super unscrupulous student

Chapter 7585 The Eve of the Great War 3 "3 More"

PS. Here’s today’s update, and by the way, let’s vote for the "Starting Point" 515 Fan Festival. Everyone has 8 tickets. Voting will also give you starting point tokens. I beg everyone to support and appreciate it!

Dongfang Xiaoliang had a vague smile on his lips: "Generalissimo, don't worry, Dongfang Haotian will be destroyed in this battle. The battle of Tianjupiter has been going on for many years, and it's time to end it."

Zhuo Yifan was taken aback, and thought to himself, where did this guy have the confidence to say that?

Seeing his determined face, is there really something to rely on?

Zhuo Yifan vaguely felt that things were not that simple. Dongfang Xiaoliang's eyes had passed over the fake Ivan countless times, and Zhuo Yifan could clearly see the weird smile contained in it.

The little soldier he disguised as was responsible for guarding outside the big tent. It was not eye-catching, but he could observe it carefully.

This is also He Bizheng's request. Once any fierce battle occurs, Zhuo Yifan can slip away at any time.

For He Bizheng's concern, Zhuo Yifan readily accepted that he would not really sacrifice his life for the demons.

Why Bizheng was paying attention to the 'Mishensan', and sneered in his heart, but he was talking about delaying time with Dongfang Xiaoliang.

The "Mishen powder" that can fascinate the masters of the Mahayana stage is very precious. Fang Zhen does not provide a lot. But he was carrying the antidote and had already taken it beforehand, so he didn't have to worry about being tricked.

Zhuo Yifan also secretly calculated the activation time of the 'Mishen Powder', and at the same time observed the behavior of Dongfang Xiaoliang and others.

"Brother, there seems to be something wrong. 'Mishen San' doesn't seem to be working. Dongfang Xiaoliang and the others are still in good spirits." Zhuo Yifan said worriedly.

"I believe Fang Zhen won't lie to us about this matter. After all, it would be good for him to get rid of the Western Legion." He Bizheng said: "Xiaofan, be careful yourself. Run thousands of miles away, remember, don’t trust anyone.”

A touch of emotion surged up in Zhuo Yifan's heart: "Don't worry, brother, I will take care of myself, and you have to be careful, Dongfang Xiaoliang is too abnormal."

"The 'Mishen Powder' is going to happen soon, everything will be resolved soon, don't worry." He Bizheng comforted him, while making preparations in secret.

Finally, Mishen San burned out, exuding the last trace of fragrance.

Dongfang Xiaoliang's face changed, and he shouted sharply: "Why bother, what do you mean? Why am I so weak that I can't even condense my magic power?"

He has the lowest cultivation base, so of course he couldn't resist the first one.

Afterwards, all the masters of the Mahayana period exclaimed one after another, their bodies softened, and they fell down collectively.

Ouyang Qingzhi, An Ye, Niu Ben, Snake Man Yu Tan, Berserker Jiao Kuang, Black Heart Demon, and Giant Tai Cheng also fell down together.

Everyone looked at He Bizheng in horror.

"Generalissimo, what is going on? Why do you want to kill us?" Jiao Kuang yelled angrily.

"Why be upright, the overall situation is the most important thing, if you avenge your private revenge, you will die!" An Ye gritted his teeth.

"Generalissimo, what do you mean? We are your subordinates!" the tauren said in a low voice.

The rest of the demon generals also looked at He Bizheng with grief and indignation.

On Dongfang Xiaoliang's side, the 10 Mahayana masters were all terrified and speechless.

How powerful are the masters in the Mahayana period. They are overwhelmed and almost omnipotent, but now they have lost all their strength and become cattle and sheep to be slaughtered. The panic made their hearts go cold.

"Why bother, it turns out that you have long been ambitious and wanted to get rid of us. If you do this, if the ancestor finds out, you will never be able to stand up again. I advise you to think clearly." How dare Dongfang Xiaoliang be arrogant at this moment? , staring at He Bizheng sternly and said.

"Hahaha, Dongfang Xiaoliang, you can't even deceive yourself by saying this! Will the old man of the Holy Ancestor show up again? Huh, you, the father and son of the Dongfang family, murdered the Holy Ancestor, colluded with outsiders, and tried to dominate the planet Jupiter in vain, why should I How can I let you succeed?" He Bizheng sneered again and again: "Do you think your plan is flawless? Colluding with Zhuo Yifan, deliberately leaking the secrets of the Demon Tower, and then triggering a war between humans and demons on Tianmu, killing all hostile forces. In this way, Your Dongfang family will be able to dominate the planet and become the Emperor of Earth. Unfortunately, your conspiracy has been seen through by me, and it is doomed to fail, so what do you have to say now?"

"You... What nonsense are you talking about, that you said I colluded with Zhuo Yifan?" Dongfang Xiaoliang couldn't help but want to vomit blood when he recalled the scene of being bullied by Zhuo Yifan. Why bother to say that he colluded with Zhuo Yifan? He exploded in an instant, and yelled sharply: "Idiot, you idiot, you have been tricked by others, and the person who encouraged you to do this is the one who really has evil intentions."

Why bother to believe that all this is Dongfang Liang's father and son's conspiracy, why would he listen to Dongfang Xiaoliang? He slapped the seat suddenly and wanted to stand up, but suddenly his expression was weird, and a look of horror flashed in his eyes.

Seeing He Bizheng's horrified eyes, Zhuo Yifan's heart suddenly became vigilant, and a chill came from his back. His pupils widened, and his body suddenly turned into a sharp sword, directly sinking into the ground.




All of a sudden, a tree and a huge black flag fell from the sky and were directly inserted around the handsome tent. If Zhuo Yifan had moved a little slower, he might have been directly inserted to death.

At this moment, Zhuo Yifan's body is in a very strange state. The inside has been transformed into the body of the earth spirit, and he is like a fish in water in the mud, moving forward at high speed, but the outer shell is a dark body, which is linked with the power of the entire Commander Demon Tower.

The body of the earth spirit is under the soil, just like a fish swimming in the sea. With the help of the huge magic tower, Zhuo Yifan moves rapidly.

But when the black flag was planted, terrifying fluctuations of magic power centered on the flag and radiated in all directions. Under the ground, the fluctuations were even more terrifying. Layers of land exploded directly, stretching for thousands of meters, directly killing the entire handsome man. The account was "circled" from top to bottom.

Zhuo Yifan barely stayed outside the big formation, his face full of disbelief.

But in front of the big tent at this moment, a black mask was erected within the radiation range of the magic tower, forming an inner circle, covering the handsome tent, which looked quite weird.

At the same time, the hundreds of guards stationed outside the commander's tent were directly strangled by a terrifying force and died instantly.

Zhuo Yifan was stunned when he saw it. Although he had seen a big scene, the scene where more than 100 people lost all life in an instant still gave him an incomparable shock.

That is a living life. A few days ago, I used to talk and laugh happily with myself, and I admired myself a lot. At this moment, under the power of this big formation, I was crushed to death like an ant.

A terrifying chill appeared in Zhuo Yifan's eyes, and he clenched his fists tightly.

[515 is coming soon, I hope to continue to hit the 515 red envelope list, and by May 5th, the red envelope rain can give back to readers and publicity works.A piece is also love, it must be better! 】

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