super unscrupulous student

Chapter 7764 Zhuoye's change

Why Bizheng and others led all the demon masters and resources into the Nether Tower collectively.

Under the command of several great generals and masters, these masters of the demon race were separated, and according to the situation of the sect, they formed a demon world Tianyao company!

The nether world is comparable to the planet Jupiter, with a vast territory and countless treasures of all kinds of geniuses and treasures. This mere [-] demons entered, it was like a small drop of water flowing into the sea, without any waves.

According to Zhuo Yifan's arrangement, everyone set up a mountain gate thousands of miles away from the main hall.

Zhuo Yifan fully handed over the specific matters to He Bizheng.

After these [-] demon masters disappeared on Jupiter, the situation on Jupiter became even more tense.

The remaining demon army was in a state of panic all day long.

Zhuo Yifan didn't take any action to kill them. These demons happened to be the training objects of the disciples of the Immortal Spirit Sect.

And all the space passages were blocked by Zhuo Yifan.

Places that cannot be destroyed, directly set up a killing array. Once someone dares to cross over, it will definitely be close to death.

Since then, Jupiter and the earth have emerged, completely isolated.

Except for the space channel Zhuo Yifan has mastered, there is no way to come and go.

To put it simply, there is no problem with the safety of these two planets for the time being, unless a super expert uses his power to forcibly open a passage.

But if that's the case, Zhuo Yifan will definitely be the first to sense it.

If you want to sneak into these two planets like before, even a fairy can't do it.

Zhuo Yifan handled these things very quickly, and there was only one passage left on Jupiter to the Demon Realm, and it was still under He Bizheng's control, so it was easy to destroy.

As for the space passages in other places, Mo Liqingyan is the clearest, and told Zhuo Yifan in detail very early on, and Zhuo Yifan just waved his hands to deal with it.

His current attainments in formations have far surpassed Li Li and the others, reaching the limit of a monk in the Mahayana period.

After dealing with everything, Zhuo Yifan returned to the Nether Tower with a thought.

But at this moment, Xia Yun woke up faintly.

As soon as she woke up, she was startled. Why did she feel that her strength had directly risen to a higher level after waking up, and a mysterious feeling came from her heart.

He looked at Zhuo Yifan in shock: "Honey, I... seem to be going through a catastrophe!"

Zhuo Yifan said disapprovingly: "Then let's cross."

"But, I'm a little worried, is this too fast?" Xia Yun was surprised and delighted.

"Don't be afraid, with your husband here, crossing the catastrophe is just like playing." Zhuo Yifan chuckled, and took out a ring: "You refine this set of equipment first."

Xia Yun swept his consciousness and said pleasantly: "What a beautiful battle armor and flying sword, these are top magic weapons, they are too extravagant."

This is Zhuo Yifan's tailor-made growth magic weapon for his women, and it is at the same level as Zhuo Aotian's.

This kind of high-level magic weapon is indeed too high-level for the current Xia Yun.

But if it is refined, it will undoubtedly increase its combat power, and there is no suspense about crossing the catastrophe.

On the heart demon side, Zhuo Yifan's soul hinted that the heart demon robbery is destined to be safe and sound, on the defense side there is the Tianyao battle armor, and on the offensive side there is the Tianyao flying sword.

It can be said that with such a set of magic weapons on his body, Xia Yun can now make a few gestures with Zhuo Aotian, and a tribulation from the stage of transforming gods to the stage of crossing the catastrophe is just like playing.

Let Xia Yun refine the battle armor and flying sword inside, and Zhuo Yifan returned to his home on Earth with peace of mind.

This hall is the core of the Nether Pagoda, which is equivalent to the Tianfeng Stele in the Fengtian Order. Outsiders can't see his existence at all. Except for Zhuo Yifan, no one can enter it, so there is no need to worry about safety issues.

When Zhuo Yifan appeared in the garden, he saw Hua Bai running and playing with Zhuo Ye, having a great time.

Zhuo Yifan couldn't help but nodded secretly, this stupid dog was supercilious, basically he wouldn't interact with people who looked down on him, and he was willing to play with Zhuo Ye, obviously he also thought that Zhuo Ye was not a mortal.

Seeing Zhuo Yifan, Hua Bai immediately rushed over and rubbed against Zhuo Yifan's feet in a fawning manner.

Zhuo Ye walked over with a calm face, lowered his head and said respectfully: "Father."

Zhuo Yifan sighed softly: "Ye'er, you don't have to be like this. What happened in the past few years to make you like this?"

Although Zhuo Ye looked very mature and obedient, Zhuo Yifan felt a little distressed.

Children aged six or seven are the cutest and most naughty age. They are full of vigor and interest in everything.

In their life, there is only joy, never having anything to do with sorrow.

But the current Zhuo Ye is not as innocent as a child of the same age at all, but is as mature and stable as an adult.

"Father, don't worry, I'm fine." Zhuo Ye said unhurriedly, with a calm tone and no fluctuations.

Zhuo Yifan smiled wryly and said, "How could I not be worried, you are my only child."

"It's just now, in the future you will have more children, and they will all be cuter and smarter than me." Zhuo Ye said lightly.

Zhuo Yifan was speechless.

With his spiritual sense detection, everything in Zhuo Ye was normal, and there was nothing unusual, which only showed that he was so indifferent by nature.

Although having a well-behaved and obedient child has always been the wish of every parent, Zhuo Yifan still hopes that his child can enjoy the life of a normal child and grow up happily.

Although it was Zhuo Ye's nature, Zhuo Yifan still felt guilty.

I haven't been by his side during this period of time, and more than three years have passed in a flash, but the naughty boy in my impression has completely changed.

This change made Zhuo Yifan a little sad.

If possible, he would rather accompany his son to grow up slowly, rather than this kind of rapid growth.

Yes, it feels to Zhuo Yifan that Zhuo Ye's growth has been shortened several times, and the child who is only six years old is not much different from Zhuo Yifan's thinking.

This once again proves that he is a super genius from another aspect, but this is definitely not the Zhuo Ye that Zhuo Yifan wants to see.

"Father, I have something to ask." Zhuo Ye did not leave, but looked at Zhuo Yifan with firm eyes: "I want my gift."

"Your gift?" Zhuo Yifan was stunned for a moment, feeling an inexplicable soreness in his heart: "Ye'er, you are still young, that thing is not suitable for you."

It was a brocade box obtained from Hongluo Temple in the past.

There is a bunch of Buddhist beads inside, which contains huge Buddhist power.

What Zhuo Yifan had been worrying about finally happened.

He used to think that it would take at least 20 years for this to happen, but now, Zhuo Ye was only six years old, so he offered to ask for the box.

Could it be that everything was preordained in the dark?

Zhuoye, do you really have a relationship with Buddha?

First, the golden light protecting him from an eminent monk in the Buddhist world entered his body to protect him, and then he was the only one who could open the brocade box, and what was placed in the box turned out to be a Buddhist treasure as well.

All these seem to show that Zhuo Ye has a predestined relationship with Buddha.

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