super unscrupulous student

Chapter 8124 Mysterious Movement

Such a mysterious and terrifying place is even more terrifying than a real hell.

Although there are no creatures or enemies, the dead silence can drive people crazy.

A bold person like Zhuo Yifan couldn't help but change his face for a while.

At this moment, he has fully mastered the strange rhythm provided by the devil's heart, moving in the blood lake, and is no longer affected by the electric wave of the altar.

Every time he took a step, the blood under his feet rippled, as if he was stepping on the ripples.

With a heart like a mirror, Zhuo Yifan looked at the altar and moved forward step by step.

The devil's heart beat faster and faster, and it became more and more strange.

Zhuo Yifan's movements began to change. As he fell, his pace was sometimes fast, sometimes very slow, and it took a long time before he fell. It looked weird, but from a distance, it was very weird.

I saw Zhuo Yifan's figure, as if disappearing, appearing in the east for a while, and in the west for a while, coming and going freely, without any energy fluctuations.

If it weren't for what the eyes saw, it would be almost impossible to sense it with the magic sense.

Zhuo Yifan advanced a certain distance and then stopped.

Because he found that he could no longer keep up with the frequency of the devil's heart.

He thought for a while, then backed away again.

His retreat did not follow this rhythm, but he stepped randomly.


When he stepped down, it was as if the whole world was in riots. A huge and incomparable sound exploded in his mind, making him dizzy for a while, and the next moment, sleepiness hit him, and he wanted to fall asleep immediately.

Zhuo Yifan was shocked, and quickly moved his feet, operating the power of his mind according to the frequency he had previously comprehended.


In the nick of time, he seemed to break free from the nightmare again, but his figure was strangely shuttled through the void, appearing hundreds of miles away.

"Hahaha, it really is, it's amazing."

Instead of being surprised, Zhuo Yifan laughed out loud.

Through the Demon Heart's simulated sync, he discovers a startling secret.

This frequency turned out to be a miraculous movement technique.

In this miraculous place, only by following this movement method will one not be affected by the electric waves of the altar and fall into a dream.

This movement fits the beating of the devil's heart, which is actually the information collected by the devil's heart based on its changes and fed back to Zhuo Yifan.

According to these information, Zhuo Yifan's body must make corresponding movements in order to perfectly match the frequency of the devil's heart, which is also equivalent to completely matching the fluctuation of this altar.

These movements are the essence of this body method.

Now Zhuo Yifan discovered that this movement method was so unpredictable that it was impossible to figure it out.

Within the scope of body skills, it can appear anywhere at will, without any restrictions from the rules of space.

In fact, teleportation seems to be very fast, but it still needs to be applied to space rules, and is even restricted by very large space rules.

This method is not bad for short-term travel, but it is actually used in battle, but risks and benefits coexist.

But this mysterious body technique is different. It seems to transcend the rules of space and is completely unrestricted. Therefore, it will not cause energy fluctuations between coming and going, making it hard to guard against.

After realizing this, Zhuo Yifan was not in a hurry to approach the altar.

He immersed himself in it with all his heart, feeling the strange rhythmic fluctuations, and slowly grasped the essence of it.

His figure kept going back and forth in front of the altar.

At the beginning, I could still see the figure clearly, but later I couldn't even see the figure clearly.

Later, several Zhuo Yifan suddenly appeared in the blood lake, appearing and disappearing one by one, without knowing which one is the real him.

"Hahaha, it's really amazing, this movement is really astonishing!"

Zhuo Yifan couldn't hide his excitement, this peerless movement technique combined with [Immortal Stiffness Art] will be a nightmare for all enemies.

While practicing, he approached the altar.

The closer you are to the altar, the greater the impact you will receive, requiring more advanced positioning and fit.

This is also a challenge for Zhuo Yifan.

In the practice again and again, the devil's heart kept absorbing the blood energy of the blood lake and became stronger and stronger. The speed of recovery was beyond Zhuo Yifan's imagination.

For nothing else, just to restore the devil's heart, he couldn't give up.

What's more, he is now in the lake of blood, surrounded by a vast expanse of blood, apart from the altar, he really doesn't know where to go.

Zhuo Yifan's comprehension is terrifying, his soul is extremely powerful, and he also has [Soul Condensation Pond] to nourish the original soul for a long time. He has endless spiritual power and is not afraid of consumption.

Zhuo Yifan didn't know how long it had passed. In this dead space, time seemed to have completely lost its meaning.

Time and time again, he gradually increased the pressure and challenged the limit.

The altar seemed to be close in front of his eyes, but Zhuo Yifan discovered it under observation with the power of his mind.

The altar was shrouded in mysterious electric waves, which were radial. The closer it was, the stronger the ripples became, and circles of hurricane-like existences were formed.

If you want to pass, you can only use the mysterious mental method, which perfectly fits this frequency fluctuation. If there is a slight error, you will be thrown away by the mysterious power, or even fall into a dream directly, and your consciousness will be completely destroyed.

Zhuo Yifan didn't dare to be careless, he proceeded step by step and steadily.

The endless blood energy in this blood lake was crazily devoured by the devil's heart.

The devil's heart is like a bottomless pit, its devouring speed is astonishing, and this huge blood is not used to nourish the body, but is truly fused by the devil's heart to repair itself.

Although it has not been fully repaired, Zhuo Yifan can feel that the devil's heart is more than one level stronger than before.

Of course, when he was exercising body skills, the pores all over his body were also wide open, absorbing the essence and blood energy automatically.

He is like a peerless magic treasure, constantly being tempered and perfected.

【Immortal Art of Immortality】The second layer is completely a cramming process, which requires a huge amount of energy.

And the amount of essence and blood here is completely enough for him to rush to the second floor.

But Zhuo Yifan was not in a hurry, he felt that with the strength of the devil's heart, his body had not reached its limit.

Under such circumstances, of course, continue to temper.

Zhuo Yifan was tireless, circling the altar frantically with Liejiao in his arms.

The altar is like the eye of a tornado spinning at high speed, while Zhuo Yifan is running and exercising around the tornado, trying hard to synchronize with the hurricane.

This process is very difficult, because once a mistake is made, Zhuo Yifan will suffer a severe blow to his heart.

Bewildered by the altar's electric waves, he will inevitably suffer the instinctive shock from the devil's heart. The impact of these two forces is all done in his mind, and every time it is like a bomb explodes in his mind.

The kind of pain that comes directly from the original soul is definitely not something ordinary people can bear and understand.

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