super unscrupulous student

Chapter 8161 The Mystery of Creation

Zhuo Yifan himself was also shocked. He didn't expect this step to contain such a strange rule. It was as if he had traveled through time and space, directly spanning a distance of a hundred miles.

Zhuo Yifan clearly remembered that he took every step.

But where this memory came from, even he himself didn't know.

Can the space-time barrier really reverse time and space?

Such an absurd thought flashed through his mind.

The huge sky in front of me runs through the sky and the earth, dividing the whole world into two halves. The radiance in front of my eyes is like a screen, but I can't see through the screen at all.

Zhuo Yifan only knew that this huge screen was actually composed of countless small runes. In the eyes of monks, the powerful runes could only be regarded as the smallest unit here.

Moreover, these are not ordinary runes, but the ancient runes of the Yuan Clan. Except for the people of the Yuan Clan, it is basically difficult for outsiders to identify them.

Zhuo Yifan's understanding of the way of runes is beyond most people's imagination.

His distraction is perceiving sword energy and runes all the time, never stopping.

This is tantamount to cultivating all the time, and still has no distractions, and the natural progress is amazing.

Zhuo Yifan observed carefully for a while, and was pleasantly surprised to find that the composition of this large formation was somewhat similar to [Void Escape].

However, when I got [Void Escape], it turned into hundreds of millions of runes, but it covered an altar.

But here, there are as many as seven similar altars. How vast the space-time barrier created by this kind of power is simply beyond imagination.

Zhuo Yifan dared to conclude that if he accepted so much information at once, he might become an idiot in an instant.

No one can bear this terrifying information shock.

Inheriting the consistent characteristics of the God-Escape Formation, this super large formation is also in motion.

The structure and combination of runes is changing all the time.

The frequency of this conversion is so high and fast that it has surpassed the limit of speed.

Unless time and space are reversed, it is possible to achieve so many changes in such a short period of time.

Zhuo Yifan reckoned that this level could only be reached by the Great Demon King and above, and the soul consciousness of ordinary monks could not bear it at all.

"Brother An, the situation is not good, we may really be trapped."

Zhuo Yifan smiled wryly.

Hearing this, Anlong frowned and said, "Brother Zhuo, haven't you already approached the barrier of the formation? Could it be that you can't crack it?"

"Brother An, the magic circle of escaping the gods is changing all the time, and time rules are also added. I don't have enough realm, so I don't dare to comprehend it at all."

"In the barrier of time and space, of course there will be rules of time and space." Anlong sighed, "Master Dunshen really deserves to be a legendary true god. Even after 1000 million years, his achievements are still unmatched. , I am afraid that only peerless experts who have thoroughly comprehended the rules of time and space can peep."

Zhuo Yifan frowned and said, "What should we do now? There is no way ahead, can we go back the way we came?"

"I'm afraid I can't. Master Dunshen has a weird personality and often acts unexpectedly. He absolutely doesn't allow people to give up halfway. I'm afraid the way back will have changed a long time ago."

Zhuo Yifan's expression changed: "Then what should I do? Is it the only way to kill all these [Magic Flying Squirrels]?"

"This is impossible!"

Anlong said: "Do you know that there is a legend in the upper world, which is the real reason why all the monks want to find the secret treasure of the escaped god."

Zhuo Yifan was stunned: "Isn't it because of his peerless skills and formations that you are looking for the secret treasure of the gods?"

"Not only that, in the legend, it is said that the God of Dungeon was suspected and excluded by other true gods because he mastered the law of creation, and finally withdrew from the war between the two factions and disappeared. I want to get his law of creation and pursue the real law of eternal life."

Zhuo Yifan was surprised for a while: "The real way of eternal life?"

"That's right, even if it is a true demon king, in a long period of time, he will eventually be unable to escape the judgment of heaven and earth, and will inevitably fall. If he wants to transcend this world, the only way is to create the world."

Anlong really knew enough about this, Zhuo Yifan was speechless for a while.

"But what does all this have to do with this place?" Zhuo Yifan was puzzled.

"Since Dunshen has mastered a certain method of creation, of course he will experiment, and this is his laboratory."

Anlong pointed to those [Demon Realm Flying Squirrels], and said mysteriously: "Don't you wonder why these flying squirrels emerge endlessly and endlessly?"

Zhuo Yifan was stunned: "Why?"

"Because they were all created by Dunshen. This is another world of Dunshen, with his unique rules. Under this land, there is also a huge magic circle. They were bred and grown on the spot."

"Didn't you realize that although these monsters are ferocious, their combat skills are actually very backward, more like an instinct? Because they grow up in an instant from birth."

Zhuo Yifan has grown up so much, and has seen countless weird things, but what Anlong said still broke his thinking, unbelievable.

"This underground formation has complete rules of time and space. Where the time is completely distorted, it is a world of its own. Therefore, it seems to us that it is only a moment, where it may be decades or even a hundred years."

Zhuo Yifan had a flash of inspiration: "It's like 1000 million years have passed for the outside world, but for the creatures sealed in the barrier of time and space, it's only a few hundred years?"

"Yes, there are not many masters of this method of sealing time and space, let alone the method of creation?"

Anlong talked eloquently: "Even this miraculous barrier seal is inseparable from the rules of real time and space. To be restricted by this world, ten thousand times the limit is already the limit. But in the space of escaping gods, a hundred years in an instant Thousands of years or even ten thousand years, completely whatever you want."

Zhuo Yifan was shocked: "Is this the creation of the world?"

"Creating a time and space that is not restricted by this world, what is it but creation?"

Zhuo Yifan looked at [Magic Flying Squirrel], his expression became more and more serious.

He found that, as Anlong said, these flying squirrels looked extremely ferocious, but in fact they lacked combat experience, like a completely untrained clone army.

"Of course, this is just a simple application, not the real world. Otherwise, we will be squeezed by the rules of the two worlds here and instantly turn into ashes."

Anlong sighed: "Master Dunshen really deserves to be my idol! But it's a pity that such a great blessing is not what small people like me can covet. Once contaminated, it will bring endless disasters."

Zhuo Yifan frowned and said, "So, there are only more and more [Magic Flying Squirrels], and we have to find a way out."

Anlong said: "Brother Zhuo, if you can walk to the edge of the barrier, you should not be far from the portal. It is impossible for a barrier to have no portal, but it is relatively hidden."

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