Dongfang Liang didn't want him to succeed, and suddenly appeared behind him, slashing down with a black sickle.

"Kongwu, with me here, you can never succeed."

Kong Wu didn't even look at it, he waved the staff lightly, and the thousands of silver threads wrapped around it flew up, like white hair flying, stabbing behind him.

Although this silver thread is very small, it should not be underestimated. After the blessing of space rules, it is comparable to a magic treasure, and no one's body can directly bear it.

Dongfang Liang snorted coldly, and a pitch-black flame rose from the black sickle in his hand with a bang.

A shocking thing happened, the blade and the flame failed to cut off the silver thread, but the two sides stuck together instead.

Countless silver threads were twisted, and it seemed that they wanted to directly wrap and drag the death sickle.

How could Dongfang Liang be trapped by Kongwu? With a shake in his hand, the death scythe rippled in a circle, which was the realized rule of time and space.

At this moment, the illusion was born, the silver thread had already wrapped around the death sickle, but under Dongfang Liang's shock, time seemed to flow backwards, the silver thread turned around, revealing a gap, allowing the death sickle to be easily pulled away.

Kong Wu's eyes lit up: "You have indeed touched the threshold of the time rule, this trick to reverse time and space is already well established!"

Dongfang Liang snorted coldly: "So what, haven't you figured it out?"

"I've only scratched the surface, how about you and I confirm each other, how about going a step further?" Kong Wu chuckled, disapproving.

Zhuo Yifan was inside the mask, like a silkworm chrysalis in a silkworm cocoon, sealed off all around.

He watched the battle between the two with great interest, as if he didn't take the threat of Qi Ling around him at all.

The battle between the two was very instructive to him, because Zhuo Yifan's comprehension of the rules of space had reached the extreme, and now he was approaching the rules of time.

Any monk will inevitably walk this path in the end.

Only after comprehending the truly perfect rules of space, can it be possible to comprehend the rules of time, and finally integrate the two to achieve the realm of immortality.

Dongfang Liang snorted coldly in disdain: "Only a fool like Zhuo Yifan would believe you. It's really satisfying to throw yourself into the trap now."

Kong Wu said indifferently: "Benefactor Zhuo is a man of great wisdom, and sooner or later he will be a leader in my Buddhist sect. Donors from the East don't need to provoke dissension."

"Hahaha, keeping him and Qi Ling together, isn't it just to use his blood to feed Qi Ling and complete the last step? Kongwu, you are really calculating! It's a pity that Zhuo Yifan is stupid, but He is not a good stubble, how can he let you manipulate him?"

Dongfang Liang laughed loudly, and the two of them had fought fiercely for dozens of rounds while talking and laughing.

Yinsi and Death's Scythe, one firm and the other soft, were entangled together, and it was inseparable.

Zhuo Yifan's face changed drastically, and he shouted, "Master Kongwu, is what he said true?"

"Benefactor Zhuo has great wisdom. You should understand that this little monk has no malicious intentions and has helped you overcome difficulties several times. On the contrary, it is Brother Dongfang who has plotted against you several times. It is right and wrong. You just know what is right and wrong, and this little monk does not make more excuses." .”

Kugo still replied calmly.

Although Zhuo Yifan knew that Dongfang Liang had no good intentions, he also couldn't trust Kong Wu.

This Kongwu used such a cage to trap himself and Xiao Ding at the same time, which is equivalent to putting an ordinary person directly in an iron cage with a tiger.

Dongfang Liang continued to provoke with all his strength: "Zhuo Yifan, you are dying and you can't see his sinister intentions? He is waiting for the spirit to attack and devour you."

Zhuo Yifan yelled in "horrified": "Master Kongwu, quickly open a corner of the magic circle and let me out, this weapon spirit is too scary."

"Benefactor Zhuo, I can't agree to your request!" Kong Wu said lightly: "This large formation is a sealing formation, which isolates all breaths. If you open it, you can come out, but this weapon spirit will also escape with it. , for the sake of the common people in the world, you should be wronged for a while!"

Zhuo Yifan said angrily, "Try shutting you up with it?"

"Young monks don't have precious blood. You must be the benefactor Zhuo for this job. Don't worry, Qi Ling will let you survive after eating enough." Kong Wu smiled firmly.

Zhuo Yifan cursed in his heart, this damn Kongwu is as unbelievable as what Sha Qi said.

But Zhuo Yifan was helpless now, he didn't dare to move the weapon if it didn't move, so he could only waste it.

At this time, he was glad that he had the foresight to let Ouyang Qingzhi and Murong Xiaoqian temporarily hide outside the city, and did not rush in after them, otherwise, in such a big battle, many masters might fall.

At this moment, the three-party melee is completely irrational.

Especially the overwhelming ghosts, I don't know how many there are, and they cull the living beings one after another.

Whether it was Miss Fang's people or the warriors of the Yuan clan, they all suffered terrible attacks.

The battle was intense from the very beginning, and the army led by Sha Qi was at the outermost periphery. They charged, no matter who the opponent was, they would kill anyone they saw.

On the contrary, Zhuo Yifan became the most leisurely person, confronting Xiao Ding, keeping an appropriate distance.

No one knows how this strange balance is formed.

Everyone looked at him with puzzlement and shock.

After Zhuo Yifan revealed his peerless medicine veins, Qi Ling didn't attack him, which is really weird.

Why is the bloodthirsty spirit so quiet?

This eternal mystery is probably unknown to no one.

Miss Fang actually still had the heart to send a voice transmission: "Brother Zhuo, what's going on?"

Zhuo Yifan smiled wryly: "I also really want to know what's going on, this weapon spirit is like a vicious dog, suppressing me tightly, not letting me leave, not letting me move, miss, you have to think There is a way, otherwise the problem will be serious when Kong Wu pulls out his hand."

Miss Fang was surprised and said: "You mean that although this weapon spirit is suppressing you, it has no intention of harming you?"

Zhuo Yifan said depressedly: "It seems so now, he just forced me to stand where I am."

Miss Fang let out an "ah" and was extremely shocked: "This is impossible, your blood energy is almost irresistible to the temptation of all blood essence creatures, even if this weapon spirit has autonomous consciousness, it can't suppress the desire in its heart! "

Zhuo Yifan was also very puzzled, and couldn't figure out the reason at all.

But when he mentioned the vicious dog, a figure suddenly flashed in his mind... gray!

The little thing has been sleeping, but never wakes up.

But just when he was thinking this way at the beginning, there was a wave of fluctuation in his mind. After receiving this wave, he felt as if he had been struck by lightning, and his whole body froze.

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