super unscrupulous student

Interrogation of elders

Zhuo Yifan frowned: "If that's the case, Patriarch Qianji should have cultivated in the Real Demon Realm, why can he only show his strength in the Mahayana stage?"

"What do you know, the ancestor practiced the transformation of thousands of machines and can transform into thousands, but his strength will be affected to a certain extent. The more incarnations, the lower the strength of each one. In order to avoid the punishment of the rules of heaven and earth, the ancestor will be transformed every day. How wise and domineering is it to control the strength of a clone under the cordon and lead an army to fight in the Three Realms. How dare you murder the clone of the ancestor, your crime is unforgivable, no matter how big the world is, there is no place for you. "

The elder laughed wildly.

Zhuo Yifan said coldly: "No matter how awesome Patriarch Qianji is, he can't save you."

"Do you know who issued the arrest warrant of the military department?" The elder said proudly: "Only the commander-in-chief has the authority to issue an arrest warrant for the entire army. They will be discovered by the ancestors, and everyone will die, it's just a matter of time."

Zhuo Yifan said in a deep voice, "Do you know why Patriarch Qianji was trapped?"

"This kind of secret is something that no one like me can know. You are so stupid to ask." The elder also knew that he would die, and said with a sneer.

The black heart demon was furious: "You dare to be unreasonable to the master, you are really impatient."

He tore off the elder's leg, put it in his mouth and started to eat it.

Even Zhuo Yifan, who was extremely nervous, was taken aback by this bloody method, and stared and said: "Black Heart Demon, what are you doing, didn't you see that there are junior sisters here, it's so bloody."

The Black Heart Demon disappeared into the void all of a sudden, and said vaguely: "I'm sorry master, I won't do this next time."

But there was still a sound of chewing, which made everyone feel a chill.

The elder screamed miserably, but found that he couldn't make a sound at all. The surrounding space was imprisoned by a strange force, so that his voice could only echo in his ears.

Zhuo Yifan said leisurely: "Look, even if you are an ant, there are strengths and weaknesses. Since you are a weak person, you must have the consciousness of a weak person."

The elder didn't expect that the low-level family that he looked down upon would have a tough day, and he gritted his teeth, but he didn't dare to be presumptuous any more.

A little pain is not terrible for this kind of master, as long as their strength is still there, it is easy to regenerate a broken limb.

But the elder was shocked to find that in this small space, his injuries could not recover, and he was bleeding continuously like an ordinary person.

"Where is the object in the picture of the An family this time, and what is An Chen's arrangement? In detail, I will give you a happy ending. If you find even the slightest lie, don't blame me for handing you over to the black heart demon. He is very happy." Be patient and wait for your limbs to grow before you chop them off, repeating forever."

Zhuo Yifan's words made the elder hard shudder deeply. It was a terrible situation to think about it. It completely became a kind of stuff called polyps in legends, and it would always be someone else's food.

No one wants to suffer from this kind of endless torture.

"An Chen commanded this operation, and all the details are in his mind. He doesn't trust anyone, and of course he will not tell us this kind of secret. The order given to us is to lead everyone directly to the first place after collecting all the experts. In the Seventh Secret Realm, there is no one to respond."

Zhuo Yifan frowned: "That's all you know? What's the use of you."

"Don't...don't, please, please forgive me. I'm just a little elder, and I usually run errands. I don't have any status at all. This time, Young Master Chen wants to obtain the secret treasure. He has been planning for a long time, so there is no room for loss. Then will tell us the truth."

"Let me ask you, since Anchen wants to obtain the secret treasure so much, why doesn't he do it quietly, instead, he goes so far as to recruit experts from various families. Isn't this telling the world that there are no treasures? Anchen would be so stupid?" Zhuo Yifan sneered.

"Young Master Chen is as wise as the sea, and no one knows his intentions." The elder trusted An Chen very much.

Zhuo Yifan's heart skipped a beat: "Did your dark family discover this news first?"

"No, it seems that a disciple of the Yin family obtained it by accident during an expedition. He didn't know why, so it spread and became known to the world."

"How much information do you know about the secret treasure?"

"It is said that it is a place where the real devil fell, and it contains the wealth of the real devil's life, and even the blood of the real devil." The elder replied honestly.

"Where is that secret treasure in the secret realm?"

"The seventh secret realm is millions of miles deep, close to the core of the Demon Realm."

"Close to Jiuyou Abyss?" Zhuo Yifan frowned in surprise.

It's not a good place, the closer to the core area, the more dangerous it is.

Under the chaotic rules, no one knows what kind of terrible opponents are lurking.

"A specific map may be available."

"No, but it is said that it is not far from Lost City No. 7. Now many masters are gathered in Lost City No. [-], ready to win the treasure. The first batch of masters from our dark family has already arrived."

"Since the masters have already arrived, why do you need mediocre people from the family below?" Zhuo Yifan's heart moved, and if he said there was no conspiracy, he would not believe it if he was killed.

"I really don't know about this. Maybe someone needs to find the way in some places. This is all you lowly families can do."

"Idiot, you dare to be so arrogant, labor and capital will eat your other leg."

The blood-red black heart demon came out of the void, and saw the elder showing his sense of superiority, and was immediately furious.

The elder trembled in fright.

He found that in the hands of Zhuo Yifan was more terrifying than in He Bizheng's hands. This young man seemed to have no contact with him, but he imprisoned his magic power and demon soul, making him unable to even blew himself up, very aggrieved.

Seeing the Black Heart Demon, thinking that he had devoured one of his legs alive, he felt sick for a while, the psychological shadow was too great.

Now seeing the black heart demon, he subconsciously wanted to stay away, but Zhuo Yifan deliberately threw him in front of the black heart demon, and said coldly: "You dark family are superior, and you treat other people as blood and slaves. It's your turn. It's really ridiculous that Anchen wants to sacrifice the top power of the big families for his own benefit, which is really a good way."

"You think too highly of yourself. With the strength of our dark family, we don't even bother to use tricks. It is a matter of time to destroy any family. Young Master Chen must have a reason for doing this, but it is definitely not to check and balance the major families. .” The elder said in a cold sweat.

Zhuo Yifan said disdainfully: "No matter what his reason is, he did this, people from the dark family must not stay."

The Black Heart Demon sneered, grabbed the elder and disappeared into the void.

A moment later, there were mournful howls in the void, making the hair stand on end.

Zhuo Yifan smiled helplessly, and quickly waved his hands to set up a small barrier to block the sound, and the faces of the girls looked a little better.

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