super unscrupulous student

Chapter 7781 Demon Race Space Channel

"This is the only passage left now, and it is the most dangerous. If you enter before the Mahayana period, you will definitely have a narrow escape." He Bizheng explained: "The demon world is very wide, with hundreds of planetary planes, but each planetary plane has A mysterious channel is connected to the main body, like a big ball with countless pipes, connecting countless small balls in the distance."

"The eight major families occupy the best location, which is the main body of the Demon Realm. The other small families can only live on some small planets around the main body. Our He family is on an asteroid in the territory of the dark family."

Why Bizheng took out a star map. This star map is like a 3D stereoscopic picture, which can clearly and three-dimensionally display the contents inside, and can be zoomed in and out at will. The records are extremely detailed.

"This is the galaxy map made by the ancient Qianji clan." He Bizheng looked at Zhuo Yifan staring at the star map and explained: "This is also the only valuable treasure I brought out from the family. Let me not get lost in the starry sky, after all, there are many barren planets in the starry sky, and some of them are full of endless dangers."

He Bizheng stretched out his hand and pointed at a planet, saying: "This is our He family's planet, its area is smaller than that of Jupiter, and there are several magic mines on it, but it has to pay tribute to the Dark family every year, so I earn very little. "

Zhuo Yifan frowned and said, "Isn't this like a retainer in disguise?"

"If it's a retainer, in fact, it's not even a retainer. He won't help you if you have difficulties, but your annual offerings are indispensable. Once there are fewer, the higher-ups will be furious and send people to punish them. This is the same as There is no difference between slaves, the small family is a group of slaves raised by the eight major families, they mine for them, create wealth for them, and provide soldiers.”

Zhuo Yifan was surprised: "Is there no one to resist?"

"Why not, it's just that all the families who resisted disappeared quietly into the long river of history in the end." He Bizheng smiled wryly: "They can cultivate any family to replace them."

Zhuo Yifan's heart froze: "How is the strength of the dark family?"

He Bizheng looked deeply at Zhuo Yifan, and uttered four words: "Unfathomable."

Zhuo Yifan was taken aback for a moment, and his face changed: "How about it?"

"On the surface, it seems that their strength is only stronger than that of the small family, but once a war breaks out, they can always destroy their opponents with destructive momentum. According to legend, in addition to the holy ancestors, there are real demons in their family, but It doesn’t usually appear, only when there is a big war or when the family is alive or dead, it will be shot.”

"A real devil master?" Zhuo Yifan pondered for a while, but suddenly smiled, and said with pride: "It seems that I haven't killed a real devil yet, and it must be very cool to have a chance to kill a real devil."

Why Zheng was taken aback, if someone else said that, he would have slapped him long ago, but Zhuo Yifan said that, he firmly believed it.

If even the dark magic body can't do it, who can do it?

Moreover, Zhuo Yifan's strength has completely deterred He Bizheng. Although it seems that his realm is higher than Zhuo Yifan's, he understands that if he is an enemy of Zhuo Yifan, Zhuo Yifan has at least ten ways to make him stand in front of him. Died instantly.

Therefore, he believed everything Zhuo Yifan said unconditionally and without reason.

Zhuo Yifan said he could kill the real demon, so he must be able to.

The lightning kept moving, crackling and crackling, and it took a full hour for it to subside, revealing a crack.

"It's now, let's go."

Why Bizheng shouted loudly and flew towards the crack first.

The two had already entered the crack, and there was a rumbling sound, and there was a sudden change in front of them. In the sky, the lightning as thick as a bucket was tearing through the void, and it fell like an electric whip.

He Bizheng was shocked: "What's the matter, didn't the channel stop fluctuating? Why is it so chaotic inside? Xiaofan, go!"

"Don't worry, Little Lightning can't help me."

Zhuo Yifan glanced at the lightning casually, and reached out to grab it.


In the void, a terrible gap suddenly opened, swallowing the lightning.

The lightning disappeared a hundred feet away from the two of them.

He Bizheng's eyes lit up, and he said happily: "Xiaofan, you... have actually comprehended the rules of space? Even if I'm about to cross the catastrophe, I don't understand it as deeply as you do!"

To become a true immortal, the most important thing is to understand the rules of space.

Why Bizheng is now at the peak of the Mahayana period, and can barely touch this mysterious rule.

As long as he truly comprehends the rules of his own space and makes the barrier evolve, it will conform to the rules of heaven and earth and trigger the catastrophe. Through the rules of heaven and earth, ascend to the upper realm.

For Mahayana masters, this is the goal they pursue throughout their lives.

It's just that the rules of space are invisible and qualityless, so it's not easy to understand them?

Zhuo Yifan is extremely lucky, he has a higher level of understanding, that is the rule of heaven and earth.

Moreover, other people's comprehension of the rules is based on groping and the experience of predecessors, just like a blind man walking on a mountain road, if he makes a mistake, he will be smashed to pieces, but Zhuo Yifan can use the devil's heart and Fengtian order to directly "see "The change and formation of regular silk threads is no different from walking with headlights on, very safe and fast.

Naturally, this is not what He Bizheng can imagine.

Zhuo Yifan smiled slightly: "Brother, don't worry, when the time comes, you will naturally realize it. At least, our two brothers will ascend to the real world together."

He Bizheng's eyes lit up, and he said in surprise, "Xiaofan, is what you said true?"

Zhuo Yifan nodded solemnly: "Of course it's true, don't you want to ascend to the Real Demon Realm to have a look, big brother?"

"Think, think, even dream!" He Bizheng was very excited: "But Xiaofan, you also know that my big brother is full of demons, and it is very difficult to survive the catastrophe."

Zhuo Yifan laughed loudly: "Brother, a man, how can you be timid, since you have a dream, you have to work hard to realize it, besides, don't you still have me as a brother?" He blinked: "I am your most solid backing. "

He Bizheng smiled happily: "Brother, I feel relieved. These family thieves in the devil world are like vampires, oppressing and exploiting the lower classes, and taking what they give. Take the dark family first."

Zhuo Yifan said: "The most urgent thing is to restore your status in the family, big brother. What's lost, big brother must take it back with his own hands."

While talking, Zhuo Yifan cast the magic formula at will, his handprints moved mysteriously, and a series of wonderful forces wrapped him and He Bizheng, but there were no gaps in the void, and lightnings were swallowed in one after another.

The seemingly frantic space channel is like another world.

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