Lie Jiao looked at the wall, her face turned pale.

Using her spiritual sense to detect, this is a real wall!

Is the master trying to break through the wall?

With a flash in front of her eyes, Lie Jiao touched her head in surprise, she didn't feel the impact at all, she just passed through the magical barrier and came to a large hall.

After passing through the barrier, both of them felt a burst of relief.

The front is like a person diving in the deep sea. Not only is there huge pressure, but it is also difficult to open his mouth to speak.

But now, it seems to be standing on land, very relaxed.

Of course, this ease is also relatively speaking, compared to the gravity of the Demon Realm, it is more than ten times greater.

This hall has obvious characteristics of the Yuan nationality, spaciousness is its keynote, and simple and simple introduction is his style.

The location of the two of them happened to be a high platform.

There are steps on all sides, and there are six sides, which looks like a hexagon.

And below, there is a very wide cave, with various stalactites standing upside down, which looks very mysterious.

There was nothing special about such a scene, but what surprised the two of them was that there were actually people under the hall.

Liejiao happily shouted: "Xiaobai, you are fine as expected, that's great, where is the treasure, take us there quickly."

In one part of the main hall below, everyone raised their heads and looked up in shock.

Zhuo Yifan couldn't help showing a smile, strode to the edge of the altar, looked down at the people below, and laughed loudly: "Patriarch Yinshan, don't come here without any harm!"

In a strange place below, Gray White and Black Dragon were both sluggish and slumped on the ground, while a circle of rocks surrounded them.

Outside the rock, the seven elders watched fiercely at the two people inside the rock, but did not move.

This surprised both Lie Jiao and Zhuo Yifan.

It seems that both Huabai and Heilong have suffered at the hands of the seven.

The Seven Great Elders clearly have the absolute upper hand, but they sit on the sidelines and dare not attack. What is the situation?

Could it be that the rock is weird?

With a movement in Zhuo Yifan's heart, the power of the mind spread over, and he felt it, and he immediately understood it.

This is indeed another powerful handwriting. A few simple rocks actually formed a magic circle, which made the seven masters of true demons helpless.

This person's accomplishments in the formation method are really amazing.

When Yinshan and the others looked up and saw Zhuo Yifan, they were all taken aback and couldn't believe it.

It is estimated that they didn't realize that they were chasing the wrong person until now.

"Zhuo Yifan, where are you?" Yinshan shouted with an ugly face, "Who is in this circle?"

Zhuo Yifan laughed loudly: "I also want to know why you are here?"

He was really a little confused. Didn't these guys encounter the altar's electric wave attack?

Yinshan said coldly: "We don't know why we are here. This place is isolated from the world. It seems that we are trapped. But since you appeared, you should know the way out. As long as we catch you, everything will be solved gone."

Zhuo Yifan smiled and said, "If you can come up, what are you waiting for?"

Yinshan's face suddenly changed.

Zhuo Yifan knew he was right, these guys were really trapped below.

Under the main hall, it seems to be very ordinary, but these ordinary rocks have actually formed countless large formations.

One link after another, very complicated.

If it weren't for his [Void Dungeon] already started, and he is very familiar with this kind of fluctuation, I'm afraid he wouldn't notice the strangeness, and once he entered, he would be confused.

The second elder roared angrily: "Zhuo Yifan, die!"

He jumped up suddenly, about to rush at Zhuo Yifan.

His cultivation base is not too low. In the middle stage of a true demon, his physical body is not weak, so he can block magic treasures.

His deliberate blow is enough to split mountains and rocks.

But Zhuo Yifan's mouth was teasing, but he didn't move.


The second elder's body was still in the air, but suddenly fell down, as if being slapped by someone.

What's even more frightening is that everyone didn't even sense the energy fluctuations, let alone see people.

Zhuo Yifan smiled proudly: "Don't be so angry, old man. If you dare to offend me, God will punish you."

The second elder was so angry that he vomited blood.

He was attacked by the void magic circle just now, and he had no strength to fight back. Under the shock, he was already injured and embarrassed.

A hint of sinisterness flashed in Yinshan's eyes, and he said coldly: "Zhuo Yifan, although we can't kill you, you can't save your companions either. They are also trapped here, and they are seriously injured. They won't last long. We have to Let's see who can survive who."

Zhuo Yifan's expression changed, and he said via voice transmission: "Xiaobai, how are you doing?"

Huabai lay down next to a rock weakly, unable to even transmit sound, and shouted directly: "Boss, don't worry, I'm fine, don't come down, I can leave at any time when I regain my strength."

Zhuo Yifan's heart suddenly sank, Nima didn't even have the strength to telepathically communicate, and left at any time.

It seems that the trauma she suffered was not low.

"Xiaobai, don't worry, I will kill this bastard for you to avenge you." Zhuo Yifan gritted his teeth and said, with murderous intent in his eyes.

"Boss, I'm serious, don't come down." Hua Bai was anxious.

This hall does not seem to be big, but it is only when you are deeply involved in it that you know the danger.

Even the space darling like Hua Bai is trapped in it, unable to escape.

Zhuo Yifan looked at Yinshan coldly, and said: "You group of disrespectful old people, get ready to die!"

Zhuo Yifan's heart ached when he saw the gray and sluggish look, and his eyes turned red.

It's like his relatives and friends have been hurt, which is more difficult for him to accept than his own injury.

Yinshan laughed loudly: "Zhuo Yifan, you're just talking, you dare to come down? It's a joke."

Lie Jiao quickly persuaded: "Master, this guy has no good intentions. He wants to provoke you to go down. You must not be fooled."

Zhuo Yifan glanced at Liejiao, and said calmly: "I know, but even so, I can't just watch Xiaobai suffer."

He looked at Yinshan, his eyes gleaming with blood red: "Whoever hurt my Xiaobai, stand up and die."

The second elder said gloomyly: "So what if it's me, if I have the seed, I'll fight it out."

Zhuo Yifan's eyes were full of killing intent: "Okay, then I will do what you want."

He suddenly jumped out in one step and jumped down from the altar which was a hundred feet high.

Yinshan and the others looked at this scene with smiles showing that the plot had succeeded.

This kid doesn't know how scary this space is, so he dared to jump down directly, he is courting death!

They also jumped from the altars on all sides before, who knew that they would regret not falling once they went down.

He could clearly see the surrounding environment, but no matter what method he used, he couldn't get out.

Everyone tried their best, but to no avail.

Whether it is physical attack or magic attack, I have tried all of them, but I can't even destroy a single rock here.

Now that Zhuo Yifan came down, it was exactly what they wanted.

Everyone is trapped in it, so it's easy to handle.

Maybe he can take this opportunity to kill Zhuo Yifan, the great enemy.

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