super unscrupulous student

Chapter 7941 Opening the Channel

Zhuo Yifan pondered for a while, and said, "What exactly do you want to say? At least, we were all once human races. Shouldn't we all unite and speak out as one?"

"Fart, you still dare to call yourself a human race now? Are you so cruel in snatching blood, ten thousand times worse than the demon race." Dongfang Liang was so angry that he laughed: "Don't think that I don't know what your plan is." , with me here, you can never succeed."

Zhuo Yifan chuckled: "I also know what your plan is, so don't worry, you can't succeed with me."

"Then everyone depends on their own abilities!" Dongfang Liang said disapprovingly: "I am looking forward to the battle between the new generation spokesperson of the Death Alliance and the spokesperson of Heaven's Punishment, who will win and who will lose."

Zhuo Yifan sneered and said, "It seems that you haven't won before!"

"That's because they didn't choose me." Dongfang Liang said proudly, "This time, with me, Dongfang Liang, here, Zhuo Yifan, you are dead."

Zhuo Yifan was a little speechless, he really didn't know what this so-called divine punishment was.

However, according to what Dongfang Liang said, this organization should be an organization similar to the Death Alliance, and the two are opposed.

Why didn't he tell himself about such an important matter?

Zhuo Yifan couldn't help but frowned.

The two absorbed it frantically, and the essence and blood of the four giants completely became their energy.

The four corpses fell to the ground with a bang, but turned into rubble all over the ground, scattered.

There is not a drop of essence and blood in their bodies left.

Dongfang Liang snorted coldly, but did not go after Zhuo Yifan.

Zhuo Yifan couldn't help being taken aback, this doesn't seem like Dongfang Liang's style at all!

When he was wondering, he saw a large number of source warriors rushing towards Zhuo Yifan angrily.

Zhuo Yifan sneered in disdain, and wanted to sink into the ground to escape as soon as the devil's heart moved.

But his face suddenly changed, and he cursed: "Dongfang Liang, you are really shameless."

On this ground, there is a layer of spatial rules, which cuts off the connection between Zhuo Yifan and the earth.

This is Dongfang Liang's exclusive space rule, which is very perfect and complicated. Zhuo Yifan wants to crack it, and it is definitely not something that can be done in a short time.

No wonder Dongfang Liang walked away, because he wanted Zhuo Yifan to take the blame.

"Damn human beings, dare to poison the elders, you are unforgivable, even God can't save you."

There are about [-] Yuan warriors left in this group, they are all the elite among them, most of them are comparable to the peak of the Mahayana period.

With such a powerful force, even Dongfang Liang would run away, let alone Zhuo Yifan.

The Eight Great Elders were the gods in their minds, the real elders, but this time they were awakened by them, but they died collectively here, which caused the Guardian Clan to suffer the worst blow in history.

At this moment, Zhuo Yifan has completely become the target of their anger.

Zhuo Yifan gritted his teeth and ran towards Dongfang Liang.

At this moment, the world suddenly changed drastically, and the space was extremely chaotic. No one dared to use teleportation. If something went wrong, there was a danger of being torn apart by the shattered space.

Dongfang Liang's figure also flickers, walking through the void and reality, and ordinary people can't feel it at all.

But it's a pity that Zhuo Yifan has already locked him with the power of his heart. Unless he gives up a part of his soul, he can never get rid of Zhuo Yifan.

Relying on this vague feeling, Zhuo Yifan ran forward quickly, while behind him, more than 500 Yuan warriors and countless ghosts came chasing and killing him.

In the sky, Fang Xingyun and the Slaughtering Sacred Monarch had already entered a fever pitch. The two flew hundreds of miles and came straight to the wilderness to fight.

Wherever he went, the mountain peaks were torn apart by the fierce sword energy, and the sky fell apart, which was very terrifying.

Ouyang Qingzhi and others had already received Fang Xingyun's voice transmission, and they stayed away collectively and hid in the dark.

Zhuo Yifan suddenly realized that Dongfang Liang had returned to the center of the Slaughter Temple after running a few laps.

His heart moved, thinking of what he said earlier, he finally understood what Dongfang Liang wanted to do, he wanted to use the blood essence of the Eight Great Elders to open the passage.

To go to the Hall of True Demons, one must pass through the Temple of Slaughter.

As for the method of opening the channel, only Dongfang Liang, An Chen and the others probably know about it.

"Zhuo Yifan, if you want me to open the passage, you have to block these puppets first, otherwise, none of you can get through."

Dongfang Liang roared angrily.

The reason why he used his means was actually to Zhuo Yifan to hold back the ghosts of the source race, because it took time to open this channel, and he could not move within the opening time.

Zhuo Yifan laughed loudly: "Dongfang Liang, aren't you joking? You asked me to resist the ghosts of the source race, but you opened the passage to get the blood of the real demon by yourself in the hall of the real demon. Do you think I'm stupid?"

Dongfang Liang said coldly: "This is our only chance. The time to open the channel is extremely limited. If it cannot be opened within this time, the channel will be closed forever."

Zhuo Yifan said happily: "It's just right, just close it forever, and no one can get the blood of the real devil."

"The passage is closed, so you can't go to Daozhen Demon Hall through here, let alone go to the final place, you have to think clearly."

"I didn't want to go to the final place."

Zhuo Yifan said with a smile.

If the passage is closed, I don't have to stop Dongfang Liang's blood sacrifice. Since no one can get in, no one can be resurrected and killed.

This is equivalent to indirectly saving countless people.

The goal of An Chen and the others was also the Hall of True Demons. After circling around to avoid the ghosts, they also came here.

They were all in a hurry when they heard that they could not enter the tunnel.

After giving everything, his subordinates are almost dead. If they fail at this moment, the family will kill them without others.

"You can rest assured to open the passage, we will defend."

An Chen gritted her teeth, but ordered her subordinates to take out all the dark magic cannons, line them up, and aim them outside.

Zhuo Yifan's heart froze, secretly screaming that something was wrong.

He deliberately rushed in front of An Chen and the others several times, wanting to divert the disaster to the east and let the ghost army attack them, but these Yuanzu seemed to have recognized him, and turned a blind eye to An Chen and the others, still desperately Hunting him down made him very depressed.

Ma De, the blood essence Dongfang Liang has absorbed is no smaller than his own, why don't these Yuanzu ghosts go after him?

Dongfang Liang smiled triumphantly, waved his big hand, and slapped the ground with his palm, shaking away the sundries and revealing the altar.

In the center of the altar, where the King of Slaughter himself stood, a big hole appeared at this moment.

The big hole looks deep, but it is as smooth and clean as the real body. It looks like a piece of black crystal, with some lines and runes on it, which are the symbols of the source race.

Dongfang Liang smiled coldly, and suddenly drew out the death scythe, and slashed at it fiercely.


The sword light flew above the magic circle, as if igniting the oil field with a lighter. With a bang, an invisible fire rose up, and the surrounding temperature dropped suddenly.

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