super unscrupulous student

Chapter 7968 Dongfang Liang's conspiracy 1

Dongfang Liang said angrily: "Monk, we don't violate the water in the well, you are breaking the rules."

Kong Wu said coldly: "Benefactor Dongfang, Donor Zhuo is right, we can't sit idly by and watch you make a big mistake."

He took a step forward, teleported directly in front of An Bao, and smiled lightly: "Benefactor, your sin is so serious, don't you want to repent soon?"

This sound, like spring thunder descending into the world, directly exploded in An Bao's ear.

All of a sudden, his ears buzzed, and the words Kongwu just said kept echoing, endlessly.

Zhu Chen who caused the catastrophe was transformed by Kong Wu's "Bliss of Bliss", not to mention the secret explosion, his cultivation level is actually lower than that of Zhu Chen who exploded.

Dongfang Liang was furious, the black ripples in his eyes kept spinning, and the powerful spiritual power burst out unscrupulously, like two storms, suddenly bombarded Zhuo Yifan.

"Zhuo Yifan, you dare to stop me, you have no idea what you are doing."

Zhuo Yifan was not to be outdone, with ripples in his eyes, but the difference was that the ripples in his eyes turned into sword shapes, which contained the true meaning of the sword intent of destruction, and slashed out with the power of the mind, which was more terrifying than real weapons.

The spiritual power of these two collided violently, like two storms colliding directly, setting off a strange spiritual storm and radiating away in all directions.

The many monks who had just rushed through the crack suddenly hugged their heads and shouted.

They were impacted by the sarcophagus and the spiritual storm at the same time, and felt that the entire soul consciousness seemed to be trapped in endless chaotic time and space, and there was an instant lag. The feeling was no different from that of an ordinary person suddenly caught in a storm.

Dongfang Liang let out a roar, and his body suddenly exploded into countless runes, like bats flying all over the sky.

Puff, puff!

Those black runes are like the kiss of death, whoever touches it will bring death.

In the blink of an eye, a large number of these monks fell down.

But this is not Dongfang Liang's body. At this moment, his body came directly behind Kongwu, and the death scythe tore through the void and killed him with one blow.


Suddenly, the void shook, but a huge figure appeared between Dongfang Liang and Kong Wu, like a hill, with great oppressive force.


A ripple glowing with Buddha's light flickered, it was a giant palm directly hitting the death sickle.

Chi Chi Chi!

The rich Buddha light and the power of death were intertwined, and there was a sound like roasting meat.

The Buddha's light exploded with a bang, and turned into a huge ball of light, which even wrapped the death sickle.

Suddenly, the death sickle made a shrill sound, as if thousands of innocent souls were screaming and roaring.

Dongfang Liang's expression changed in shock, and he was shocked, and the death scythe returned to his hand. He stretched out his hands, squeezed it hard, and directly extinguished the flashing Buddha light runes on it, and a trace of madness flashed across his face: "Monk, since you don't Follow the rules and don't blame me."

Zhu Chen stood in front of him like a mountain. Although his palms were bleeding blood, he still didn't notice it. He still had a solemn expression on his face. He looked at Dongfang Liang and said, "Benefactor, put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha immediately." , wake up!"

"I realize that you are a big hammer." Dongfang Liang cursed angrily, and with a shake of his figure, he rushed forward and shouted at the same time: "Zhuo Yifan, if you let Kongwu take away the god-level puppet doll, you will die!" regret but too late."

Kong Wu's face changed when he heard the words: "Benefactor Zhuo, don't listen to his nonsense, taking this opportunity to get rid of Dongfang Liang is the top priority."

At this moment, Kongwu's "Bliss of Ultimate Bliss" is being exported crazily. Seeing that Anbo's expression has begun to change, and the aura of Buddha's light has even begun to appear on his body, it is obvious that he will be converted in a short time.

Zhuo Yifan laughed and said, "Master, I think it's better for me to keep the god-level puppet doll, what do you think?"

With a flash of his figure, he came in front of Kongwu, and the power of his mind turned into the text of rules, covering the dark explosion and Yindang together.

Kongwu's expression changed immediately, and he shouted: "Benefactor Zhuo, you are so confused, Murong Xiaoqian will wake up completely soon, if she can't escape the puppet and control her, everything will be over."

The power of Zhuo Yifan's mind is transformed by the power of faith, how powerful it is, and it is still displayed with the sword intent of destruction, like a terrifying blade of the mind, cutting off Kongwu's Buddha's light at once.

Dongfang Liang couldn't help showing a sneer, and murmured.

Then he saw Anbo, as if awakened from a nightmare, his eyes burst out with terrible light, angry and powerful, he suddenly grabbed the silver pawn, and bit his neck with one bite.

The move was shocking.

Gudu, Gudu!

Even Kongwu and Zhuo Yifan were stunned.

After biting Yindang's neck, Anbao devoured it like a very hungry person.

Kong Wu was shocked: "Benefactor Zhuo, the secret explosion has already become a demon, and it will be difficult to escape, are helping the evil!"

A cold light flashed in Zhuo Yifan's eyes, and he stretched out his big hand suddenly, grabbing An Bao.


At this moment, Yindang was not dead, and the defensive power of the bracelet was simply astonishing. Zhuo Yifan grabbed it and was directly bounced away.

Yindang looked at the dark explosion in disbelief, his mind went blank.

While drinking blood, An Bang let out a ferocious and weird laugh, like a demon god.

"It turns out that he has practiced the zombie secret technique a long time ago, Zhuo Yifan, he must not be allowed to control Murong Xiaoqian. He doesn't want to kill her, but to devour her."

Miss Fang yelled.

Kongwu yelled: "This is a magic treasure from the upper realm, it cannot be attacked by force at all, only the power belonging to the superior can be effective."

At this moment, his state of mind is in chaos, and the "Blissful Bible" has also been affected, and the Buddha's light is no longer perfect.

Zhuo Yifan snorted coldly, and the ripples in his eyes reappeared, and the powerful spiritual power turned into sword intent, and he slashed and exploded.

But secretly sneered, and turned his neck violently, those eyes had no eyeballs, but two groups of ripples, which were spinning rapidly, carrying an incomparably powerful force of darkness.

Dongfang Liang laughed loudly: "It's late, Zhuo Yifan, I am the final winner."


His figure suddenly blurred in front of Zhu Chen, as if he had never appeared before.

Zhuo Yifan suddenly had an extremely bad feeling in his heart, and with a flash of inspiration, he exclaimed: "It turns out that Dark Explosion has long been your avatar."

An Bao grabbed the bracelet in Yin Dang's hand, threw him down, and stood up.

The protective cover was also broken like a blister, but Anbo stood under the sarcophagus, but it was not affected at all.

He wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, looked at Zhuo Yifan proudly and said, "This "Immortal Immortal Art" is not so difficult to practice! Zhuo Yifan, I know you have also obtained this art, but unfortunately, you I didn’t get the blood of the real devil, and I didn’t get the real secret code.”

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