super unscrupulous student

Chapter 8021 Chased by Qi Ling

Zhuo Yifan was secretly surprised, the power of this little tripod was really amazing.

He knew very well how powerful the runes condensed by Dongfang Liang were, and he would definitely not lose to him, but he was smashed by Xiao Ding directly.It looks like it's still not lightly injured.

No wonder Devil's Heart is warning.

Zhuo Yifan didn't know whether it would be a blessing or a curse for him to attract such a devil-level weapon spirit.

Dongfang Liang also went all out, sprayed out a mouthful of blood, and landed directly on the small cauldron, to be forcibly refined.

He even sacrificed only a few drops of the original essence blood in his life. If he can't refine Xiaoding, then he will suffer a lot.Dongfang Liang would never allow this to happen.

Under his desperate suppression, Xiao Ding fell to the ground again.

Zhuo Yifan was surprised.

"Zhuo Yifan, you retreat now. We are still friends. For the sake of being of the same race, I will let you live. Otherwise, I will be the first to kill you after I refine the small cauldron."

"Dongfang Liang, who are you scaring? You can refine a small cauldron? What a joke."

"Whether it's a joke or not, you'll find out later. Now I'm just one step away from success, and no one can stop me." Dongfang Liang grinned crazily, and sprayed blood again, but it wasn't aimed at Xiao Ding, but at the space-time barrier.

He actually used his original essence and blood to amplify the power of the space-time barrier, trying to completely block the breath of Zhuo Yifan's peerless medicine.

Zhuo Yifan's expression changed, and more than a dozen golden blood droplets flew together over the formation, exploding in succession. After the soybean-sized blood droplets exploded, they fell from the sky like a waterfall.

A seductive fragrance wafts within a radius of tens of thousands of meters.

Countless Yuan clan warriors were taken aback for a moment, and then broke out of the ground one after another, rushing towards him from all directions.

Dongfang Liang's complexion changed suddenly, and he secretly cursed damn it.

Under such temptation, Xiao Ding suddenly went crazy.

Chi Chi Chi!

The pattern engraved on the small tripod actually lit up, and the rule texts on it were constantly moving and combining, and it seemed that they were going to form a big character.

Dongfang Liang seemed to be holding a powerful monster in his hands, being dragged by its powerful force, it kept hitting the barrier, crying out in pain.

Zhuo Yifan looked frightened and laughed from ear to ear.

Such an arrogant and domineering person like Dongfang Liang, was treated as a toy by a Qi Ling today, and he was constantly bumped and beaten, and he was extremely embarrassed.

Outside the big formation, Miss Fang was in high spirits: "Burst a little more blood, and Qi Ling is about to lose control."

Zhuo Yifan was speechless: "Miss, this is my blood essence, do you think you are a Chinese cabbage?"

"You lure for a while, we will attack inside and outside with Qi Ling, and the formation will be broken by us soon, you should be prepared first."

Zhuo Yifan asked suspiciously, "What preparation?"

Miss Fang did not answer directly, but said: "Hurry up, we are going to make a big move, the big formation is about to shatter, run!"

Zhuo Yifan was stunned for a moment, then his face changed drastically, and his figure soared into the sky with a whoosh.

Boom boom boom!

Continuous roars came from outside the formation, and the deep pit with a radius of [-] meters suddenly spread to the entire city, and the buildings in the city collapsed like dominoes.

A terrifying aura erupted from the ground and soared into the sky.

Dongfang Liang's extremely angry voice resounded through the sky: "Zhuo Yifan, you and I are at odds."


The terrifying aura fell from the air again, directly smashing out a thousand-meter crater, and the dust was flying up, mixed with Dongfang Liang's desperate cough.

Zhuo Yifan's heart tightened, he felt like an ordinary person being locked by a ferocious beast, and the hairs all over his body stood on end.

This feeling was very bad, and he couldn't help hesitating, so he immediately turned around and fled out of the city.


The terrifying breath flew from the ground, breaking through the void directly, leaving a long and substantial passage, chasing after Zhuo Yifan.

"I rub it, this is really a bright light bait!"

Zhuo Yifan finally understood the problem at this moment, he couldn't completely shield the blood aura at all, and the fragrance was lingering all the time, becoming the best coordinates for the other party to track him, as if someone had placed an invisible tracker.

The speed of this small cauldron is also astonishing, it is not affected by the rules of heaven and earth at all, it crosses hundreds of miles in a flash, and rushes straight to Zhuo Yifan.

Zhuo Yifan could even hear it giggling happily.

Obviously, Zhuo Yifan was regarded as a prey, and he wanted to enjoy it.

Seeing the city wall ahead, Zhuo Yifan was overjoyed, as long as he left the city, Xiao Ding's power would be greatly weakened.

But at this moment, there was a warning in his heart.

Zhuo Yifan was shocked, he stopped his progress deeply, and stopped his figure with a slight difference.


Even so, the inertial force still rushed forward and touched the big formation.

I saw a wall of runes rising suddenly in front of me, and the ruled texts on it rotated, like blades cutting in disorder, and the void showed an irregular state, as if it had been crushed.

If a person enters, it is estimated that it is no different from jumping directly into the meat grinder.

If it wasn't for the warning from the Devil's Heart at a critical moment, Zhuo Yifan would have smashed into it headfirst and shattered into pieces.

Although his body is very strong now, it is insignificant compared to the strength of the entire altar.

This damn weapon spirit was so insidious, it opened up the big formation at the last moment, and almost caught Zhuo Yifan.

At this moment, it rushed out of the mist and floated in front of Zhuo Yifan. The runes on it kept swimming, as if they were organizing the words, which was very strange.

Zhuo Yifan felt chills all over his body, Xiao Ding obviously had no eyes, but he felt that he was being stared at by a pair of incomparably gloomy eyes, being sized up from head to toe.

That feeling is like being judged by others and wondering which part is more delicious.

Even if Zhuo Yifan was so bold, this moment was also miserable.

"Hey, I said Brother Xiao Ding, I actually saved you, otherwise if you fall into Dongfang Liang's hands, your life will be ruined, but you don't have to thank me too much, I usually do good deeds without leaving my name Yes, if we meet by chance, just pretend we don’t know each other, so how about we just leave?”

Xiao Ding swayed gently, as if shaking his head to refuse.

Zhuo Yifan cried with a mournful face: "Then what do you want!"

Xiao Ding was about to pounce, and he was so frightened that he quickly shouted: "Wait a minute, we have something to discuss, don't be impulsive."

Locked by Xiao Ding, he felt uncomfortable all over and felt very bad. Although he was only one step away from the city gate, this step was insurmountable.

Dongfang Liang laughed loudly: "Zhuo Yifan, you are self-inflicted, and you are on fire. He has taken a fancy to your blood, and he won't stop until he absorbs it all. You are doomed."

Zhuo Yifan sneered and said, "Brother Dongfang, it was all a misunderstanding before, don't mind it, this little tripod is quite cute, but it's not suitable for me, just take it if you like it."

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