super unscrupulous student

Chapter 7758 The dream turned out to be true!

three days later.

Fang Xingyun appeared covered in blood, returned to Jianzong dying, and began to retreat.

Zhuo Yifan ordered that no one should disturb him.

The battle between him and Dongfang Haotian has always been a secret.

But Zhuo Yifan knew that it was impossible for Dongfang Haotian to appear again from now on.

The conspiracy of Tianjupiter has been destroyed, and Zhuo Yifan has also obtained the order to seal the sky, which completely solved the space storm in the desert. Now Tianjupiter is truly in Zhuo Yifan's hands.

The next step is to enter the Demon Race.

But before that, Zhuo Yifan still had things to do.

First of all, he must open up the space channel between the earth and Jupiter.

This opening refers to the Fengtian Order, not the outside world. For the outside world, Zhuo Yifan actually wants to completely block all space passages, leaving only one passage, which is the safest passage in the Fengtian Order .

However, to link this channel, Zhuo Yifan must find the earth in the galaxy, and then open a permanent channel.

There is only one channel that Zhuo Yifan can really control at present, and that is the Nether Tower.

But this didn't help him at all, even without the Heaven Sealing Order, he could freely enter and exit it at any time.

The only advantage is that even in the domain world of the Yuanzu, this channel will not be restricted.

In other words, if Zhuo Yifan entered a place like the three-star channel again, although his spiritual power and consciousness would still be suppressed, he could still enter and leave the Nether Tower freely.

In fact, Zhuo Yifan's energy has completely changed after possessing the Heaven Sealing Order, and he can use the source power when necessary.

But this kind of power can only be used as a trump card, because the consumption is too staggering, and it is not suitable for long-term combat at all.

Zhuo Yifan was used to being a hands-off shopkeeper, so Li Li and others were responsible for the aftermath.

However, it is not easy to find the Earth and Jupiter. The livable planets are almost exactly the same, and Zhuo Yifan has not understood the laws of the heavens and the earth of these two planets beforehand, so naturally there is no way to find them.

But when Zhuo Yifan was at a loss, Qingyan finally found time to meet him.

"Honey, are you out?" Qing Yan looked at Zhuo Yifan who suddenly appeared, her beautiful eyes were full of love.

Now that the Fairy Spirit Sect has been rebuilt and is stronger than ever, she has less regrets in her heart, and now she is very satisfied with Zhuo Yifan.

"Yan'er, you must miss me too, how can I know how to retreat because of being so selfish." Zhuo Yifan said with a chuckle: "Enjoying the beauty of life is the greatest joy in life. It's meaningless for a long time."

A blush appeared on Qingyan's face: "I'm here this time to tell you something, about the Earth Dragon family... oh!"

Before she finished speaking, she fell into Zhuo Yifan's arms.

Zhuo Yifan couldn't wait, he raised his hands and panted, "At this time, of course we have to do the most important business, and we'll talk about those trivial things later."

Qingyan's delicate body was limp, and she fell into a trap all at once.

Zhuo Yifan waved his hand, and the two disappeared at the same time, appearing directly in the main hall of the Nether Tower.

Wang Wang!

Hua Bai actually woke up at this time, smelling Zhuo Yifan's breath, it came excitedly, who knew it just entered the hall, and was slapped thousands of meters away, and squatted on the mountain screaming aggrieved stop.

"Made, I don't have any vision at all, and I don't see how long Ben has been holding back, stupid dog!"

Zhuo Yifan muttered, feeling like a hunk who had just been released from prison, the flame in his heart was burning and it was hard to suppress.

The two indulged in lingering love and sex, reaching an unprecedented new peak.

And Qingyan, who had liberated her heart knot, also became a lot wilder, and the two of them brought the dual/cultivation method to the extreme.

At this moment, the two of them got carried away and enjoyed the beauty of life to the fullest.

three days later.

The two snuggled up on the throne, looking like they hadn't finished their entertainment.

"Husband, you are really getting stronger and stronger. Hey, why do I feel that my body is stronger again?"

"That's because your husband and I are in extraordinary health now, and you and I will of course gain growth if you double-cultivate with me. It's a pity that my physique is too strong now. If I double-cultivate with my wives like before, they will definitely not be able to bear it." .”

Zhuo Yifan was already imagining the wonderful scene of going back to the earth and the girls Hu Tianhudi.

Qing Yan smiled and said: "Don't worry, the physique of the sisters is not as bad as you think. I don't know what happened, last time I went back, they all said that you have been back, husband, and you also practiced with them, making them His physique has greatly increased, and now almost all of them have broken through to the late stage of transformation."

Zhuo Yifan said disapprovingly: "How is this possible? I've been stuck here all this time. Although I really want to go back, I haven't found a suitable opportunity yet."

Qing Yan said in amazement: "But what they said is convincing, and their cultivation bases have generally improved by a few stages. I really can't think of any other reason besides dual/cultivation being able to have this effect."

Zhuo Yifan's face suddenly changed, and he said in shock: "Could it be that last time...wasn't a dream, but really returned to Earth?"

Zhuo Yifan recalled the first time he came into contact with the Tianfeng Stele, and dreamed of going back to the earth in a daze, and he couldn't help being shocked.

He always thought that experience was too weird and real, like a dream but not a dream, but now it seems that it was a real experience.

It's just amazing.

Could it be that, unintentionally, I have actually opened the passage to the earth?

Thinking of this, Zhuo Yifan turned over and sat down: "Yan'er, wait a minute, I will retreat for a while."

Qingyan nodded: "Don't worry, I will protect you."

Zhuo Yifan's heart moved, and he directly contacted the Fengtian Stele.

After the Heaven-Sealing Stele was returned to its place, the inner space became the core of the entire Heaven-Sealing Realm... a labyrinth of space.

In the maze, the space passages are stable, and the rules of the world of each planet are in order. Zhuo Yifan can intuitively feel the existence of all the rules without directly entering.

But here, no matter what you do, you must consume your source power.

However, with the existence of source beasts and large formations, Zhuo Yifan would not lack source power within Feng Tianling.

As soon as his heart moved, the power of his mind enveloped the entire maze of space, and he began to search for it.

That faint fluctuation, although weak, is still familiar.

What Zhuo Yifan has to do is to find the feeling of last time again and find the previous route.

But it's a pity that no matter what Zhuo Yifan does, he can't realize the feeling he had at the beginning again, let alone find the earth from the rules of hundreds of planets.

This made Zhuo Yifan very melancholy. It was a pity for him that he could not understand the rules of the earth and establish a safe space channel.

With the improvement of strength and the expansion of vision, Zhuo Yifan also understood the heavy responsibility on his shoulders.

You can't protect the one you love by yourself.

The only way is to let relatives and loved ones have a certain ability to protect themselves.

Staying on the earth for a long time may be possible for a while, but it is definitely not a long-term solution.

Whether they are willing or not, there is no doubt that everyone has embarked on the path of cultivation. This path is not only long, but also accompanied by endless dangers. No one dares to say that they can grow old smoothly.

Even Zhuo Yifan, even if his combat strength is comparable to that of a real immortal, he dare not say that he can definitely protect his relatives and friends from harm.

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