super unscrupulous student

Chapter 8067 Saint Ancestor Exits

Now, he no longer dared to think that it was ridiculous for Zhuo Yifan to say that he wanted to destroy the An family, because at the same time, fierce battles erupted everywhere in the entire An house.

In a battle of this level between the two, outsiders basically can't intervene.

This is the first time this has happened in the dark mansion for tens of thousands of years.

While everyone was shocked, they didn't have much sense of urgency.

This is the Dark House, one of the eight great families in the Demon Realm!Not only is he super strong, but there are people above him. Looking at the entire lower realm, whoever dares to come here to make troubles must be just some small things

When they rushed out of the retreat place and were gathering, a group of terrifying masters suddenly came out from the dark.

These masters formed a strange battle formation in groups of several people. They did not fight alone, but strangled them like a whirlwind like a meat grinder. Wherever they went, whether it was the palace or the protective circle, they were violently shattered. , like a tornado passing through the border, causing huge damage.

The most frightening thing is that there is more than one such team, and terrifying masters have appeared in almost every corner of the Dark House.

Although the dark family has a profound background, but the masters of the Mahayana stage are extremely limited, and there are not so many masters of the Mahayana stage in the whole family. How can they withstand the ravages of these masters?

Almost no one is an all-in-one enemy, they are invincible, like countless torrents, quickly gathering in the middle of the dark mansion.

The masters of the dark family are like chickens and dogs, vulnerable to a single blow.

Such a situation is simply beyond the imagination of the monks.

You must know that in their eyes before, the An family was like a giant beast, high above, overlooking all living beings, and the vassal family was as small as dust, life and death were seized, completely powerless to resist.

In their hearts, even in the hearts of their ancestors, they have never had the idea of ​​overthrowing such a giant.

But now, this so-called giant is like a sand sculpture in front of himself and others, vulnerable to a single blow.

That sudden change of mentality made everyone's spirits shocked and their fighting spirit invincible.

These former high-ranking people were like a dog in front of him. They were slaughtered, pleaded, and fled. Everything turned out to be no different from ordinary people, no different from those vassal families who were once bullied by them.

It turns out that after pulling down the altar, noble people are also so humble.

The cultivators didn't have any good feelings for the people of the An family. These vampires who were oppressing them should have died a long time ago.

They attacked far more ruthlessly than Zhuo Yifan thought.

All the way to kill the past, it is simply not leaving a blade of grass.

Seeing this situation, his eyes were bloodshot even more secretly.

He roared angrily: "Thief, who the hell are you and why did you treat my family like this?"

Zhuo Yifan sneered, stabilized his figure in mid-air, and threw it casually, and the sword of the saint flew out of his hand, turning into a brilliant white light. Time and space seemed to be completely meaningless to it.

A white light flashed, and almost at the same time, it appeared in front of An Buhui.

This time, the protective cover failed to hold it, like a shattered shield, turning into countless fragments and falling down, while the holy sword directly tore through his space protective barrier and passed through his body.

Zhuo Yifan spit out four words lightly: "Justice trial!"

Anbuhui couldn't believe all of this, he was extremely shocked, he had never heard of the secret treasure that can ignore time, space, distance, and rules for defense!

Seeing that the holy sword stuck in his chest was emitting lightning, he trembled all over, and suddenly fell from mid-air.

This sword of the saint is called the sword of justice, it judges evil, it is the nemesis of the demons, it is not wrong at all.

After encountering the magic power, it was more like being irritated, and burst out an incomparably holy light. This light is not harmful to the human race, but to the demon race, it is like poison.

An Buhui only felt that his body and magic power were being purified as if he had been poisoned, and a large amount of magic power was constantly being lost, and his realm fell directly from the realm of true demons.

He stretched out his hand in pain, trying to pull out the long sword.

Zhuo Yifan was also amazed by the unique move of this holy sword.

Unfortunately, this trick can only be used once a day.

This attack that completely ignores defense is really terrifying.

With a sword in the hands of a true demon master, he was directly knocked down to a level and became extremely weak.

Zhuo Yifan's figure turned into a rune, and with a flash, he came to Anbuhui, waved his hand, and the holy sword swished back into his hand, he waved it lightly, and said coldly: "It seems that your father is not very I feel sorry for your son, if I wanted to kill you, you would have died ten thousand times."

"You... why did you do this? Did my dark family offend you?"

Anbugui really couldn't remember when his family had provoked such a terrible person, he covered his chest and said tremblingly.

At this moment, he discovered another terrible fact, that is, the wound caused by the holy sword could not be healed, no matter how much elixir he took, it would not work.

The wound still exists, and his vitality is constantly passing away.

"Your dark family did offend me. I said long ago that the dark family will be destroyed. Today, I have come to fulfill my promise." Zhuo Yifan said flatly: "Remember my name, my name is Zhuo Yifan. "

"Zhuo... Yifan? So, you are that human evildoer?" The shock in Anbuhui's heart was stronger than that brought by the holy sword, and he hissed: "This is impossible, Zhuo Yifan is just a You're just a human kid who just advanced to the Mahayana stage, you... how could you reach this state in such a short time? I don't believe it."

"Believe it or not, this is all true, because the An family will be destroyed today." Zhuo Yifan sneered.

"You are not ashamed of your big words, even Huangkou Xiaoer dares to come to my secret house to play wild and seek death."

Suddenly, a sky-shattering roar sounded, and the deafening noise was deafening for thousands of miles.

With a loud bang, the center of the City Lord's Mansion exploded directly, a stream of light flew out, and a terrifying aura spread, covering the entire dark mansion.

"All incoming enemies will die!"

An Wuqing gritted his teeth and snorted coldly, it turned out that he had arranged a space confinement from the very beginning, blocked the way out, and wanted to catch all the people who came in.

Not only did Zhuo Yifan not panic, but he showed a smug smile: "The old fox has finally been forced out, and now it's time for the last step."

He didn't even look at Anbuhui again, and just like this slowly flew into the air.

An Buhui hissed loudly: "Zhuo Yifan, you will definitely die today. In this world, no one is a match for the Holy Patriarch."

Zhuo Yifan ignored him, as if he was just air, this kind of contempt made An Buhui very uncomfortable.

An Wuqing is a tall, middle-aged man who looks very mighty.

The monk's appearance and age cannot be guessed by common sense.

Although he looks like the son of Anbugui, in fact, he is the father of Anbugui and the founder of the entire Anjia.

Seeing him, the words "Golden Retriever Lion King" involuntarily appeared in Zhuo Yifan's mind.

That's right, this is a mighty and domineering guy like the Golden Retriever Lion King. Wherever he stands, he looks like a peerless beast, emitting waves of terrifying waves, and even a little ripple, which is very scary.

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