super unscrupulous student

Chapter 7722 Successful Refining

From Zhuo Yifan's current point of view, this kind of magic weapon is really too low-level, as long as he is willing, he can refine as many as he wants.

After refining one by one, Zhuo Yifan became more and more proficient in sealing and assembling the formation, and the speed was also much faster.

All kinds of instruments are produced completely like textbooks.

The proficiency of Zhuo Yifan's technique is exactly the same as that recorded in "The Collection of Artifact Refining".

Because in the elementary refining chapter, the real Taiyi completely slowed down, and performed every move very accurately. Zhuo Yifan's devil's heart was simulated, and naturally there would be no deviation. This is why he has improved so much. Fast reason.

From this point of view, he is really grateful to Mo Chen. If Mo Chen hadn't prepared such a source of treasure for him 5 years ago, Zhuo Yifan would not have achieved such an achievement, or he would have died long ago.

Now, this devil's heart has devoured tens of thousands of demon soldiers, becoming stronger and stronger, and the benefits it brings to Zhuo Yifan are also obvious.

It took Zhuo Yifan a whole month to refine the basic equipment, that is, the magic weapon, and then he started to refine the magic weapon.

The magic weapon is one level higher than the magic weapon, and it is usually used by the masters of the tribulation stage. Of course, the masters of the Mahayana stage can also use it. After all, the spiritual treasures in the monk world are still extremely limited, because it is not easy to refine a spiritual treasure.

The collection of materials is one aspect, and it is also difficult to find suitable refiners.

Especially the craftsman who refines the spirit treasure is hard to find in the whole world, and the demon world is all in the hands of the eight major families. It is simply extremely difficult for ordinary monks to obtain a spirit treasure.

Even Li Li could only refine magic treasures, but not spirit treasures.

According to the records in the "Book of Refining Artifacts", as long as you understand this book thoroughly, not to mention spirit treasures, even fairy treasures can be refined.

No matter what the identity and origin of this real Taiyi is, just based on this, he is a remarkable person.

If it hadn't been for the underground incident, Zhuo Yifan would have been really hard to feel the slightest antipathy towards Daoist Taiyi.

This book is simple and easy to understand, with extremely detailed explanations, even ordinary monks with poor aptitude, as long as they follow his method, it is possible to become a craftsman.

A perverted genius like Zhuo Yifan learned faster.

After mastering the essentials, Zhuo Yifan's learning speed is very fast, which can be called amazing.

Refining a magic weapon is not as easy as refining a magic weapon. The magic circle is more complicated, the structure is more complicated, and there are higher requirements for the processing of materials.

However, Zhuo Yifan now controls the flame that is second only to Sanwei Zhenhuo. The materials refined by this kind of flame are naturally better than those refined by ordinary flames, and his perverted consciousness and split soul provide him with more precise control.

The first magic weapon that Zhuo Yifan was going to refine was for his grandfather. Zhuo Aotian had just passed the catastrophe period, but he didn't even have a magic weapon, which made Zhuo Yifan, who was full of treasures, feel a little sorry .

Although Qingyan brought back many magic weapons and artifacts, Zhuo Yifan still wanted to refine one himself as his filial piety.

This is a defensive magic weapon, or armor.

The battle armor is more complicated than the offensive magic weapon, because to protect every part of the body, it needs many parts to assemble together, and each part is a small magic weapon.

Zhuo Yifan designed it completely according to the style of the Xuanwu God Armor. There are 108 small parts in total, and a magic circle is engraved in each part. After the 108 parts are assembled, these small magic circles will be automatically connected to the Together, they form a formidable defensive formation.

This is an intermediate magic circle recorded in the "Book of Refining Weapons". It is said that as long as it has enough energy, it can even withstand a full-strength blow from a peak master in the Mahayana period.

This has crossed a big boundary.

If what the book says is true, such a battle armor will definitely become a nightmare for the enemy when it is refined.

For the materials alone, Zhuo Yifan prepared for three days and three nights.

Afterwards, he began to concentrate on refining the accessories and engraving the magic circle. He had been busy for ten days before completing all the preparations.

The last step is to assemble all the parts and carry out the last smelting to make it a whole, and it is also the time to activate the magic circle.

Many people fail in this last step, because it is necessary to assemble and smelt 108 parts together. For a craftsman, it is a very delicate job that requires strong mental power. Get this super-intensive job done.

But for Zhuo Yifan, this is all pediatrics.

He acted together with 18 distractions, all kinds of parts flew above the flames, assembled together like a jigsaw puzzle, and the flames calcined the parts regularly until all the parts were perfectly fused together.

At this time, a spiritual light suddenly lit up on the battle armor that resembled the basalt god armor. This spiritual light was like a neon light at night, gradually spreading to the entire battle armor. Immediately, the battle armor emitted a dazzling light.

A series of runes floated and swam on the battle armor, like little elves.

These runes are intertwined and intertwined, and finally linked together to form a perfect big formation "Four Pillars Xuanwu Formation"!

There is no abnormality after the formation is activated, which means that the magic weapon is successful.

Zhuo Yifan looked at this beautiful armor excitedly.

The overall look is very perfect, radiant and majestic, even if ordinary people wear it, it will add a bit of momentum.

These 108 magic circles are even more interlocking. Once deployed, they will form several powerful defensive shields, which are difficult to break through among the same level.

The strength of this battle armor is not in its defense, but that even in an environment where spiritual energy is scarce, it will not worry about the consumption of spiritual energy, because in addition to as many as 30 gathering spirit arrays, its core also has There is another mechanism, a spiritual furnace, which can be inlaid with fairy stones or spiritual crystals.

This is terrifying. The spirit crystal is like a large nuclear-powered machine, providing powerful power. For a magic weapon of this level, it is almost eternal to cooperate with the spirit-gathering array to continuously absorb energy and store it.

After thinking about it, Zhuo Yifan decided to name this battle armor "Tianyao Battle Armor". He was determined to carry forward Tianyao Group.

This battle armor, in fact, can only be regarded as the beginning.

Zhuo Yifan's idea is to create a batch of standard battle armor for the earth monks based on their characteristics. The core of the battle armor does not necessarily have to use spirit crystals, but fairy stones are enough.

One spirit crystal can be exchanged for 100 fairy stones, Zhuo Yifan didn't pay attention to this consumption at all.

With a successful start, Zhuo Yifan was out of control, and pieces of battle armor came out in an endless stream like products produced on an assembly line.

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