super unscrupulous student

Chapter 8168 Shocking Secret 3

In fact, Zhuo Yifan had a feeling when he first saw the light and shadow, that this is absolutely impossible to be a real escape god.

Dunshen is an ancient true god, no matter how close to the people, it is impossible to be so casual.

It is even more impossible to call myself an adult. Although it is a joke, the dignity of the true god does not allow him to do so.

Although he was a prison manager in his last life, Zhuo Yifan was blank and didn't know what was going on with this manager.

Now that it's hard to catch an insider, he must of course try to find out the cause and effect.

"Tell me everything you know about me, or I won't spare you."

Zhuo Yifan stared at the light and shadow with the aura of a superior.

"Back to my lord, I am the spirit of this formation, and I have been ordered to guard the secret treasure for many years. But...but I really don't know much about you, my lord!"

Zhen Ling said aggrievedly.

"Stop talking nonsense, tell me everything you know." Zhuo Yifan shouted impatiently, "Haven't you seen me many times? How did you meet me? What happened?"

"My lord, spare my life, my lord, I really can't say this! Once I say it, I will immediately suffer the punishment of heaven and turn into nothingness."

Zhen Ling said in horror.

"Who made you make such a terrible soul vow?" Zhuo Yifan frowned.

"Actually, my current situation is not much better than that of an adult. I only have tens of thousands of years of memory. The previous memory seems to be destroyed by someone because I violated my oath. There is only a remnant soul left. Tens of thousands of years of recuperation. Slowly recover."

Zhuo Yifan said in surprise: "You are the spirit of the formation, who can destroy you? Who can force you to take the soul oath?"

Zhen Ling looked at Zhuo Yifan aggrieved, although his appearance could not be felt, but Zhuo Yifan could feel his expression, which was really weird.

Seeing Zhen Ling looking at him wrongedly, Zhuo Yifan's expression changed drastically, and he said in disbelief: "You mean, I'm the one who forced you?"

"It's my lord, my lord once said that if you accidentally lose your previous memory in a certain reincarnation, you must not tell you anything, otherwise, as soon as I open my mouth, or have the thought of opening my mouth, I will immediately Assimilated by the big formation, returned to nothingness."

Zhuo Yifan got a headache and cursed in his heart, how stupid he was in his previous lives to do such a thing.

Eh, no, since in previous lives he could use force to make him submit, why not now?

Seemingly sensing Zhuo Yifan's thoughts, Zhen Ling hurriedly said: "My lord, it's better for you to put an end to this year as soon as possible. In previous lives, you persecuted me, which is not the current state."

"What state is that?"

Zhuo Yifan asked.

"The Realm of the Demon King!"

Zhen Ling said, and became relaxed again: "My lord will probably hate me now, hate me, and even want to kill me, but that will be countless years later. If I want to reveal your secret now, my lord, but You will be punished immediately."

Zhuo Yifan lost his temper immediately.

He has already seen that this spirit is very slippery, and it is almost impossible to force him.

He looked helplessly at Zhen Ling, and said, "Say what you can say."

"What do you want to know, my lord? As long as it's not about you, my lord, I can tell you."

Zhuo Yifan thought for a while, and said, "Is this really a hidden place? What's the secret?"

"My lord, speaking of this, I do have a real secret to tell you. The current situation fully meets the conditions for telling this secret. This is related to your personal interests, my lord. You have to remember it clearly."

Zhuo Yifan was startled: "Let's listen."

"My lord has lost the memory of his previous life in this life, and all previous arrangements have been disrupted. Big changes are coming, and it will become even more difficult for you to protect your relatives and friends. Those descendants of sinners know your weakness, lord. I will attack your relatives and friends, so as to disturb your mind and mind."

Zhuo Yifan frowned, killing intent flashed in his eyes: "Whoever dares to touch my family and friends will be destroyed."

"Once the barrier of the Three Realms is broken, the whole Three Realms will be in chaos. At that time, the mighty ones will descend to the realm one after another. Now you will almost offend the demon kings from the upper realm, right? Once they descend to the realm, how can they let you go? At that time, even You can escape, what about your family and friends? What should they do?"

Zhen Ling looked at Zhuo Yifan, and he was very aware of Zhuo Yifan's weaknesses.

Zhuo Yifan frowned and said, "How can I resolve this crisis?"

"There are two ways. One is that you ascend to the upper realm, enter the [Temple of Punishment], control it, and use the power of the temple to repair the barriers of the three realms to ensure the normal operation of the existing barrier rules. In this way, the demon kings will not be able to descend to the realm. , if they don't go down to the realm, your relatives and friends will naturally be safe."

Zhuo Yifan was surprised and said, "Didn't you say that [Temple of Punishment Temple] is responsible for hunting on behalf of the heavens and in charge of the rules of the Three Realms? Can this also be controlled by private individuals?"

"You forgot an important thing. The barrier of the three realms was actually established by the ancient true gods. After tens of thousands of years, it is not as good as before. Otherwise, you really think that you have reached the peak power of true demons in the lower realms, and you can't trigger it. Heavenly Tribulation?"

Zhuo Yifan's heart moved, and he said: "This is because the effect of the barrier of the three realms is disappearing, so [Sacred Punishment Temple] is not effective in supervising the lower realm?"

"Let's put it this way, comparing the Three Realms Barrier to a super computer system, the people in the Temple of Heaven's Punishment are just some guards. They can only ensure that the computer is running normally and not be damaged by others, but they cannot interfere with the internal programs of the computer. This supercomputer has been running for tens of millions of years, and it has long been decayed. Only the true gods who participated in the construction at the beginning can repair it."

"The current [Sacred Temple of Heaven's Punishment] is no longer the original temple. People have selfishness. Once they are driven by interests, no one knows what they will do. Therefore, it is not unreasonable to control the Temple of Heaven's Punishment. possible things."

Zhuo Yifan frowned and said, "If it was that easy, the Nine Great Demon Kings and Immortal King would have done it long ago?"

"Of course they want to!" Zhen Ling sneered: "But it involves the core secrets of the ancient Yuanzu, and they can only sigh. There are many traitors in the Temple of Heaven's Punishment."

Zhuo Yifan asked suspiciously: "As far as I know, among the immortal kings, there are also masters from the ancient Yuan clan who sneaked in in disguise. Could it be that they can't control the temple?"

"Even for the Yuan Clan, there are distinctions of superiority and inferiority. Can ordinary Yuan Clans be compared with Celestial Clans? Can they be compared with True Gods?"

Zhen Ling looked deeply at Zhuo Yifan, and said: "So far, you are the only person who is closest to the blood of the true god. If you cannot be recognized by the temple, others will be even more impossible."

Zhuo Yifan was surprised and said, "Can't even the three great generals under King Mighty Wu?"

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