super unscrupulous student

Chapter 7794 Bone Troll

Why bother to be angry? There are four Mahayana stage masters on one side.

This is his confidence to dare to fight.

The difference in strength between the two sides does not seem to be that big, and Why Binu is even stronger here.

Battles of this level cannot be intervened in the tribulation stage, and the battles between masters are prone to earth-shattering, and the quantity can't make up for the lack of quality.

But it was obvious why Bozheng didn't want to destroy the city, after all, his purpose was to occupy, not kill and destroy.

Therefore, the two sides came to outer space with a tacit understanding and directly engaged in the Star Wars.

Both parties were fully focused, not daring to be pulled into the barrier by the other party.

This caused all eight of them to open the barrier, but did not fight in the barrier.

At this time, the enchantment is like a layer of armor, tightly surrounding the master.

Although this kind of protection is very labor-intensive, no one dares to remove it for their own safety.

This has also turned into a war of attrition in disguise.

It is estimated that whoever's energy is exhausted first will be unlucky.

With little difference in strength, the battle between the eight people was nothing special.

The two sides were evenly matched, and the sky was dark.

Why bother to be angry when confronting an enemy of life and death.

However, Niu Ben, Black Heart Demon, and Jiao Kuang met the elders of the He family and started a scuffle.

"Why Bizheng, you bastard, you managed to escape with your life but don't cherish it. How dare you collude with outsiders and offend my He family? Today is your death day." Why bother, it exploded directly.

He Bizheng was even angrier than him, looking at He Bizheng, he wanted to eat him.

"Why should you be angry, you shameless villain, for the sake of being the head of the family, you actually killed your own younger brother, are you still human?"

"Hahaha, I don't have such a younger brother. According to the family rules, I am the eldest son, and I am the first heir. Have you ever thought about my feelings?" He Binu said crazily: "I just took back what belongs to me, why Biku shouldn't have come to this world."

"But he is your own younger brother!" He Bizheng took a long breath and said in pain, "You crazy and shameless person, I will avenge Biku today."

"It's ridiculous, my brother? I think he is your brother. Why does he fight against me and defend you? You are just a **** picked up by a bitch. If he didn't defend you You, I've killed you hundreds of times, but it's not too late, after waiting for so long, I finally got this chance, so go down and accompany my poor brother! Kill!"

He Bizheng roared angrily: "Shameless villain, you know how to sneak attack."

He slammed a palm behind him, black clouds billowed, and black air surged within a hundred meters, as if it were real.

"It's been hundreds of years and I still haven't made much progress. If you want to trap me like this, you underestimate me too much!"

He Bi snorted angrily, a phantom flashed out from the pitch-black world, stretched out his hand and grabbed He Bizheng.

These claws looked like white bones, each one gleaming with a deep light, and the claws were full of magic and very sharp.


With a sharp howl, the void seemed to be split open by this grab, revealing a mark visible to the naked eye.

He Bizheng snorted coldly: "Your bone claws are much stronger, you should have killed a lot of people!"

While he was talking, he teleported a thousand meters away, avoiding the attack of the bone claws.

"Of course, I slaughtered the continent where you were born, which has a total population of 100 million. If you want to blame, blame their ancestors for not killing you back then, leaving you as a scourge, which affects my mood." Why bother to blame Laughing, extremely evil: "So if you want to go back to your hometown to pay homage, you don't have to bother, because the people there all died because of you, and their ghosts will never forgive you."

"Bastard, I will capture you today and torture you!"

Why Bizheng spewed out a mouthful of angry blood, and his eyes turned red immediately.

"Why, as a demon, you still retain your hypocritical humanity? You and He Biku are indeed the same kind, both so pedantic and hateful!"

He Bi said angrily, making He Bizheng feel any discomfort or pain, it gave him a perverted pleasure.

"Taste the white bone troll nourished by my millions of essence and blood!"

He Binu directly threw the bone claws in his hand.

The sharp claws flew into the starry sky, exploded suddenly, and transformed into a white bone giant with a height of one hundred feet.

This giant is actually made up of skeletons, densely packed, and the terrifying ghost fire is sprayed out of the hollow eyes, which looks shocking.

This hundred-foot body is made up of skeletons, and I don't know how many people have been killed.

Around his neck was a necklace made of skeletons, and in his hand was a long knife that was tens of feet long. On the long knife, there was a blazing fire.

This giant stood in the starry sky, and his aura was everywhere in a radius of a hundred miles, which made people feel chills in their hearts.

Why bother laughing angrily: "Why bother, the bone troll is strong enough to contend with the real devil, you'd better suffer and die obediently!"

As soon as the bone troll Pu appeared, he beat his chest angrily, made a loud bang, opened his mouth wide, and howled to the sky.

He Binu waved his hand, and a space ring flew in front of the bone troll.


The ring exploded, revealing a mountain of corpses and blood inside.

All of them turned out to be people who had just died!

The bone troll opened its mouth excitedly, and swallowed it in big mouthfuls.

The corpses of countless people were chewed up by him, and turned into blood, flowing down with the bones, and they were quickly rendered into a blood man.

"The sacrifice of 1 untouchables is just enough to feed a troll. These people died because of you. Why bother, if you feel guilty, why don't you commit suicide and apologize?"

"Why be angry, you are simply not human!"

Why bother to tremble with anger.

Why bother to be angry is simply a waste of human life. His hands are covered with blood, and he doesn't know how many innocent people he killed.

After the bone troll had finished his feast, two blood-red rays of light burst out from the huge eyes made of skeletons, piercing into the sky.


The bone troll uttered a loud beast roar, and looked at He Bizheng suddenly, his scarlet eyes shone on He Bizheng's body, and the next second, he jumped up, raised the blood-red bone sword high in his hand, and slashed at the head And down.

This blade light directly tore apart the [-]-meter void, as if dividing the dark starry sky into two halves, and directly charged towards He Bizheng.

Locked by those scarlet eyes, Why Bozheng felt a powerless sense of fear in his heart, like returning to his childhood, when he was hunting in the mountains, an ignorant child, facing a beast that could tear an adult, that kind of Fear and helplessness penetrate the depths of the soul.

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