super unscrupulous student

Chapter 7845 Devour

The Mighty King is really so powerful, he knows how to seek good luck and avoid bad luck, so his own arrival is also in his calculation?

This is really scary!

This is more than ten times and a hundred times more terrifying than the feeling Mo Shang gave Zhuo Yifan. Whenever he thinks about it, his back goes numb.

"The Mighty King has no plans. How can his things be so easy to get? The spirit of the weapon lures you to go. Not only will you not get the treasure, but you will also become a sacrifice for awakening the Mighty King."

"Shut up, you shameful traitor." Qi Ling trembled with anger.

Zhuo Yifan's complexion changed, and he pinched it down fiercely, almost smashing the spirit of the weapon, and roared angrily, "Is everything he said true?"

"So what?" Qi Ling said proudly, "My king has no plan left. No one in the world can stop his awakening."

Zhuo Yifan was shocked, this godlike person appeared in the lower realm, wouldn't he be invincible?

Who will be his enemy?

Is it a coincidence or necessity that I came to you by myself?

"What are the conditions for King Mighty to wake up?"

Zhuo Yifan's words were the spirit of the question.

After all, the young man in white hadn't activated the imprint of the soul for a long time, and he didn't get many secrets.

"Hmph, do you think I'll tell you?" Qi Ling snorted coldly.

"Let me devour the main body, and I can get all his secrets." The young man in white said, "I don't want to be a weapon spirit, and I don't want to die in an ancient tomb. Fusion with me as the main body is the best result."

"Are you crazy, you actually want to devour me instead?" Qi Ling really panicked this time, and shouted: "Even if you blew yourself up, I won't let you get my secret."

After he finished speaking, he struggled hard, and his illusory body twisted even more, as if it was really about to burst.

Zhuo Yifan sneered and said, "If you want to blow yourself up in front of me, there's no way."

The power of the mind is handy, and he casts the confinement circle, and the chains of source power penetrate the conscious body, even directly binding him.

Qi Ling roared in despair, but unfortunately it was of no avail.

"Give him to me quickly, you won't be able to trap him for long." The young man in white yelled.

Zhuo Yifan hesitated for a moment, and threw Qi Ling over: "Remember your promise."

The young man in white nodded, without any hesitation, he grabbed the Qiling directly, stuffed it into his mouth like swallowing candy, and started chewing.

Although it was a spirit body, it also made Zhuo Yifan feel sick for a while, not much less shocking than the Black Heart Demon's cannibalism.

After the young man in white swallowed the main body, a burst of brilliant light erupted from his whole body, forcing Zhuo Yifan to squint his eyes away.

The power of his mind is like an invisible armor, guarding his consciousness, and a sharp look flashed in his eyes.

The young man in white seemed to have taken a big tonic pill, and his aura continued to rise, becoming more and more amazing.

Zhuo Yifan quickly stepped back a few steps and watched him warily.

Although he didn't believe in Qi Ling, he also didn't believe in the youth in white. Essentially, there was no difference between them, except that one was under the absolute control of King Mighty, and the other was a free soul.

When the two are put together, no one knows what will happen.

Zhuo Yifan regretted his recklessness.

This is bound to be a big gamble.

The young man in white let out a howl like a wild beast, holding his head with his hands, as if in great pain.

Apparently, Qi Ling was also unwilling to be devoured by this, and was struggling to fight back.

But how could he, who was tortured to death by Zhuo Yifan, be the opponent of the young man in white? Soon, the young man in white calmed down, but there was still a layer of white mist covering his body, making him look very ethereal.

This breath surprised Zhuo Yifan.

His temperament has completely changed, like a fairy descending from the earth, exuding a noble aura that does not belong to this world, above all things, making people want to surrender involuntarily.

"Hey, are you okay? There is no sequelae of indigestion, right?" Zhuo Yifan asked tentatively, and at the same time he was ready to fight.

The young man in white slowly opened his eyes, and two brilliant rays of light burst out, like two hot suns, and he turned suddenly to stare at Zhuo Yifan, like a high-ranking god looking down on mortals.

Zhuo Yifan snorted coldly, a ripple suddenly appeared three feet in front of him, the halo spread, stirring up regular silk threads and twisting them, deforming that void.

"It really is a wolf's ambition, do you want to cross the river and tear down the bridge?" Zhuo Yifan sneered: "Then come on, let me see how strong you are now."

"You misunderstood, I just want to see your real strength, and I don't intend to be an enemy." The young man in white said lightly.

The light in his eyes gradually faded, revealing his handsome original appearance.

Zhuo Yifan laughed and said, "Can I trust you?"

"You have to believe, do you have any other choice now?" The young man in white said indifferently: "I have integrated the memory of the main body. Now, although you can threaten me, you can't kill me if you want to kill me."

Zhuo Yifan's face darkened: "So you have been using me all this time."

"It's not taking advantage of it, it's helping each other at best." If the young man in white had a dusty demeanor in front of ordinary people, even if he wouldn't be mistaken for a fairy, at least he would be a noble son with excellent demeanor.

But in Zhuo Yifan's eyes, he is an insidious weapon spirit with double appearance.

Everything about him is just a layer of camouflage, of course Zhuo Yifan will not be confused.

But after hearing what the young man in white said, he still wanted to fulfill his promise, which moved Zhuo Yifan a little.

"So, you really intend to give me the devil's heart?"

"Yes, I'm not a weapon spirit. Among my soul components, there are more human beings. I remember that there is a saying in human beings that a promise is as good as gold. How can I be a person without faith." The young man in white said righteously.

Zhuo Yifan couldn't help but choked up and rubbed his eyes. Could it be that the guy in front of him has sublimated his whole ideology and morality after absorbing the main body?

Zhuo Yifan never believed that any villain could suddenly realize and put down his butcher knife.

Generally, this kind of situation is mostly because you know that you are doomed, it is better to give up as a bachelor.

But now the chances of winning between himself and him are [-] to [-], the young man in white doesn't need to worry about himself at all, why is he doing this?

Could it be that he wanted to use the magic circle to kill himself?

Seeming to know what Zhuo Yifan was thinking, the young man in white seemed helpless: "Human beings, please don't judge others by yourself. I really want to be friends with you, not enemies. Besides, there are still more people who are jealous of each other than mutual suspicion." The biggest threat is before us, if we can't solve it, not only you and me, but the entire lower world will become bloody, and it will be very difficult for you human race to survive."

Zhuo Yifan's expression was shocked, and he said in disbelief: "You are talking about the awakening of King Mighty? Is this... really possible?"

"It's not whether it's possible, but it will definitely happen." The young man in white smiled wryly: "Actually, the castle stopped in this time and space a hundred years ago, and it didn't travel any more. I think it has reached its end."

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