super unscrupulous student

Chapter 8129 Black Dragon Yields

Zhuo Yifan stabbed the second elder to death, immediately launched [Void Escape], and moved to a safe place.

This is the safe passage left by the people who set up the formation. It has incredible power. No one can see Zhuo Yifan there, as if he is truly invisible.

This invisible pressure terrified the six members of the Yin family.

The unknown enemy is the scariest thing.

Zhuo Yifan lurks in the dark and has the power to kill them with one blow. This kind of deterrence is really terrifying.

Whoever faces such an opponent will probably feel sleepless, like sitting on a blanket of needles.

The six people looked at the second elder who had turned into a skeleton, the anger in their eyes was burning, and the endless killing intent continued to escalate.

Standing on the altar, Lie Jiao had a clear view of the situation below.

She was surprised that Zhuo Yifan was standing not far from the six people, but the six people turned a blind eye to him.

She really felt the horror of this big formation.

Although one person was assassinated in a sneak attack, Zhuo Yifan did not continue to act.

Once he is dragged, he will fall into that space, even if there is [Void Escape], it is useless.

Facing six crazy masters of true demons, Zhuo Yifan didn't have the confidence yet.

But Huabai and Heilong were trapped in the center, blocked by six people.

If Zhuo Yifan wanted to rescue them, he had to go through the main hall guarded by six people, which made Zhuo Yifan frown a little.

Huabai and Heilong also saw this scene, and both the dragon and the unicorn were stunned.

It never occurred to him that a super master like the Second Elder was killed by Zhuo Yifan with a single sword strike.

The strange thing about this big formation is that when you are not moving, you can even see everything clearly.

But when you move, everything around you will change, and it is difficult to get out.

Of course, Zhuo Yifan's hidden position is a safe passage, completely independent of the magic circle, and in the eyes of those inside the magic circle, he is invisible.

"How about it, have you seen how powerful my boss is? Xiao Hei, just be obedient and return to your place! You can't find such a boss even with a lantern!"

Hua Bai was really loyal, and he did not forget to win over Black Dragon.

The black dragon snorted coldly: "Hmph, my black dragon clan has been tortured and oppressed, trapped in the barrier of time and space, fend for itself, and have to use this way of blood inheritance to continue life. All of this is caused by him, you Now you want me to surrender to him?"

Xiaobai frowned and said: "I've said it many times, it doesn't matter about my boss, he himself was reincarnated, he can't remember the past at all. Besides, you were just a drop of blood, now you have a chance Reincarnated as a real black dragon, shouldn't we thank the master for all of this?"

"Thank you fart, what if I imprison you for 1000 million years?" The black dragon's face was full of resentment: "Trapped in the barrier of time and space, I can only passively wait for death. When I die, I will condense my blood and pass it on. Another generation, do you know how many generations it took before it was my turn?"

Hua Bai frowned and said: "If the boss hadn't rescued you, you would have collapsed and committed suicide in the end, and carried on the blood inheritance."

The black dragon froze for a moment, and said sternly: "I won't. The punishments the black dragons have received in the past are enough. I don't want to be trapped in a small space until I die of old age. You will never imagine that kind of loneliness and torture."

Hua Bai sighed: "I can understand, because I am the same as you."

The black dragon said in surprise: "You are the same as me, don't tell me you...are also reincarnated?"

Huabai said: "Yes, so do I. Bloodline inheritance is not only the patent of your Black Dragon Clan, but [his] patent. No matter what, I think [his] is for everyone's benefit. The old tool spirit, Aren’t they all reincarnated into real life forms in this way?”

The black dragon was silent for a while, still unable to dissipate the source energy: "But this way is too cruel."

Hua Bai pondered and said: "Actually, you can take this as a kind of protection for you. If you go out too early, you may have become someone's pet, or been hunted and killed, and refined into a weapon spirit .At least now you are a real body of flesh and blood, so you have unlimited possibilities, and the pursuit of the Dao is just around the corner.”

Heilong sneered and said, "Look at you, you are really a loyal guard dog."

Hua Bai didn't take it seriously: "It's the dream of many monks to follow in the footsteps of the strong and pursue the way of heaven. You don't know how to cherish it."

The black dragon said angrily: "I don't want to be enslaved and guard the gate all my life. What's the point of such a day?"

Hua Bai was stunned: "Boss is not an ordinary monk. You can see his attitude towards us. He doesn't look like a slave at all? Besides, guarding the gate doesn't require your body. You are a flesh and blood body now. As long as you split a little Just inject the soul into the gate of hell."

"Moreover, after your soul is injected into the gate of hell, it will also be nourished by [the gate of hell], and gradually become stronger and purer."

Heilong frowned and looked at Xiaobai: "Is what you said true?"

Xiaobai nodded again and again: "Look at my honest and reliable appearance, do I seem to be able to deceive people? The master has no time to go to the dragon world now. If he goes to the dragon world, he will send out a message to recruit the gatekeeper. I don't know how many dragons will apply for it." , now that the opportunity falls in front of you, you are still talking nonsense, I really don’t know if you have turned your mind bad after so many reincarnations.”

The black dragon said angrily: "You can say that I'm ignorant, but you can't say that I'm not smart. I'm the smartest black dragon of the black dragon clan."

Xiaobai nodded: "I think so too, so why don't you just say a word, if you miss this village, there will be no shop here."

Black Dragon is still hesitating.

Xiaobai hit the iron while it was hot and said: "You have also seen that the boss is only in the Mahayana stage now, but killing a real demon master is as natural as eating and drinking. When he ascends to the real demon world, he will definitely dominate the three worlds. With such a background, we From now on, even walking sideways will be fine, look at you now, being chased to death by several real demons from the lower realm, it is really embarrassing!"

Heilong's face suddenly became very ugly.

"What's the use of saying so much, we're trapped here now, guarded by six true demons outside, even your master can't save us."

Xiaobai said with firm eyes: "I believe the boss will save us."

"You trust him blindly." The black dragon was a little disdainful.

"Because he is worthy of me." Xiaobai looked at the void outside with firm eyes.

"Okay, if he can rescue us, I will agree to help him guard the gate, but I can only leave a trace of my spirit, my body can't stay in that dark place for a long time." Heilong gritted his teeth and said.

Trapped in the space-time barrier for too long, he was very afraid of losing his freedom.

Now trapped in the magic circle, the phobia of being trapped brought about by the blood inheritance began to erupt, making him feel uncomfortable all over.

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