super unscrupulous student

7601 - The rules of cheating

It was an old man in white robes who looked like a fairy, with unfathomable strength, as if appearing out of thin air, without any warning.

"Little brother, let's just stop here! The Holy Land of the Immortals must not be desecrated!"

The old man looked at Zhuo Yifan with a benevolent smile, looking like an amiable grandfather.

Zhuo Yifan was stunned for a moment: "Shangxian Holy Land? Excuse me, old man, what is this place? I'm new here, please forgive me for any offense."

Seeing how powerful the old man is, Zhuo Yifan didn't dare to be careless, and said respectfully.

There was an amiable aura about this old man, which made Zhuo Yifan feel warm in his heart as if he saw his grandfather.

"Hehe, little friend, don't you know what this place is?" The old man was obviously taken aback: "I thought that little friend also came here to seek the fairy fate, it seems that unintentionally inserting willows and willows into shades, this is the real thing. True fate!"

"Xianyuan? Please senior point out the maze." Zhuo Yifan's heart moved, he quickly corrected his attitude, and saluted respectfully.

He believed in his own feeling that the old man was definitely not a bad person, at least any warning from the Devil's Heart reputation proved that the old man had no malice towards him.

"Hehe, this place is called the Three Immortals, and it is a well-known holy place of immortal fate in the Three Realms. Every year, many monks come to find the immortal fate, but unfortunately none of them can succeed. But this is only the outermost part of the Three Immortals. The spiritual veins are also the smallest, if you just want to explore, you can go to some places near the central part, where the spiritual veins are mature and can be mined in moderation."

Zhuo Yifan blinked and rubbed his head vigorously, a little unbelievable: "This is the legendary Three Sacred Mountains? Senior, you didn't lie to me, did you?"

"Three Sacred Mountains?" The old man's eyes flashed brightly, and he said with a smile: "There is nothing to hide, every few years, there will be some monks who come here by chance, everyone looks for immortality, discusses Taoism, and together Pursue the road of eternal life, we are friends with each other."

Zhuo Yifan said excitedly: "So, senior, you are also looking for the fairy fate? But since you are looking for the fairy fate, why do you stay at this fringe place?"

"Since it is a fairy fate, of course we can't guess it with common sense. Those who are destined will meet each other. It has nothing to do with when you arrive or where you are." The old man's words were so unpredictable that Zhuo Yifan Some are in a daze.

"Seeing that you are new here, you probably don't know anything, so I'll explain it to you carefully, so as not to cause trouble after you go deep." The old man seemed to be pleasing to Zhuo Yifan, and said kindly.

Zhuo Yifan asked suspiciously: "Didn't you always say that everyone here is a friend, and everyone discusses progress with each other? How can it be dangerous to listen to your old meaning?"

The old man smiled: "Whether a monk is cultivating the body or borrowing strength from the law, he cannot do without fighting. Power has the property of destruction in essence, especially when it is controlled by an emotional animal like a human. Be careful, and great damage will be done."

"There are people, so naturally there will be fights. After all, everyone has different cultivation concepts. Some people want to pursue the ultimate power and enjoy the pleasure of wanton destruction, while others want to pursue the true meaning of life. When they gather together, conflicts are inevitable. .”

Zhuo Yifan said in surprise: "But what does this have to do with me? I'm not here to fight."

"All those who seek immortal fate are both friends and competitors. Because of the inheritance of the three saints, only one person can get it." The old man looked at Zhuo Yifan with a smile and said.

"Didn't you say that the closer you are to the Three Sacred Mountains, the faster you can practice? Dare I ask senior where are the Three Sacred Mountains? I have no intention of being immortal, but I just want to use the power of fairy spirits to break through the current realm." Zhuo Yifan sincerely Said.

In fact, he never dreamed that without Li Li's guidance, he would come to the Three Immortals by mistake. It is said that the Three Sacred Mountains are on this magical planet. Since he came to this plane, no matter what Going to try it too.

The old man took a deep look at Zhuo Yifan and said, "This is the first time I've seen someone come to the Three Sacred Mountains, and they didn't come here for the inheritance of the Three Sacred Mountains. But if you want to use the power of the gods on the Holy Mountain to break through As for myself, I also want to be close to the Holy Land, and it is inevitable that I will meet other immortals."

"Does the junior need to pay attention to anything?" Zhuo Yifan's heart moved.

"The entire Sanxian star is the dojo for the three saints to practice. Although the three immortals ascended to the fairyland, this holy place has been completely preserved. Not only are there spiritual veins everywhere, but there are also various rare birds and animals. It is a sacred place for cultivation in the minds of monks."

"However, although the Three Sacred Mountains have abundant resources, they also have their own rules. Anything that belongs to the Three Immortals cannot be taken away unless you can break the void and ascend to the Immortal Realm!" The old man said here, with a half smile He glanced at Zhuo Yifan.

Zhuo Yifan was stunned for a moment, but he didn't take it seriously: "Senior may be a bit alarmist, but this junior doesn't understand why things that belong to the Three Immortals cannot be taken away, can you explain in detail?"

"This is the exclusive rule of the Three Immortals. All things return to their source, and energy is conserved. That's what it means. Only by giving more than receiving can you be recognized by the Three Immortals' heaven and earth rules, and you can come and go freely. Don't even think about breaking through this space and leaving this plane."

Zhuo Yifan finally understood, and he was taken aback. According to what the old man said, wouldn't he have to pay for his death for digging several spiritual vein mines?

And a lot of spirit stones were eaten by Huabai, where would I go to find so many spirit stones to compensate?

"Senior, are you kidding me! Even if the compensation is paid, who will it be paid to? The Three Immortals have already ascended, so is it possible that they can still manage the affairs of the lower realm?"

"Little friend's knowledge is still at the level of an ordinary monk, and he doesn't understand the real rules of heaven and earth. The reason why rules can become rules is because of his coerciveness. Anyone who is within the rules can only accept and cannot resist. "

The old man said slowly: "For example, if you have destroyed so many spiritual veins, you must make equal contributions to the Three Immortals to make up for it, otherwise you will be trapped here forever."

He blinked: "The deeper the karmic entanglement with the Three Immortals, the harder it is to leave, do you understand, little friend?"

Zhuo Yifan was stunned, now he just wanted to find Hua Bai and beat him up.

This bastard really cheated the master without discussing it!

No wonder no one moved the spiritual veins all over the place. I thought I had found a treasure, but I didn’t expect it to be someone else’s trick. It’s ridiculous that I not only got caught, but also enjoyed it. No wonder the old man always looked at him with eyes full of A smile.

"Senior, what...what should I do! What do I need to do to offset this...debt." Zhuo Yifan didn't know whether to laugh or cry, he could only think of using the word debt.

This is not an ordinary debt, but a usury!

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