super unscrupulous student

Chapter 7880 Array Of Space

Zhuo Yifan laughed loudly: "Qingzhi, what I'm talking about is the truth, it's just your own wrong thinking."

Ouyang Qingzhi said shyly: "Yifan, be serious, get out of here quickly, it's dark, it's too weird."

Zhuo Yifan smiled and said, "Look at me, this little trick is trying to stop us, how is it possible!"

The magic circle here has a bit of the breath of the Yuan clan.

Zhuo Yifan was secretly surprised. It seems that there are masters around Anchen and others, at least those who understand the source force, otherwise they would not be able to arrange such a magic circle.

But in front of Zhuo Yifan, this kind of magic circle was completely at the level of a primary school student. With his source of strength surging, he directly tore apart this layer of barrier with a wave of his hand.

The next moment, Ouyang Qingzhi felt his eyes light up, he had come from the darkness to the light, and his eyes suddenly opened up.

Looking back, where there are any steps, it is completely a piece of rock.

Zhuo Yifan looked at Ouyang Qingzhi's stunned look, and chuckled lightly: "This is the power of the source clan's law formation. If you don't understand the source rules, you won't see any abnormalities at all."

He rolled his eyes and said: "These people are afraid that the teleportation array will be discovered, so they set up suspicious arrays. I will teach them a profound lesson."

After speaking, he casually drew a few times in the void, and a series of simple regular silk lines appeared out of thin air, and disappeared into the stone wall.

Ouyang Qingzhi said in surprise: "It's that simple?"

Zhuo Yifan said proudly: "It seems simple, but it contains complete spatial rules. No matter how powerful their formation masters are, they will never find the real position. Now the entrance to this ladder is only known to me."

Ouyang Qingzhi was overjoyed: "This time, I will definitely teach An Chen and Yin a profound lesson."

Zhuo Yifan laughed loudly: "Of course, but I think they may not have a chance to come back here."

"Yifan, did you see anything?" Ouyang Qingzhi's heart skipped a beat.

Zhuo Yifan said: "The eclipse has given me the map of the secret treasure land. We are still at the outermost edge, and we are still far away from the sacrificial place. We have to go in step by step."

Ouyang Qingzhi said in surprise: "We are still at the outermost edge? How big is this secret treasure land?"

"The radius is at least a thousand miles." Zhuo Yifan smiled wryly, "So we don't need to worry now, it's still too early for Anchen and them to break into the sacrificial place."

Ouyang Qingzhi asked: "Didn't Dongfang Liang need these people to go to the sacrificial place to die? Why does he still need to arrange checkpoints?"

"The checkpoint was not arranged by Dongfang Liang, but by Killing or Mighty King. Dongfang Liang probably doesn't know it very well, and if there are no difficulties, with the shrewdness of the two families, they will definitely notice it." Zhuo Yifan explained.

The two of them walked through this barren passage, but suddenly saw a wasteland in front of them.

In this wasteland, there are small pitch-black trees growing, like plum blossom stumps inserted.

Under the cold moonlight, there was a faint halo.

Ouyang Qingzhi was surprised and said: "It was obviously noon when we came, why is it already night?"

"This is a land of secret treasures, surrounded by rules. Of course it is different from the outside world. I even suspect that the speed of time flow is different. After all, the land of killing Shenmian has complete time and space rules."

Zhuo Yifan's expression was solemn, and he was not careless.

The power of the mind stretched out, but it frowned: "This forest is a bit weird, full of chaotic power of rules. If you fall into it, you may be transported to a dangerous place at any time."

Ouyang Qingzhi tried to widen his eyes, but couldn't see the slightest clue.

Zhuo Yifan said: "Qingzhi, don't worry, I will definitely find a suitable devil's heart for you in the future and let you refine it, so that you can feel like a fish in water in the secret realm."

Ouyang Qingzhi became worried: "My physical training is not in place, and it is too risky to fuse the devil's heart without authorization. I plan to train my body first, and only after I reach the limit, I will consider fusing the devil's heart."

Zhuo Yifan said: "Qingzhi, I am very pleased that you can calmly realize your own abilities, but the way of body training is very difficult, you must be mentally prepared."

"I've been mentally prepared, don't worry Yifan, I'm not a delicate girl." Ouyang Qingzhi glanced at Zhuo Yifan and said.

Zhuo Yifan chuckled: "Of course I believe in Qingzhi's perseverance and determination. Let's go, let's break into this space."

Zhuo Yifan observed along the wasteland for a while, frowning slightly.

"Yifan, is this wasteland really so scary?"

"The grandsons of Anchen are really nothing. They messed up the magic circle when they passed by, and left some traps along the way. Their trap. It's nothing."

Zhuo Yifan observed for a while, and finally found out the clues, knowing that the warning from the Devil's Heart was not groundless, and immediately became angry.

He sneered: "They think they have control of the overall situation and leave traps everywhere. It's really despicable."

Ouyang Qingzhi said coldly: "Everyone in the big family puts their interests first, and even among the alliances, they don't trust each other. It would be strange if they didn't make some small moves."

Zhuo Yifan laughed: "As the saying goes, the wicked will reap their own rewards. This suzerain will take action and let them reap their own rewards."

Ouyang Qingzhi giggled: "Isn't it true that wicked people have their own grind?"

There was a black line in front of Zhuo Yifan: "Qingzhi, I found that you are getting skinny."

Ouyang Qingzhi himself was also stunned, his face turned red.

Can the current self be able to joke?

She was shocked, as if it was the first time she knew herself.

Zhuo Yifan hugged her gently, and said: "Qingzhi, no matter how much pain and suffering life brings us, we should not suppress our nature. We should live a happy and sunny life and face everything positively. As long as we have confidence, No difficulty can stop us."

He said firmly: "Qingzhi, don't worry, we will definitely have a solution for my aunt's illness."

"The Nine Nether Abyss is extremely dangerous, but I believe that one day you will be able to truly rule this place." Ouyang Qingzhi and Zhuo Yifan had a close relationship, shared memories, and knew the secrets of the Nine Nether Abyss.

So she can also understand Zhuo Yifan's difficulties, and now is indeed not a good time to go to Jiuyou Abyss.

Zhuo Yifan couldn't help but secretly startled. Among the two big families, Anchen and Yindang, he didn't know which master was hidden. Although the attainment of the source clan's rule and magic circle was not very deep, it was absolutely undeniable in the world. Not low.

After confirming that he had understood all the changes in the magic circle, Zhuo Yifan took Ouyang Qingzhi's hand and began to formally break through.

This wasteland looked small, only about a kilometer, but when the two stepped into it, there was a sudden change in front of them.

Those seemingly insignificant small trees suddenly turned into towering giant trees, and the original tree-lined path became an avenue.

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