super unscrupulous student

Chapter 7604 Request

"It's such a strong fairy spirit. It's more than ten times stronger than that of Jupiter when you practice here. Boss, you finally did a good job and found us such a holy place for cultivation." Lie Jiao excitedly said to Zhuo Yifan Flying back and forth, chattering non-stop.

The environment here made her extremely comfortable.

Qingyan looked at Zhuo Yifan in surprise, and said, "Xiaofan, where is this place? Why do I feel like I'm not on Jupiter anymore?"

Shui Ningrou took a deep look at Zhuo Yifan, closed his eyes and felt it, and showed a smile: "Although this plane is very rich in fairy spirit, it is definitely not the fairy world. If I guess correctly, this is The Three Immortals who are famous in the Three Realms."

"Three Sacred Mountains? This is actually the Three Sacred Mountains?" Qingyan, who was so calm, couldn't calm down anymore. She grabbed Zhuo Yifan and asked in surprise.

Zhuo Yifan nodded: "That's right, this is the legendary land of fairy fate, the Three Immortals!"

"Are we really here? Master Mo Li is also here?" Qing Yan was like a cheerful girl at the moment, smiling happily.

" fact, it wasn't Master Li who brought me in."

"Without Master Li leading the way, how did you find this place?" Qing Yan was very surprised.

"It's a long story." Zhuo Yifan saw that everyone was looking at him with concern, and he didn't hide it at the moment, telling the whole story. Although he is not good at telling stories, everyone heard his story. The experience of the ups and downs of time, I can't help being shocked and speechless.

Some people spend their whole lives, and they may not have as rich experience as Zhuo Yifan in just a few days.

And the danger and weirdness in it made everyone frown and ponder.

Mu Yuqing's eyes looking at Zhuo Yifan became slightly softer, and she found that she couldn't see through this man at all.

In this short period of time, Zhuo Yifan's strength has improved faster than teleportation, and the number of adventures he has encountered is even more unimaginable.

This is a man full of mysteries. No one will know how much potential he has.

Shui Ning judao: "Xiao Fan, are you going to practice here for a while now?"

Zhuo Yifan smiled bitterly. He didn't tell everyone about the guardian, so as not to affect everyone's emotions.

How could it be that he could leave if he wanted to?

After becoming a guardian, his mind was immersed in the world, and he really felt the contribution value that the old man said. He knew very clearly how long it would take to repay the thousand contribution value he owed, which was almost impossible for a Zhuo Yifan. accepted time.

With the current situation of the earth, let alone hundreds of years or thousands of years, even half a year may not be able to last, Zhuo Yifan is completely depressed, but he is not desperate.

Just because I can't go out doesn't mean that Shuining Rouyuan Tianba and others can't go out!

Just because they are infected with the karma of the Three Immortals does not mean that they should also be infected with the karma!

That's right, Zhuo Yifan was planning to break the jar.

As the saying goes, if you have too many debts, you don’t have to worry about it. Since you can’t pay it off in a short period of time, and there is no limit to the amount you owe, don’t worry!

On Earth, the one who owes money is the uncle!

The old man probably never imagined in his dreams that there are such brazen rascals in this world.

So at this moment, Zhuo Yifan was mixed with sorrow and joy, and his mood was very contradictory.

Wang Wang Wang!

The puppy Baibai came galloping from a distance again, pulling Zhuo Yifan's trouser legs vigorously, and dragging him towards the mountain.

Qingyan's eyes lit up, she hugged Huabai and kept lovingly petting her: "Xiaofan, is this the puppy you found from the Nether Tower? It's so cute!"

Zhuo Yifan laughed dryly, feeling bitter in his heart, it was all caused by this deceitful guy, so cute?

Xiao Huabai struggled hard, jumped to the ground, and continued to tease Zhuo Yifan.

Qingyan was stunned for a moment, although she didn't use her spiritual power, she was also a master of tribulation after all!

It's simply unbelievable that Hua Bai broke free from her embrace so easily.

Zhuo Yifan naturally understood what this guy meant, and he must have discovered another spiritual vein somewhere to induce him to commit a crime.

However, Zhuo Yifan had already broken the can and had already decided to make a big fight, so naturally he would not refuse.

The crowd followed the puppy and traveled hundreds of miles again, and came to a place where the spirit veins were located.

Shui Ningrou's complexion changed: "It's such a strong spiritual energy, there is actually a spiritual vein here? Xiaofan, you little dog is so amazing that you can find the spiritual vein."

Mu Yuqing was also taken aback: "It's so easy to find the spiritual veins, the Three Immortals really deserve to be the holy place for cultivators."

Yuan Tianba was about to swing his stick to smash it in a hurry, Zhuo Yifan was taken aback, grabbed him quickly, and said sharply: "Don't move!"

Yuan Tianba was stunned for a moment, and said aggrievedly: "Brother, I just want to help you open the mountain rock, not to grab the spirit stone with you, why are you so fierce."

Mu Yuqing sneered: "Tianba, you still want to compete with the boss for treasures, I think your brain really needs to be repaired."

Qing Yan frowned and said: "Xiao Fan is not this kind of person, he must have his own intentions in doing this."

Zhuo Yifan glanced at Qingyan with emotion, and said softly, "It's my Yan'er who understands me, unlike some people who always look at people with colored glasses and regard kindness as a donkey's liver and lungs."

Mu Yuqing sneered and said, "There is no one here for thousands of miles, and the spiritual veins are also ownerless. Why do you want to stop Tianba from mining?"

Zhuo Yifan knew that it would be impossible not to tell. If these ancestors accidentally committed a crime, it would be troublesome.

In desperation, Zhuo Yifan had no choice but to tell his experience after coming here.

Everyone looked weird, they didn't expect that the Three Immortals would have such a rule, if they did it rashly, wouldn't they be ruined?

Qingyan looked at Zhuo Yifan dully, with tears in the corners of her eyes.

Does this mean that Zhuo Yifan will never be able to get out?

"Yan'er, don't be like this, you and I are almost Mahayana people, can't you see through all this?" Zhuo Yifan smiled wryly: "Actually, I can't see through either, so I need everyone's help."

He looked at the crowd and said solemnly: "I will do everything possible to improve everyone's cultivation in a short period of time. I just ask everyone to do me a favor and protect my home and relatives."

Yuan Tianba said excitedly: "Brother, I will be where you are, and I will never leave you. Don't worry!"

Zhuo Yifan said a little speechlessly: "I am a big man, why do you want you to accompany me, you should hurry up and practice for me to the Mahayana stage, and help my brother protect the earth. I will be grateful."

"Brother, don't worry, as long as there are enough spirit stones, I can practice very quickly." Yuan Tianba was full of pride: "Whoever dares to invade your hometown, brother, I will let him come and go."

Lie Jiao also said: "As long as the resources are sufficient, I am willing to carry out the orders of the boss."

Mu Yuqing also looked at Zhuo Yifan with a complex expression, nodded and said, "I am the same, as long as the resources are sufficient, I will help you once."

"Resources? How dare you talk to me about resources?" Zhuo Yifan said angrily, "Here, all resources are mine. You can do whatever you want, and I promise you will return with full rewards."

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