super unscrupulous student

Chapter 7935 Attack of Giants

Dongfang Liang laughed loudly: "Zhuo Yifan, now you can play outside with the ghost army! They have resurrected several Yuanzu warriors."

Zhuo Yifan's face changed color, and when he looked intently, the monster that broke through the ground turned out to be a three-foot-tall Yuan clan warrior.

They didn't know the reason for waking up, one by one wielding huge long swords, and rushed towards the hall frantically.

A total of eight directions, eight giants, like eight war machines, rushing from all directions, their goal is to kill the temple!

Dongfang Liang sneered: "These people will kill all flesh and blood, Zhuo Yifan, no matter where you go, you will never get rid of it."

An Chen was overjoyed: "So, Zhuo Yifan is dead?"

"Of course, but our top priority at the moment is to revive the Killing Sage and control him. Otherwise, after killing Zhuo Yifan, the warriors of the Yuan tribe will still kill all life within the range. They were born to kill Zhuo Yifan." Kill the Sacred King."

Dongfang Liang's voice sounded, but it brought an inexplicable uneasiness.

An Chen frowned and said: "Then what should we do now? There is not enough flesh and blood, and the Slaughtering Lord cannot be resurrected successfully."

Dongfang Liang said gloomily: "I've already told you the method, and you can choose what to do."

Both Yindang and Anchen's expressions changed drastically.

All the core disciples also looked nervous.

"Don't be fooled by him, he wants us to kill each other."

"Kill this demon."

"Everyone break the magic circle and break out."

All the monks shouted angrily. Dongfang Liang's solution was to make them sacrifices, replenish blood, and wake up the killing sage.

An Chen and An Bao exchanged a look.

An Bang suddenly shouted: "Everyone, let's attack together and get out."

With this order, everyone drew out the only remaining cold iron long arrows, pointed at the void, and fired together.

Whoosh whoosh!

Countless long arrows bombarded the protective cover, and the runes flickered suddenly, and the electric light sizzled, but the protective cover was as solid as a rock and remained motionless.

Dongfang Liang laughed loudly: "If you don't want to do anything, I will help you."

All the cold iron long arrows seemed to be absorbed by runes, which looked very strange, but with Dongfang Liang's shout, those hundreds of cold iron long arrows suddenly shot back .

A sword light flashed in Yindang's eyes, and his face turned pale with shock.

Because the rain of arrows was completely aimed at them.

At this moment, everyone had no arrows in their hands, and Dongfang Liang's strength was astonishing. This wave of arrows directly enveloped the people on his side.

Whoosh whoosh!




There was a sound of arrows entering the body, and there was a miserable howl. Dozens of people died on the spot, and those who survived were also seriously injured.

In an instant, there were not many Yin family disciples left.

An Chen waved coldly: "Kill!"

All the dark disciples rushed forward in a swarm, brandishing their swords and swords, and launched a terrifying attack on their allies.

Before the disciples of the Yin family could react, they were chopped up like melons and vegetables, killing many people directly.

Yin Dan felt chills in his heart, and shouted angrily: "Brother An, why are you doing this?"

An Chen said helplessly: "Brother Yin, I know you will definitely not give up. I am helping you make a decision. If the Sacred King does not come out, we will all die."

Silver was very angry.

Watching his masters being slaughtered by Anchen's party, the blood flowed into a river in an instant, and a large amount of blood began to spread and transform, and once again gathered towards the giant.

But everyone didn't take action against Yin.

An Chen said via voice transmission: "Brother Yin, there is no way to do this. This expedition is destined to be a last stand. Your people are just dying a little first. Do you think that some of my subordinates can survive?"

As soon as these words came out, Yin Dang was also dumbfounded.

Although his face was still extremely ugly, he had already accepted this extremely cruel fact in his heart.

This time without Zhuo Yifan's disturbance, the Slaughtering Sacred King was resurrected very quickly, and the runes on his body kept shining, and he was about to wake up when he opened it.

"Anchen, when are you still planning to use the magic treasure to control him?"

Dongfang Liang seemed to know An Chen very well, so he shouted loudly, reminding him to pay attention to the timing.


The warriors of the Zunyuan clan burst into the sky, like eight torrents, rushing towards the middle from the eight directions of the Slaughter Temple.

They are powerful, and wherever they go, all existence is destroyed, boulders are flying, and they are as fragile as tofu.

Seeing this scene, Zhuo Yifan was shocked, he quickly restrained his breath, and merged with the stone pillar.

Behind the eight giants, there is an army of ghosts.

About [-] masters led countless ghost consciousness bodies, like eight armies, rushing forward together.

At this moment, even Zhuo Yifan felt unprecedented tension.

Even he couldn't deal with so many ghosts and Yuanzu masters.

Especially those eight giants, each step was a hundred meters away, striding forward, shaking the ground and shaking the mountains.

Suddenly, Zhuo Yifan felt his heart tighten, and a sense of danger came.

He made a decisive decision, locked on another stone pillar with the power of his mind, and teleported away.


A gigantic sword came through the air, like a rocket, it slammed into the stone pillar where Zhuo Yifan was hiding just now, and the whole ground shook.

Zhuo Yifan was secretly startled, these giants really could detect the aura of living beings as Dongfang Liang said, even if he used the devil's heart to transform it into a stone pillar-like aura, he couldn't hide it from them.


The giant was still hundreds of feet away, but it had already locked onto Zhuo Yifan. With one long step, it leaped forward, and its huge fist derailed like a meteor, hitting it hard.

Zhuo Yifan's heart froze, he did not hesitate to expend his strength, teleported again, rushed directly into the sky, and stood on the top of another stone pillar.


The stone pillar shook violently, and unexpectedly broke from the middle.

Zhuo Yifan's face changed in horror.

On these stone pillars, the regular strokes of the Yuan Clan were engraved, and they were so powerful that it would be difficult for Zhuo Yifan to completely destroy them. Unexpectedly, this giant broke one of them with a punch.

His power is indeed shocking, completely surpassing the primary realm of true demons.

The giant roared, and with one big hand, he took down the huge sword that was stuck on the other stone pillar, bent his legs, and shot up, swung the long sword in the air, and slashed at Zhuo Yifan viciously .

This simple and direct attack method is exactly the characteristic of the Yuan Race.

But this attack seems to be simple, but it is not simple. It contains a complete space rule. This sword slashed down, and it actually imprisoned the surrounding space of tens of feet.

Zhuo Yifan's eyes were fixed, and he grabbed it from the void, and the Soul Eater Sword shot out, and the huge sword glow flew forward, cutting directly forward.

On the sword light, there were shocking ripples, like another space, which was the ultimate of Zhuo Yifan's current comprehension, and contained a super attack of time rules.

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