super unscrupulous student

Chapter 8019 Peerless Medicine Pulse 1

Under this deep pit, there is actually a row of giant coffins!

The huge coffin is [-] meters long and looks very mysterious.

Unlike the giant coffins I've seen before, these giant coffins are in the shape of a dragon. From a distance, they look like dragon boats.

This dragon head is lifelike, like a living thing, with every stroke on it, but it contains the breath of origin, which is shockingly written by rules.

The giant coffin looks like the seven stars of the Big Dipper, arranged in an orderly manner, exuding a series of incomparably gloomy auras, rushing straight into the sky, intertwined together, causing thunder and thunder, and changing the color of the sky and the earth.

In the center of the huge coffin, there is a square platform like a small altar.

Square buildings are also the characteristics of the Yuan people. Their buildings are not only simple and plain, but also very symmetrical and square.

Zhuo Yifan found that among the seven coffins, the eerie aura soared into the sky, but the rich blood essence formed seven blood lines, converging towards the altar in the middle, and there was a person sitting cross-legged, with his hands stretched forward , a small hexagonal tripod was placed in front of him, and the boundless blood energy was being absorbed by the small tripod.

There is actually someone in this giant coffin!

Their blood essence was being crazily absorbed by Xiao Ding, and Xiao Ding was like a greedy devil, exuding terrifying mental fluctuations.

Zhuo Yifan was able to conclude almost immediately that the small tripod was the spirit of the altar, or the control center, and Dongfang Liang was currently feeding it with blood food and taking the opportunity to refine it.

Just like Zhuo Yifan's practice of "The Art of Immortality and Stiffness", in the face of blood food, the body's instincts often overcome reason, and the same is true for Xiao Ding at this moment. The special position made him want to stop, although he knew Dongfang Liang's plan, he had no time to take care of it.

From the palms of Dongfang Liang's hands, a line of blood shot out in shock, continuously pouring into the small cauldron, his figure was very clear at this moment, it seemed that this was his real body.

The small altar formed a world of its own, covered with a light mask, and countless runes flickered, unloading waves of powerful attacks.

Outside the altar, Miss Fang led the army and was attacking frantically, and there were waves of earth-shattering sounds from farther away at this moment.

"Zhuo Yifan, why don't you act quickly? At this moment, we have blown up the passages in all directions, and the reinforcements are temporarily blocked, but they will be able to get through soon, and we will not be able to leave even if we want to."

Miss Fang's spiritual power is so strong that Zhuo Yifan's current situation can be detected by her.

Zhuo Yifan said calmly: "The place where Dongfang Liang is located is a space-time barrier, which is very difficult to break through. What do you think I should do?"

"We are below, and we can't see the scene inside the big formation at all. You are different. You can clearly see his movements outside the big formation. You must not let him succeed in blood refining."

Zhuo Yifan said helplessly: "This magic circle contains the rules of time and space. With my current cultivation, I'm afraid I won't be able to decipher it in a short time."

"Then violently dismantle it, or use your invisible blood poison to lure it, it cannot resist the temptation of blood essence." Miss Fang said anxiously: "Our people suffered heavy casualties, if you don't take action, we will all be killed The army is gone."

"What does Missy's life and death have to do with me? Why should I take such a big risk?" Zhuo Yifan said coldly with a twinkle in his eyes.

Miss Fang didn't seem surprised at all, and said: "Because, if Dongfang Liang succeeds in blood refinement, you will be the first one to devour him. A person with invisible blood poison is not as good as an existence that feeds on blood essence. It is absolutely delicious in the world.”

Zhuo Yifan was taken aback, and a bad feeling rose in his heart: "What do you mean by Miss?"

"What I mean is that the invisible blood poison is actually not a real poison, but an absolute super elixir. Its infectious ability is actually just a trivial blemish." Miss Fang suddenly lost her worry and explained Get up: "Do you know why the Poison King became the Poison King? It's because he has the unique bloodline of the elixir in the world, which makes him the most bizarre existence among the Yuan clan mainly composed of essence and blood."

"The Poison King was born noble, and ordinary Yuan Clan would not dare to attack him, but the Yuan Clan is huge, with numerous experts, and countless opponents. They covet this human-shaped treasure medicine, and they will not hesitate to launch wars to snatch it. It brought endless disasters to the Poison King's family. His parents and relatives all died because of it. The Poison King was disheartened and entered the Jedi alone. Turned into poisonous blood."

Zhuo Yifan was shocked and said: "You mean that the blood of the poison king is actually a super elixir, which makes every Yuanzu envious. In order to protect himself, he practiced poison art and turned his blood into invisible blood poison? "

"Probably like this. Therefore, those who can resist the invasion of invisible blood poisonous toxins and successfully integrate invisible blood poisoners will definitely have a bloodline level that is not inferior to the poisonous king, and they are also infinitely tolerant. This kind of bloodline has been used since ancient times. So far, it’s extremely rare, brother Zhuo, do you know what’s special about you now? Not only have you fused the invisible blood poison, but you’ve also obtained the "Spell of Immortality and Stiffness", which complement each other perfectly."

"Your blood aura will be the best bait in the world. As long as it is released, it will be able to attract any blood essence creatures. Brother Zhuo, your future life will be very, very exciting."

Zhuo Yifan frowned: "Why do I feel that you are a little gloating, miss?"

"Your feeling is wrong. I wish you the best of luck." Miss Fang said hastily and solemnly.

Zhuo Yifan said depressedly: "According to what you said, haven't I already become a Tang monk?"

"Who is Tang Seng?"

"'s just a legendary character on the planet where I was born." Zhuo Yifan didn't want to get entangled in this issue, and said, "Is it because I radiate the breath of blood, that this weapon spirit will be attracted to me, directly Come after me?"

"Theoretically, this is a great opportunity for you, brother Zhuo. As long as you subdue Qi Ling, you will have the place of sacrifice. At that time, brother Zhuo can do whatever you want. Brother Zhuo, time is running out, so make a quick decision." !"

Although Miss Fang's words were very tempting, Zhuo Yifan always felt uneasy in his heart. This feeling came from the devil's heart.

It seemed that he was somewhat resistant to this proposal, which also proved in disguise that this proposal was dangerous.

Recalling the aura he felt outside the city, Zhuo Yifan knew that the owner of the aura was this weapon spirit. Once he released the aura of blood, it might destroy Dongfang Liang's good deeds and rescue Miss Fang and others. But in this way, he will also become the target of public criticism, especially the target, or prey, of Qi Ling.

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