PS. Here’s today’s update, and by the way, let’s vote for the "Starting Point" 515 Fan Festival. Everyone has 8 tickets. Voting will also give you starting point tokens. I beg everyone to support and appreciate it!

Taking everyone into the Nether Tower, Zhuo Yifan set up a layer of defense in the tower with a move of consciousness.

"Ivan, you have nowhere to go. There is a desert in front of you. Aren't you afraid of being involved in a space storm? There is no deep hatred between us, why don't we have a good talk."

"What's there to talk about? A few days ago, you and I were called brothers and sisters. We had a great time together. Unexpectedly, in a blink of an eye, shopkeeper Fang took your lady's words as fart and directly attacked me. You are too courageous!"

"Whoever told you to get the Nether Tower, run away, hand over the Nether Tower, we are still friends, and the previous promise is completely valid, otherwise, you will be against the Fang family, and you can think about the consequences yourself."

Zhuo Yifan snorted coldly, and suddenly rushed out from the ground, his sword intent erupted, a beam of bright light tore through the void, and slashed forward fiercely.

"Old ghost, you know that I can leapfrog the level to kill the enemy, but you still dare to chase after me alone. I really admire your courage. Give me a sword and try!"

This sword combined the Stars Sword Intent, the Lonely Sword Intent and the Devouring Sword Intent. When the sword slashed out, the entire sky was eclipsed. Wherever the sword qi went, the void suddenly became illusory, as if entering Like another space, giving people a sense of elusiveness.

This slash across the sky contains a huge sword intent, so powerful that even masters at the Mahayana stage should stay away!

Fang Zhen let out an exclamation, his body flashed out of the void, he raised his big palm forward, and a pitch-black wall stood up, dividing the whole earth into two halves.


The master of the Mahayana period made a move, which is simply earth-shattering.

On this wall of magic power, the runes flashed, and it was the most powerful defensive circle that Fang Zhen cast.

Faced with Zhuo Yifan's shocking sword, Fang Zhen did not dare to be careless.

The void was torn open and hit the pitch-black wall fiercely.

Immediately, the thousand-foot-high pitch-black wall trembled violently, and the countless runes on it burst into pieces with a crisp sound, while that bright sword light went upstream, as if to divide the whole world into two halves.

Whoosh whoosh!

The sword energy exploded and flew for a hundred miles.

The mountains, rivers, and land became like tofu, and they were broken into pieces one after another. Some mountain peaks even had hollows piercing through them, which was the result of being directly shot through by the sword energy.

"Old ghost, you are nothing more than that, you still dare to speak out loudly, and you will die!"

Zhuo Yifan's confidence increased greatly, and he stepped up to the sky with one step. In his hand, he transformed into a Soul Eater Demon Sword, and slashed out with a light stroke of the sword.

This plain attack method is the essence of Dugu Qiujian's sword intent.

The powerful sword energy was silent, without any brilliance or shocking movement, just like an assassin, quietly approaching the enemy and bursting out suddenly.


When the sword was approaching the huge black wall, it suddenly split, turning into countless sword qi, and stabbing across the wall.

In an instant, I don't know how many times I attacked.


Fang Zhen watched in disbelief as his powerful defensive circle that gathered all his strength collapsed at once.

He stared at Zhuo Yifan firmly: "Ivan, it's really a good idea, so you hid it so deeply."

Zhuo Yifan sneered: "No matter how deep it is, it's not as deep as people's hearts. Fang Zhen, what you have done has really taught me a lesson, that is, the so-called promise and reputation of the big family in the devil world are just fucking shit."

Fang Zhen sneered noncommittally: "It seems that you have indeed gained a lot of benefits from the Nether Tower, and the devouring sword intent of the Sword Devouring Demon has fallen into your hands. Did the owner of the Yin family also die in his hands?" Do you have it?"

"You care about them so much, why don't you go in and see for yourself?" Zhuo Yifan looked at Fang Zhen coldly, seemingly casually, but in fact he was fully motivated and always vigilant.

"That's not necessary. What's so good about two remnant souls who have been tortured for thousands of years? It must have taken a lot of effort for you to kill them!"

"It didn't take much effort, it's just that you are stupid."

Fang Zhen's eyes shrank: "Silver God is willing to tell you the core secrets of the Nether Tower. What method did you use?"

Zhuo Yifan couldn't help laughing, Yinshen knew Mao's secret, and that guy was just a big fool. He didn't expect that a shrewd person like Fang Zhen would be fooled.

Of course, even if they wanted to forcibly recognize the Lord, they couldn't do it, because Zhuo Yifan's divine sense left over from his previous life was very secret, and no one except Zhuo Yifan could sense it.

Because he is just a mass of pure soul energy without any consciousness.

It is simply impossible to find a group of unconscious souls from the endless Nether Tower.

Of course, it is impossible for Zhuo Yifan to tell Fang Zhen these secrets. The secrets of the Nether Tower are of great importance and should not be disclosed.

Zhuo Yifan can make an old fox like Yinshen succumb, and can make a madman like Sword Devourer willingly sacrifice his sword intent. Fang Zhen can't help but be deeply shocked by his means. Facing Zhuo Yifan, he dare not be careless at all. .

But Fang Zhen believes that with his peak strength in the Mahayana period, it is still easy to deal with Zhuo Yifan. The only worry is that Zhuo Yifan will turn around and flee into the desert. If he enters it, he will be in big trouble. The reason for the hesitation.

Zhuo Yifan knew Fang Zhen's thoughts well. He deliberately appeared on the edge of the desert to leave a way out for himself. In case he lost to this beast, he could take a risk. Don't even think about being spared.

Fang Zhen observed Zhuo Yifan, and the more he watched, the more surprised he became.

This kid actually made himself a little bit hard to see right now, he seemed to be shrouded in a faint mist, like a dream, and even with his peak Mahayana strength, he couldn't see through it.

Just when he was in doubt, Zhuo Yifan suddenly disappeared in place.

Fang Zhen's heart froze, this kid was faster than himself at close range, how could this be possible?

A warning sign rose in his heart, Fang Zhen's body turned into a cloud of black smoke, and teleported out.


As soon as he teleported out, he heard a sky-shattering roar coming from his ears. This roar was like 1 tweeters singing directly in the depths of his soul, which made his soul tremble, and his eyes were in a trance for a while.

not good!

Fang Zhen was shocked, and quickly used his magic power to deploy several defenses in front of him.


A fist containing flames bombarded out of the void and hit his heart directly. The violent hot breath rushed into his body at once, making him let out a muffled groan.

Fang Zhen stepped back again and again, waving his hands wildly, and black walls kept appearing in front of him, forming a solid defense.

"Break the boundary with one thought, break it for me!"

At this moment, Zhuo Yifan's combat power was at full strength, and the sword intent in his whole body was condensed into a peerless sword. With a single thought, he used it to break through the boundary. Immediately, the human sword merged into one, like a drill with super power, spinning and sprinting out!

[515 is coming soon, I hope to continue to hit the 515 red envelope list, and by May 5th, the red envelope rain can give back to readers and publicity works.A piece is also love, it must be better! 】

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