super unscrupulous student

Chapter 7745 Intimidation "4 more"

"Zhuo Yifan, after this period of time, you must have understood that without me, you will always be just a lonely soul, and you can't even find someone to communicate with."

Standing at the bottom of the maze, Shen Moyun proudly looked at Zhuo Yifan who was suspended in the void, and said temptingly: "But after all, you have helped me and Qingxuan before, and I don't want to do anything wrong, as long as you Promise to be loyal to me from now on, and I will set you free, even if you like Qingxuan, I can betroth her to you, what do you want?"

Almost no one can refuse this condition, which is why Shen Moyun is full of confidence.

Zhuo Yifan slowly opened his eyes. Although he couldn't move his body, he could see and hear.

"Shen Moyun, Palace Master Shen, I would like to ask, what is the relationship between you and the Qianji Clan?"

"I knew your kid would ask this question. Mo Chen told you, right? Hahaha, that kid was clever but was misled by his cleverness. He thought he had mastered the secret, but he didn't know that it was just a trick of ours. With the help of his It’s all about implementing it.”

In front of Zhuo Yifan, Shen Moyun no longer pretended to be anything, but confessed frankly.

"The real Shen Moyun, where is it?" Zhuo Yifan knew this would happen, but he still couldn't help asking.

"Shen Moyun is me, I am Shen Moyun, we have been one since we were young, I am actually a mixed blood of the Thousand Machine Race and the Human Race, so I have not inherited the pure blood of the tribe, and I cannot freely move between several carriers like them. Blink back and forth."

"But thanks to the blessing of my human bloodline, I have the ability that ordinary Qianji people don't have, that is to fuse the core source crystal of the ancient source race, which is what you call the 'devil heart', to become a true descendant of the source race. "

Zhuo Yifan asked in surprise, "Isn't the devil's heart a congenital treasure?"

"Except for you." Shen Moyun even looked at Zhuo Yifan with some envy, and continued: "You must be very confused, and I will explain it to you today. People at that time were called the Yuan Clan, and wild beasts were called the Yuan Beast. Since they had no spiritual power and magic power, how did the people at that time cultivate? What they cultivated was blood essence, the Qi of the original source, which is now Source power."

"Born at the same time as heaven and earth, they breathed and devoured the source qi, which made their blood vessels and bones contain rich source qi. It was also reasonable for the people of the source clan to cultivate blood essence at that time gone."

"The devil's heart is indeed an innate source treasure, a treasure that contains the original energy. There are two ways to obtain them. One is from cultivation, just like the current human beings cultivate Jindan Yuanying. It is the heart, they believe that the heart is the place where the energy and blood in the human body are concentrated, and is the most powerful. Under the repeated tempering of the source qi, the heart absorbs enough source qi, and will eventually transform into a source crystal."

"At this stage of cultivation, the source crystal is also the heart, and the heart is also the source crystal. There is no difference between the two, just like you are now."

Shen Moyun talked eloquently: "The second type is the innate source treasure. This kind of source treasure born in the chaos is stronger than the heart obtained from cultivation. As long as you refine it and integrate it with your own heart, It can also form source crystals."

"Now, you understand the difference! One is obtained by self-cultivation, and the other is the birth of heaven and earth. These two kinds of hearts are very powerful. Even if the source clan's powerful person falls, he can still make the heart leave his body and survive alone. It is also an alternative inheritance method of the Yuan Clan."

"Your devil's heart is the treasure of heaven and earth, thousands of times stronger than ordinary source crystals, and the source crystal I fused was left behind by the ancestors of the source clan with special methods. Naturally, the two cannot be separated at the same time. language."

Zhuo Yifan finally understood the root cause of all this, but he was still a little confused: "Since you are a descendant of Qianji, you should have known the existence of this devil's heart a long time ago. In this case, why did you lure Mo Chen to come forward?" Come to take it, instead of taking the fusion by yourself?"

"Do you think anyone can get the approval of Xiantian Origin Treasure? Even the pure source blood may not be able to get its approval, let alone me, a mixed blood?"

Zhuo Yifan said in a deep voice, "How do you know that Mo Chen can do it?"

"Mo Chen has a mysterious origin. It is said that he has been instructed by an expert. His combat power may not be worth mentioning, but his divination skills are really rare in the world. However, he never imagined that my Qianji Clan is the Yuan Clan The descendant has the means to deceive the sky, and it is not difficult for him to fall into the trap."

Although Zhuo Yifan still had doubts in his heart, he didn't know where to start for a while.

Shen Moyun looked at Zhuo Yifan appreciatively, and said, "I never thought that in just 5000 years, he would find a suitable host like you for the Devil's Heart. The degree of integration between you is unprecedented."

Zhuo Yifan was full of bitterness: "In the end, you still tricked me into becoming the big eye."

"That's right, no matter who Mo Chen chooses, as long as he integrates the devil's heart, he will reach this point."

"You tampered with the devil's heart?" Zhuo Yifan's face changed in horror.

"That's not the case. Xiantian Yuanbao has instinctive consciousness. Who can do it? However, I can rest assured that Mo Chen will take it away. Of course, there will be no precautions. Although the devil's heart cannot be manipulated, it can pretend to be a devil's heart." It is not difficult to set up a small warning device, no matter who gets the devil's heart, I will know it instantly and lock his breath."

Zhuo Yifan said coldly: "So you deliberately contacted Qingxuan and asked him to go to Xianlingzong to find me? She is also a pawn you placed?"

"She is my disciple, of course she has to listen to me, what's wrong with that?"

"But she must be very disappointed when she knows what you have done!"

"It's not important. What's important is that she succeeded, and so did I." Shen Moyun said confidently.

"No, you didn't succeed. If you succeeded, you wouldn't be here now." Zhuo Yifan looked at Shen Moyun coldly: "What else do you want from me? Devil's heart? Or this real space maze?"

"You really deserve to be the person chosen by the devil's heart. You are very smart, but unfortunately, you have been too smooth recently, and you are a little swayed. You always think that you are omnipotent, and you lack immunity to women. People like you, be honest. Say I am also confused, how did you achieve your current achievements in such a short period of time?"

Shen Moyun was also very surprised by Zhuo Yifan's rise.

Zhuo Yifan laughed and said, "Space Labyrinth, I seem to understand something. It turns out that you can't control it either. You just mastered this ancient strange array."

Shen Moyun said coldly: "That's right, now there is only one last step left, and I will be able to completely master the space maze."

"The weather is so hot that you feel drowsy. Those who haven't joined the group will join the group quickly. The total dance group is 83890380. I couldn't add it a few days ago. I just upgraded today." "

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