super unscrupulous student

Chapter 8165 The Mystery of the Stars

In Zhuo Yifan's consciousness, he seemed to have experienced 1000 years of cultivation.

But in the feeling, he just came in.

For him, it is acceptable to cultivate for ten days and half a month, but if it takes hundreds of years or thousands of years, it will be too boring.

The purpose of his practice is to protect his loved ones so that they can be together forever.

But if you give up your family because of cultivation, wouldn't it be putting the cart before the horse, and the gain outweighs the loss?

Zhuo Yifan took a closer look and found that he was not far from the star core.

And the surrounding starlight and various regular threads also became more complicated, as if an infrared intersection network was arranged in front of him.

To pass, one must find a suitable position.

For these rule changes, Zhuo Yifan has almost realized it.

All the sleepless comprehension that has been distracted for thousands of years, and under the boost of [Soul Concentration Pond], this time alone is extremely terrifying.

Zhuo Yifan has hundreds of distractions now, but here, there are still only 108 ways that can be used to directly comprehend and practice.

These 108 souls are all comprehending and practicing at the same time, coupled with the surrounding environment, he is at least equivalent to tens of thousands of years of penance for a monk.

This made his vision suddenly raised.

It's like a primary school student, but after finishing the university courses, he directly becomes a child prodigy.

His spiritual cultivation is so high that even if he is comparable to the Demon King, he probably won't be much worse. He is really too powerful.

But with such a high level of spiritual cultivation, watching the changes in the rules at the core still has a shocking feeling.

Zhuo Yifan opened his eyes and stepped forward gently.


He felt a roar in his mind, and the whole world seemed to disappear, and even himself became nothingness.

At this moment, Zhuo Yifan didn't even have time to be shocked or frightened, and just became a mass of nothingness.

Intangible and intangible, without consciousness, and without any fluctuations.

I don't know how long it took, some [dust] began to appear in the nothingness. These dusts look very light, but they give people a very dignified feeling.

The dust was floating, and some faint mist began to appear around, and the mist surrounded the dust, like a cradle.

Finally one day, a grain of dust suddenly emitted a heat, which began to attract the surrounding dust to approach.

As if attracted by a magnet, the surrounding dust was attracted one after another, like a snowball, getting bigger and bigger.

There was a sudden burst of pressure around.

The pressure is so great that it seems to press the dust into nothingness.

The dust has condensed into a solid body at this moment, it is not willing to be suppressed, and it starts to rotate to resist this pressure.

He was getting faster and faster to cope with the increasing pressure.

During the rotation, he crazily absorbed everything and gradually grew stronger.

In the end, when he grew to a limit, the pressure outside also reached its limit.


Under the pressure, the dust had already become a huge sphere, and now it exploded, and a terrifying beam of light rushed out of the sphere, dispersing the void.

Under the impact of the huge beam of light, the entire void was shaken.

Zhuo Yifan seemed to have fallen asleep and woke up suddenly.

He looked at this scene in surprise.

He can clearly remember everything that happened just now, but he was in a completely strange state at that time.

And the memory of waking up is like a camera recording, and then synchronizing it to him, so that he has the memory of this scene.

A sense of enlightenment rose in his heart.

Is this how stars are formed?

The star is getting bigger and bigger, and the entire sphere is constantly fissioning under the high temperature, fusing all the substances in the outside world.

The endless nebula sucked in, as if it was being tempered.

After an unknown number of years of tempering, a beautiful planet finally took shape.

She was radiant, bursting out with terrifying heat, more brilliant and hot than the sun.

This is a real star!young stars.

During the long years, he glowed and grew gradually.

The nebula dust that originally formed the star condenses into the core of the star.

Perhaps after countless tempering and various energy washings, the core also began to change.

It slowly condenses the most quintessential star power, constantly evolving, constantly evolving.

Eventually, it became a mini planet, or bead.

Zhuo Yifan was shocked. Could this bead be the star core?

That pure energy was the purest power Zhuo Yifan had ever seen in his life.

The time it takes for such a pure and flawless star core to be born is in units of billions.

I don't know how long it took, but the star core gradually changed, becoming more and more mature.

Suddenly, a thunderbolt struck the planet.

The magnitude of this thunderbolt is really indescribable. A star ten times bigger than Tianyao Xing was almost split into two halves by it.


Such a word suddenly rose in Zhuo Yifan's heart.

There are spirits in heaven and earth, and if they appear against the sky, they will be punished by heaven.

Just like a monk must go through a catastrophe in cultivation, this is also a kind of assessment of the monks by the heavens.

It's just that Zhuo Yifan didn't expect that even the stars would have to go through this kind of test?

Is it because of the star core?

The power of thunder and lightning poured into the entire planet, and lightning flashes raged.

I don't know how long it took, but under the ravages of thunder and lightning, not only did the star core not shatter, but it absorbed a little power of lightning and gradually repaired it.

The power of thunder and lightning seems to have stimulated his mutation, giving him a trace of [spiritual wisdom].

Protoss, begin to be born!

A sense of enlightenment rose in Zhuo Yifan's heart.

The formation process of the protoss is actually like the evolution of human embryos, there are fertilized eggs first, but is the protoss born from the fertilization of thunder and lightning considered the son of thunder and lightning?

The embryo gradually evolves into shape, and this process is calculated in billions.

I don't know how many billions of years have passed, and the protoss finally possessed instinctive sanity.

It starts to grow, it starts to explore.

To him, the incomparably huge astral body is nothing more than his own body, and he has absolute sovereignty.

As a result, various rules were formed, and everything was based on the will of the protoss.

But these rules are suppressed and restricted by the rules of heaven and earth.

Zhuo Yifan's current state is very strange, like a spectator, but he can feel everything about the protoss, just like he is a protoss.

Therefore, these concepts of time do not exist, they are just a number.

In the eyes of the protoss, a hundred million years is just equivalent to one year in human consciousness.

Sure enough, different lives have different concepts of time.

Time is relative, not absolute.

The rules formulated by the protoss became more and more perfect, and various creatures on the planet began to flourish.

But one day, a huge force enveloped the planet.

Endless flames surrounded the stars, and the stars began to melt and shrink.

Huge stars are deeply refined by hardness.

Those star rules, like a shell, wrap the planet and are compressed into a very small one.

In the end, the protoss was also shattered and turned into countless stars, floating among the stars...

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