The gathering of more than 2 monks is a powerful psychological comfort for everyone, so although the monks who encountered strange things were afraid, they still moved forward unswervingly.

Zhuo Yifan's spiritual consciousness was also suppressed, but when he activated the devil's heart and mobilized the power of his mind to explore, it was not affected.

The power of the mind can be regarded as an evolved version of divine consciousness, which is more secretive and powerful.

Gradually spreading, Zhuo Yifan's vision suddenly opened up, the fog no longer had the slightest influence on him, and he could "see" many distant situations.

"Yifan, did you find anything? Is there really a monster in this darkness?" Ouyang Qingzhi's sight was also severely blocked, and he could only see twenty meters away, but in the dense mist, there was a wave of The palpitating killing spirit made people feel uneasy.

The unknown is the most terrifying.

Zhuo Yifan chuckled, and said in a low voice, "Qingzhi doesn't have to worry, it's just some small animals, nothing to be afraid of. But I guess Anchen and Yindang will have a headache."

Ouyang Qingzhi asked curiously, "What kind of animal is it?"

Zhuo Yifan's spiritual power saw that in some hidden places, there were some cute fox-like animals lurking. There were no eyeballs in the big eyes, but two clouds of mist, which looked extremely deep, and it seemed that they could be seen at a glance. get lost in it.

After hearing what Zhuo Yifan said, Ouyang Qingzhi was shocked and said: "This is a psychedelic beast that is frightening in the secret realm. No wonder this place is called a psychedelic land. This kind of beast does not appear to be aggressive on the surface. , but they feed on human soul consciousness, and before eating, they will always put the target in a state of panic and torture."

Zhuo Yifan was taken aback: "Isn't this just a mental attack? What's so scary?"

Ouyang Qingzhi said in horror: "But their attacks are invisible and qualityless, and there is no defense at all!"

Before the words fell, there was a sudden commotion.

In the distance, the monk named Shuming yelled in horror, as if he had encountered something terrifying, he waved the sword in his hand and attacked frantically.

And what he attacked was not others, but his companions around him.

That companion was caught off guard, and was immediately slashed and killed by his sword, which was extremely bloody.

That's not counting, the rest of the people were stimulated, and they also shot one after another, and there was a scuffle.

It was as if a nervous soldier on the battlefield was suddenly stimulated and collapsed instantly, only knowing to vent frantically.

Once this riot broke out, it was hard to contain it.

For a time, wars broke out in at least a dozen places.


With a scream, a cultivator who was swinging his weapon wildly suddenly fell straight, fell to the ground with a plop, motionless.

His companion and friend approached tremblingly, but his face changed drastically, and he exclaimed: "He's dead, he's dead!"

This is really weird. A master who was full of murderous intent one moment, died in such an inexplicable way the next moment.

All of a sudden, everyone is in danger.

No one knows where the danger is coming from, let alone whether the companions around him will become the murderers who take their lives.

"Don't mess up, stay calm." An Chen shouted.

He raised the long sword in his hand with a dignified expression.

An Bang whispered: "Young master, I'm afraid we have encountered psychedelic beasts. Their spiritual power is very powerful, and they can easily confuse monks' minds and make people enter a terrifying illusion and lose their minds."

An Chen said: "What is the weakness of this beast?"

"I don't know. So far, I haven't heard of anyone who can hunt and kill this kind of monster. Almost all the people who encountered it died, and those who survived lived in fear all their lives, and their consciousness was confused." Dark Explosion Said with lingering fear.

Yin Dang's eyes flickered with sword intent, and he said coldly: "It doesn't matter what monster is there, as long as it dares to appear, it will be killed with one sword."

The core disciples tightly surrounded the master, forming an impenetrable protective net, constantly moving forward.




There were several more screams, and several masters of the tribulation period fell on their backs.

Zhuo Yifan frowned and said, "These monks were originally nervous and fearful, which happened to give the psychedelic beast an opportunity."

Ouyang Qingzhi smiled wryly: "In this case, I'm afraid there is no one who will not be nervous!"

Zhuo Yifan grinned and shrugged.

Ouyang Qingzhi couldn't help laughing: "That's right, you are not a normal person, you are a freak more terrifying than a psychedelic beast."

Zhuo Yifan had absorbed a large amount of blood energy before, and his reserve of source power was very rich.

Although this psychedelic beast has strong mental power and is good at disguising, most people can't find them at all, but Zhuo Yifan is an exception.

The locking and marking of the power of the mind are extremely abnormal.

Marking and locking are actually the same function. Zhuo Yifan can separate a trace of spiritual power and leave a spiritual imprint on the target. In a short period of time, this imprint will be clearly perceived by Zhuo Yifan, and it is perfect for tracking .

Mind locking is even more terrifying. Zhuo Yifan can instantly establish a mind link, follow him perfectly, and even teleport to the other party.

Zhuo Yifan first marked these psychedelic beasts.

There are a total of 12 psychedelic beasts scattered within a hundred miles, like forming a tight net, so that the prey have nowhere to escape.

In their eyes, there is a strange light constantly shining.

Like a chain reaction, the psychedelic beasts established a strange position among themselves, multiplying their power.

The creatures within this range are all attacked by the power of the mind.

The weak-willed are the first to be recruited, and the deepest fear in their hearts is instantly aroused, and it is infinitely magnified, causing people to collapse.

This kind of behavior is a bit like the catastrophe of the heart demon when crossing the catastrophe.

Even if you deliberately take precautions, you will inevitably be tricked.

Zhuo Yifan observed carefully.

He found that the souls of those fallen monks had undergone terrible changes.

Their souls actually completely collapsed and turned into solid liquid.

Of course, this liquid is only a form, and it cannot be seen at all unless the power of the mind is used.

When the fear reaches its peak, the psychedelic beast will launch a lore, directly disintegrating the target's soul.

In the past, Zhuo Yifan had only seen the self-detonation of the soul, but it was the first time he had seen this disintegration and turned into a pure energy source, and it was an eye-opener.

This is like human beings eating monkey brains.

The most essential part, after being "cooked" by them, becomes delicious and delicious, and finally absorbed.

"It turns out that this is the eating method of psychedelic beasts. They are truly monsters." Although Zhuo Yifan didn't like these demons, but seeing that their spirits and souls were completely wiped out, and even deprived of the chance of reincarnation, he still I can't help but feel a little unbearable.

"Yifan, are you sure? These psychedelic beasts are really disgusting, and they must not be kept." Ouyang Qingzhi also knew the inside story through telepathy, and was very angry.

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