the magic knife. The knife struggled a few times, but it did not dare to fight head-on against the fire spirit net, and finally gradually Quiet, Zhuo Yifan threw him into the Sovereign Token.

Zhuo Yifan lifted Dongfang Xiaoliang and shouted loudly: "Whoever dares to act recklessly, I will kill the traitor Dongfang Xiaoliang immediately!"


Shui Ningrou's figure was "squeezed out" from the void, she staggered, almost unable to stand, a trace of blood spilled from the corner of her mouth, she looked very weak.

But just when she was a little unsteady, a soft halo fell on her body, bringing a warm feeling. In an instant, she felt that the damage to her body had been alleviated a lot. In the body, there was a force unexpectedly, which shocked her spirit.

"Thank you, suzerain." Shui Ningrou knew without looking that it was because Zhuo Yifan used the "Derivation Art" to heal himself, and said gratefully.

"Take a break first, and leave the rest to me." Zhuo Yifan glanced at Shui Ningrou, this strong woman had already hidden her body in a water polo-like object, curled up in it, as if Like a beautiful mermaid.This is obviously Shuizong's unique healing method.

The barrier was shattered, and the people inside appeared one after another.

When Zhuo Yifan saw it, he was quite satisfied. He didn't expect that with the help of the barrier, several people could actually do it.Although they were in a bit of a mess, no one was injured. You must know that they were facing more than a dozen experts whose realm was not inferior to their own!

"Yifan, you succeeded?" Qingyan looked at the person in Zhuo Yifan's hand, and couldn't help showing a look of joy.

"Yes, I succeeded. Are you all okay?" Zhuo Yifan asked with concern.

"Fortunately, these demon masters are not qualified enough to want to hurt us." Qingyan said proudly, and at the same time looked at Dongfang Xiaoliang with hatred in his eyes: "Dongfang Xiaoliang, you thief, you have harmed so many people from my Fairy Spirit Sect! Sister, this time it falls into our hands, I want to see how long you can survive."

"Hahaha, the remnants of the Immortal Spirit Sect, do you think you will win if you catch me? Do you have the guts to kill me? Hmph, I have a sealing circle set up by my father on me. As long as I die, it will be triggered, and it will Leave a permanent mark on whoever killed me, no matter where you hide in the sky or the earth, you will never escape my father's pursuit."

Although Dongfang Xiaoliang was suffering from the burning of the true energy of the fire spirit, he still had an expression that you dare not do anything to me.

Zhuo Yifan frowned: "Is there such a thing?"

Qingyan nodded and said: "Some masters have this method in order to protect their relatives and descendants, and prevent enemies. Judging from Dongfang Liang's love for him, it is not impossible."

"Hahaha, Zhuo Yifan, did you hear that? You are going to kill me, but my father will definitely avenge me, even if you hide in the ends of the earth."

Dongfang Xiaoliang shouted.

"Release General Dongfang!"

"Zhuo Yifan, if you don't stop, if General Dongfang is injured, all the monks on Jupiter will be buried with him. You'd better think clearly."

"Zhuo Yifan, we have something to talk about, let go of General Dongfang first!"

Seeing Dongfang Xiaoliang's tragic situation, these masters in the tribulation stage were like their relatives falling into Zhuo Yifan's hands, each of them was in a mess, and they were in a mess.

Mu Yuqing glanced at Zhuo Yifan in surprise: "You really have some skills, and you are not even your opponent in half a Mahayana stage."

This tone, I don't know whether it is jealousy or admiration, but it always has a sour feeling.

Zhuo Yifan looked at the sky, Yuan Tianba and Wursa were still fighting hundreds of miles away, and it seemed that there would be no winner at all for a while.

"It's okay if I let Dongfang Xiaoliang go, you should proclaim your cultivation first and surrender!" Zhuo Yifan said with a smile.

The importance of Dongfang Xiaoliang in the eyes of the demons exceeded his expectations, but he was very happy to see this happen.

This proves that I made the right bet. If I catch Dongfang Xiaoliang, these people will never dare to act rashly.

In order to capture Dongfang Xiaoliang, Zhuo Yifan also took great pains, always looking for a chance to hit a sure hit. No matter how critical the situation was, Lie Jiao would stay lurking until he entered the blood demon barrier. The character of the man made it impossible for him to be a rash person.

Is a person who has cultivated to the half-step Mahayana stage at a young age a fool?

Would a person who has been forbearing never care about his own life?

Therefore, he deliberately showed weakness to the enemy, pretended to be exhausted, and asked Liejiao to make the final blow. It seemed that he was at the end of his rope, and he was making the final struggle. In fact, his body had long been connected to the spirit crystal, replenishing With energy, at the critical moment, Dongfang Xiaoliang finally couldn't bear it anymore. He felt that his chance had come, so he drilled out from the depths of the barrier and wanted to sneak attack Zhuo Yifan from the ground. Little did he know that Zhuo Yifan was waiting for this moment. Been waiting a long time!

Dongfang Xiaoliang is actually very cautious, but unfortunately, he met Zhuo Yifan, and he was destined to end miserably.

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