super unscrupulous student

Chapter 7796 Why Binu's fate "4 more"

He Binu was constantly consuming his own resources, using all available means to flee wildly in the direction of the troll.

He Bizheng sneered again and again, and had no intention of giving up.

Where the two fought, there was chaos, energy surged, and the sound of magic weapons breaking could be heard from time to time.

He Binu is both angry and heartbroken. For this war, he brought almost all the applicable treasures in the family treasure house with him. These treasures are the foundation of the He family, but now, they are destroyed one by one.

"Why bother, you are too deceitful, you have the guts to fight my bone troll, wait for me to come to him, and see how you die."

"Hmph, what an idiot." He Bizheng snorted coldly, disapproving.

The two jumped and teleported in the void at a very fast speed. Soon, He Binu felt the aura of the bone troll. He was overjoyed and spewed out a mouthful of blood, teleported, and escaped.

He Binu didn't chase after him, but walked out of the void, shook his head and said, "I told you you're an idiot."

Why bother and ecstatically teleported to the bone troll's shoulder, thinking in his heart that it was very dangerous, his armor defense was exhausted, and he could no longer withstand a blow with all his strength. With the bone troll, why bother to fight? It won't be that easy to kill himself unless he can defeat the troll.

However, within a second of his complacency, his entire expression froze completely.

I saw the bone troll standing in the void, still so tall and mighty, but this starry sky was no longer the starry sky he was familiar with.

Huge and incomparably huge chains, with fiery hell flames on them, passed through the troll's heart and limbs, binding him tightly.

From a distance, this giant looks like it is wrapped in circles of gauze, which looks very funny.

These chains are deeply rooted in the pitch-black earth, and they don't know where they lead, but a huge force comes from the chains, and that force makes He Binu tremble all over.

The bone troll Baizhang's body was covered with chains like this, binding him like a rice dumpling.

"This... what the hell is going on here?"

"Welcome to Nether Tower, I have been waiting for you for a long time." Zhuo Yifan appeared in front of the troll with a smile on his face, and that smile fell into He Bi's angry eyes, which was unspeakably annoying.

"Zhuo Yifan, you didn't die?" Why bother to be angry, his heart sank, Zhuo Yifan didn't die, the ancestor...

He suddenly didn't dare to think about it anymore, the result was too shocking, beyond his cognition.

"Of course I'm not dead. Do you think I look like a short-lived ghost?" Zhuo Yifan said with a smile: "I like to see this kind of shocked expression on the enemy's face. I thought I had hope, but I didn't expect it to be a trap."

"This is impossible, how did you control the troll? It is invincible under the real devil!" He Binu cried in disbelief.

Even if he had to face the bone troll head-on, he was beaten into a mess. Why did Zhuo Yifan subdue the troll so quickly?

"Ignorant people always use their own benchmarks to measure others. In fact, what I want to say is, welcome to hell, because from this moment on, you will become the first prisoner in the real sense of this space together with the trolls .”

The figure of He Bizheng appeared in the Nether Tower, standing behind Zhuo Yifan, looking at him quietly.

"Why bother, you really followed a good master, but it's a pity that **** is **** and will never be on the stage. It's a dream that you want to seize the power of the family. No one will stand by your side of."

Why bother to stare coldly at the murderous intent: "I hope they don't stand by me, because only in this way can I have an excuse to kill. Those who refuse to accept, just kill. Isn't this the dogma you believe in?"

Why bother to be angry and startled and angry, from the moment he rushed towards the bone troll, he lost any chance of escape.

Now he understood that Zhuo Yifan used the bone troll as bait to catch himself directly.

Even a super soldier like the bone troll has no power to resist, let alone him.

"Brother, how do you want to deal with him." He Binu is the biggest knot in He Bizheng's life, and it's better to leave this kind of matter to him.

"Why bother, kill me if you have the guts, kill me, you are the family's biggest sinner, you will suffer endless curses from your ancestors, and you will never be able to get rid of it."

Why bother shouting hoarsely.

Now he is really scared!

Standing on the troll's shoulders, he seemed to be controlled by a mysterious force, and he couldn't even move a footstep.

The chains of flames twisted and twisted around the troll, absorbing his life energy.

"I said that I want you to be tortured forever, so I won't kill you for the time being, and it's hard for you to die." He looked at He Binu with a gloomy look, and his eyes made people feel frightened.

Zhuo Yifan's heart moved, the earth trembled, and the huge chain was pulled forward and downward.


The troll suddenly fell to his knees, smashing the earth into a terrifying deep pit.

But nothing happened to the chain, it remained unbreakable.

A stronger suction force came, and the flames on the chains became more intense, and the troll's million souls suddenly let out an extremely shrill scream.

The collection of these cries is enough to make people lose their minds and become lunatics.

But Zhuo Yifan controlled the chain and aimed the voice directly at He Binu.

From then on, He Binu will always be tortured by the wronged souls that come to the depths of his soul, and will share their suffering.

The bright red chains continued to burn, and the skulls shattered and exploded one by one. The bone troll let out a silent howl of soul and struggled frantically.

Even when He Bizheng looked at it, he was shocked.

"As long as the Nether Tower exists for a day, his suffering will continue for a day without end." Zhuo Yifan looked at He Binu coldly, without any softening of his heart.

He Binu couldn't speak at this moment, the pain in body and the torment in soul came together, no matter how strong a person was, he couldn't bear it.

But this is just the beginning.

This chain is connected to the core magic circle of the Nether Tower, which extracts the most terrifying Nine Nether Demon Fire from the Nine Nether Abyss, and burns the soul without stopping.

In the Nether Tower, Zhuo Yifan is like a real god, he can use the power of the Nether Tower to do anything, of course, only in the tower.

For example, now, when he stretched out his finger, the space suddenly changed drastically, forming a canyon abyss as high as a thousand feet.

This mountain peak weighed heavily on the Bone Troll's body, causing him to kneel under the ground forever, and the chain passed through its body, tightly connected to the mountain peak.

Unless Zhuo Yifan takes action himself, it will be trapped here forever.

And why bother to be angry, needless to say, it can be said that if you can't survive, you can't survive.

This canyon is in the barren world one hundred thousand miles away from Tianyaozong.

A few years later, where has become the favorite place for exploration of disciples.

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