"Oolong blade!" Canglang's eyes fixed on the short blade, and he couldn't help shouting: "Yes, there is such a treasure! I remember that it used to be the personal weapon of Hua Yun, the master of the Huajian sect. What is your relationship with Hua Yun?"

Zhuo Yifan curled his lips and said in dissatisfaction: "Are you checking your household registration? Are you going to call me or not?"

Canglang sneered and said, "Good boy! Just based on your words, you deserve to die!"

As he spoke, Canglang's dark arm flickered, and the software trembled like a spirit snake, stabbing towards Zhuo Yifan's chest.

The wolf's pace was so fast that Zhuo Yifan couldn't help but be slightly surprised that it was even faster than himself by a point.

Zhuo Yifan held his breath, not daring to take it lightly, and stared at the flying wolf.Just when Canglang's soft sword was about to touch his clothes, Zhuo Yifan turned sideways and narrowly avoided the first strike.

Zhuo Yifan stabbed back with the black dragon blade in his hand, and stabbed towards the wolf's lower abdomen, but was deflected by the wolf's backhand stabbing at his thigh.Zhuo Yifan's speed was a bit slower than Canglang's, and the sword came so fast that Zhuo Yifan was a little embarrassed to hide.

But the wolf did not give Zhuo Yifan a chance to breathe, and continued to stab at Zhuo Yifan's collarbone with the soft sword in his hand.

Zhuo Yifan was a little unable to dodge this time, but he still resisted the point of the sword with the black dragon blade in his hand, causing Canglang's soft sword to tilt upwards slightly, and stabbed at Zhuo Yifan's temple.

Zhuo Yifan's heart was awe-inspiring, but he felt a sharp pain coming from his face, but it was Canglang's soft sword that missed, and the shaking side of the sword bounced to Zhuo Yifan's right cheek.


Fortunately, it's just the body of the sword, not the blade, otherwise it would be disfigured!Touching his hot cheek, Zhuo Yifan cursed in his heart.At this moment, a red mark appeared on Zhuo Yifan's right face.

Seeing that the sword failed, the wolf became more excited instead of angry.Withdrawing the soft sword and holding it horizontally, it swept towards the base of Zhuo Yifan's neck.

Because the distance was too close, Zhuo Yifan was in a cold sweat. If he was hacked right now, his head would probably be moved.It was too late to dodge, the range of the soft sword was too large, so he could only use his own black dragon blade to block it again.

Hearing a crisp "ding", Zhuo Yifan felt his jaw go numb, and the Oolong Blade was almost dropped, followed by a pain in the back of his neck.It was the front part of the soft sword that slapped him on the back of his neck.Zhuo Yifan staggered immediately and almost fell to the ground.

After a slight pause, I felt a sharp pain in my chest, followed by a sweetness in my throat, a mouthful of blood spurted out, and the whole person flew backwards and fell heavily to the ground.

"Hehe! Not bad, the little guy is interesting!" Canglang stared at Zhuo Yifan with a cold gaze, and said with sympathy: "You are a good material for martial arts training, and it is rare to have this level of martial arts at such a young age See. I am reluctant to kill you now!"

Zhuo Yifan shook his dizzy head, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with his hands, and forced himself to stand up suppressing the pain in his chest.Luckily, Canglang kicked that kick just now rather hastily, without much force.Otherwise, it would not be as simple as vomiting blood, and even a few ribs might be broken.

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