super unscrupulous student

Chapter 7819 Working Together

The giants studied around the shield, excited one by one, looking at Zhuo Yifan with hopeful eyes.

Among the Genzu, where strength is paramount, a treasure has a huge impact.

Even if the world is about to be destroyed, they cannot resist this desire that comes from the depths of their blood.

Soon, Zhuo Yifan started his second attempt, but this time, he still failed.

As a result, Tuoba Dehou also got a shield, which made everyone jealous.

Ouyang Qingzhi couldn't help but smile bitterly. These giants are really simple-minded. The world is going to be destroyed. What's the use of a powerful treasure?

Zhuo Yifan didn't do anything anymore, but sat down cross-legged, closed his eyes and felt comprehension.

It took a full day to realize this time.

Seeing that there was not much time left, everyone was anxious.

At this moment, the chaotic mist spread faster, and the area covered by it was hazy, and there were faint electric lights shuttled through it, exploding strange ripples one after another.

That is the turbulent flow of time and space, which is a hundred times more terrifying than the turbulent flow of space. If you fall into it, everything may be erased in an instant, as if you were never born.

"Hahaha, I finally figured it out." Zhuo Yifan finally opened his eyes and laughed.

Tuoba Dehou said excitedly: "My lord is mighty, but he came up with the right solution?"

With a wave of his hand, Zhuo Yifan poured out a mountain of materials from the space ring, and the piles were divided very precisely.

"Everyone act and carry out preliminary integration according to the requirements I passed on to you."

Following Zhuo Yifan's words, everyone felt that there was an extra stream of information in their minds, which was the detailed information on the fusion of materials.

Tuoba Dehou said in surprise: "My lord, we don't know how to engrave the rules of time and space. If this is refined, won't it destroy the material?"

"Don't worry, follow the steps I gave you, pay attention to controlling the temperature and time, and I will take care of the rest. Time is tight, and I can't complete the repair work by myself." Zhuo Yifan said confidently.

Tuoba wildly shouted: "Let's act together, act according to the orders of the envoy, and control the speed and heat. No one is allowed to be fast or slow."

The strength of the giants is actually quite strong, and the general Mahayana masters are not their opponents at all.

The only downside is that they don't have a devil's heart, and they can't use the power of the heart and the power of the source.

Zhuo Yifan had to complete the engraving of the rules and threads himself.

In this way, Zhuo Yifan only needs to engrave the regular silk thread at the right time, that is, when the material is formed, to make it effective, instead of doing hard work alone to do everything.

Anyway, with his current cultivation base, the engraved rules are just a sham, far inferior to the materials of the starship itself.

Soon, according to Zhuo Yifan's order, Tuoba Kuangye was the first to complete the smelting of the first piece of material.

Zhuo Yifan's eyes flickered, he strode over, moved his hands, and mysterious waves came out.

The seemingly simple Dharma seal, even strokes and strokes are extremely clear, but Zhuo Yifan seemed to be struggling, as if the rune in his hand weighed tens of thousands of catties, and it was very difficult to imprint it deeply into the material.

At this moment, the shield-shaped material suddenly changed, as if a chemical reaction had occurred, the originally solidified material suddenly became soft, and every part, even the tiniest particle, was undergoing earth-shattering changes , constant collision combination.

In an instant, it was radiant, and the original combination of several materials seemed to be reborn from the ashes, re-nirvana, full of mysterious prehistoric atmosphere.

Tuoba Dehou shouted excitedly: "This... this is the breath of the starship, the God Envoy succeeded."

Zhuo Yifan waved his hands and didn't stop. Instead, he copied the rules of the starship gap and described it completely.


One rune after another seemed to come alive, swimming in the huge shield, a piece of material that was originally ordinary, instantly full of divinity.

Zhuo Yifan grabbed the shield, shouted, and threw it directly into the sky.

The shield-shaped material rotated, bursting out with a burst of light, and the end of the gap was also induced, and the starship, which was originally lifeless, suddenly emitted the same bright light.

It was as if there was a powerful suction attracting it.


That piece of fragment was flawlessly combined with a gap in the starship, the light was flowing, and the runes were swimming like happy little tadpoles, and quickly merged into one.

"Haha, it worked!"

Tuoba Kuangye was so excited that tears were about to flow out.

A smile appeared on the corner of Zhuo Yifan's mouth.

The feeling of suddenly finding hope in a desperate situation is so sincere and touching.

With a big move, he grabbed the material smelted by Tuoba Dehou again, and began to draw.

The power of the devil's heart is staggering.

He insisted on doing a lot of things that even the heavenly and golden immortals could not do with the cultivation base of the Mahayana period.

Although it is very simple and crude, it cannot be compared with the perfect space-time rules of the starship, and even the fur of the time rules has not been touched.

But Zhuo Yifan's achievement is still a miracle.

With a good start, there is almost no difficulty for Zhuo Yifan.

Demon's heart's perfect replication ability was revealed, and Zhuo Yifan's movements became more and more pure.

The second time, the speed was [-]% faster.


There is still no error in this piece of material, even the tiniest gap is exactly the same, and it is perfectly combined with the starship.

The two pieces of material directly shortened the gap by more than ten feet.

With a good start, Zhuo Yifan copied it quickly.

One after another, the spirits constantly comprehend the gaps and details above, and deliberate on its principles. The following is a perfect copy of the comprehended rules and combines them together.

This made Zhuo Yifan couldn't help but think of a super formation that he once blocked Tian Yaoxing... Gene Matrix!

That's right, it's the genetic matrix.

Almost exactly the same structure, but interlocking.

This starship is the same. Although it contains the power of space-time rules, it is also composed of simple rules one by one, and finally becomes one.

After understanding the rules of the origin, and then integrating the gene matrix...

Zhuo Yifan's heart beat wildly.

He thought of an exciting possibility.

One day in the future, maybe I can refine a super baby like a starship.

Seeing the starship fragments produced by the assembly line, in the hands of Zhuo Yifan, continue to turn decay into magic, and perfectly integrate with the starship, everyone is full of confidence.

According to this repair speed, it should not be difficult to complete in two days.

Of course, Zhuo Yifan's consumption was also extremely astonishing.

Such precious source power and spiritual power are consumed in constant comprehension and spellcasting.

But the benefits Zhuo Yifan got were incomparable.

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