Although the spirit body has means to kill Zhuo Yifan, his body is trapped in the center by Zhuo Yifan, and before he kills Zhuo Yifan, Zhuo Yifan can also kill him.

Under mutual checks and balances, no one dares to act rashly.

But obviously, Zhuo Yifan was crazier and bolder than him.

"Human beings, since we check and balance each other, why don't we each take a step back, and I will let you go, and everyone will act as if nothing happened, and I will not care about your offense."

Spirit proposal.

Zhuo Yifan smiled and said, "Is it that simple?"

The spirit snorted coldly: "I have a big heart, so I don't have the same knowledge as you. You should be grateful."

Zhuo Yifan smiled even more happily: "Grateful? Hehe, it sounds like the tone of a big man. I think this part of your awakened memory should be amazing!"

The face of the spirit body changed: "Human beings, that is not something you are qualified to know. This king is here to practice intensively. You'd better not disturb, otherwise no one will be able to save you."

"Sure enough, he's a big shot, but unfortunately, he's a bit stupid." Zhuo Yifan curled his lips in disdain.

"Bold, what nonsense are you talking about? If you dared to speak so wildly before, this king will definitely kill your nine clans." The spirit body trembled with anger.

"Really? Claiming to be the king must have some origins, but it's a pity that he is an idiot who has practiced such a failed work. I think this king should not be of high level."

The spirit trembled.

"Obviously, you didn't understand your situation at all. If you were the real king of the Yuanzu, how could you end up in this situation? You are not the king, not even a drop of the king's blood, just a trace of his blood." It's just a soul imprint."

Zhuo Yifan continued to sneer mercilessly: "A failed work tainted with the imprint of the king's soul, a poor weapon spirit, hahaha."

The spirit body was already trembling with anger, and screamed: "Shut up, if you talk nonsense again, this king will die with you. I am the king, the king high above me, not the spirit of the weapon, not the imprint of the soul, human beings, although you I have mastered some secrets of my family, but I am still just a lowly human being, and I am not qualified to tell me what to do."

Zhuo Yifan said disdainfully: "Well, tell me, what is your name, Wang, and where do you live? Who are the people in your family?"

"I... I... Who am I? Why can't I remember?" The spirit hugged its head and shouted. The billions of rock bugs around it were about to move, and they would annihilate Zhuo Yifan at any time, but Zhuo Yifan did not. He didn't change his face, and looked confident.

But he kept smiling wryly in his heart, Nima, there is indeed a problem with this ancient and powerful work, and even the spirit of the weapon is nagging like a neuropathy.

"Human, you did it on purpose. You want to use this method to stimulate me and find my flaws. You are so insidious. How could I be fooled?" The spirit body adjusted and glared at Zhuo Yifan, full of confidence: "This Although the king temporarily lost his memory, he doesn't allow you to insult him lightly, you will pay the price for your arrogance."

Zhuo Yifan smiled lightly: "It's really pitiful, it took millions of years to breed wisdom, no wonder this stupid king will perish."

"Human, you keep provoking, do you really think I dare not attack you?" He sneered, looking a little sinister: "Although you and I check and balance each other, those lowly human friends outside are not as capable as you, so I will kill them now." Kill and absorb them all, and see what you can do to me."

Zhuo Yifan's expression changed drastically, and he shouted sharply, "How dare you."

"I have nothing to dare. It's fair for everyone to die together." The spirit grinned grinningly, "However, I'm not at a loss to have such a powerful descendant of the Celestial Clan and his friends buried with him."

While speaking, the stone door squirmed, and a large number of insects began to rush forward, like a torrent of rocks, covering the sky and covering the ground, making one's scalp numb.

Zhuo Yifan's eyes shot up with murderous intent: "You are challenging my limit. I thought you could save your conscience if you still have a conscience. If that's the case, don't blame me for being rude."

"Hahaha, there is nothing you can do about it, human being, admit your mistake to me and promise not to trouble me again, then we can live in peace."

The spirit body felt that it had taken the initiative and seemed very proud.

Zhuo Yifan sneered: "You are forcing me, do you know that once I get angry, even I am afraid of myself, are you sure you want to do this?"

"The noble king of the origin race is not allowed to be profaned. Anyone who dares to offend must pay the price." The spirit body sneered: "It is still too late to admit your mistakes to me. Isn't this common for you humans? The thing that resists, the first thing that comes to mind is always praying. This is not ashamed for you."

"Is this what you know about human beings?"

"In addition to being greedy for life and fear of death, and selfish, they are also insidious and cunning, and will do anything to achieve their goals."

"Yes, you are right about these defects, congratulations."

Zhuo Yifan suddenly showed a strange smile.

The spirit body suddenly felt creepy, and exclaimed: "You...damn human, what do you want to do?"

Zhuo Yifan chuckled: "It's nothing, it's just a little bit of human nature that you don't understand, that's wisdom and strength."

Zhuo Yifan laughed and opened Feng Tianling directly.

The magic formation was running, and the magic formation fluctuated on the ruins. The terrifying sword lights seemed to pierce the entire space, and instantly burst into waves that made people tremble.

As strong as Zhuo Yifan, he can feel the threat from the depths of his heart, let alone a spirit body?

His trace of the ancient soul can feel the power of the sword, this is pure destruction, almost nothing can stop it.

"No... stop, stop, I am willing to make peace."

The spirit screamed in horror.

The peerless sword intent almost made him collapse.

It was a kind of instinctive fear. Although the sword intent might not really hurt him, it was like a person who was afraid of being bitten by a snake. Even a straw rope could arouse the deepest fear in their hearts. memory.

Zhuo Yifan sneered and said, "Now what you say doesn't count unless you tell me everything I want to know."

"What do you want to know?"

"It's not urgent, I think you should apologize first before this?"

"Don't deceive others too much, I am the noble King of the Origin Clan."

"is it?"

Zhuo Yifan sneered, but continued to expand the gap in the sealing circle, making those sword intents look more fierce and terrifying.

Although the Peerless Sword Intent limited Zhuo Yifan's control over the power of Feng Tianling, the peerless Sword Intent itself deterred the ancient Yuanzu at a fatal level.

No source clan could calm down in the face of this sword intent.

"I'm sorry human beings, I was wrong, I admit, you are noble and excellent, as noble as our source race, I apologize for the previous inappropriate words like you, races with noble blood like us, should Be generous."

Zhuo Yifan smiled very usefully, and narrowed his eyes: "That's how you behave!"

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