super unscrupulous student

Chapter 8184 A piece of dead silence




The whole hall suddenly trembled violently, like an earthquake.

Everyone looked at Zhuo Yifan solemnly.

Zhuo Yifan was also taken aback, not knowing what to do.

He felt that the entire hall was breaking free from gravity and was rising into the air.

The surrounding passages were also closed one after another.

All kinds of gemstones on the stone pillar began to emit rays of light.

Under the refraction of light, everything is changing.

The rock wall suddenly gradually became transparent, revealing its true face.

Seeing this scene, Zhuo Yifan couldn't help but exclaimed in surprise: "It turns out that this is actually a warship of the Yuan clan!"

Everyone couldn't believe it. After the rock wall was transparent, what appeared in front of everyone was a starry sky.

The next moment, a force suddenly gushed out.

Everyone was thrown out like projectiles.

Zhuo Yifan felt a blur in front of his eyes, but it appeared in the starry sky, and in the distance, a huge battleship was gradually becoming transparent and slowly disappearing into time and space.

But at a glance, I was also shocked by the size of this battleship, it was like a planet.

God-class starship!

Zhuo Yifan watched the starship disappear enviously, but he couldn't help but swear in his heart. Master Dunshen is really stingy enough, even leaving such precious things as [Void Dungeon] and [Seven Stars Against the Sky Formation] to himself, why can't these Keep a god-class starship for yourself!

This is a full-featured super battleship that can really fly, be invisible, and even travel through time and space!

Everyone summoned magic weapons or stood directly in the void, watching the starship disappear in surprise.

This scene, they probably will never forget.

The starship disappeared bit by bit, as if it had turned into nothingness, without even the slightest fluctuation around it.

If it wasn't for seeing it with eyes, even Zhuo Yifan wouldn't be able to perceive the situation there.

Everyone sighed, and infinite excitement rose in their hearts.

After all, appearing on the Demon Realm Continent proves that his expedition has been completed perfectly, and all the treasures he got belong to him.

What's more, in the near future, there will be a second exploration activity.

The Xingtian Treasure is the treasure that true warriors yearn for!

Legend has it that Xingtian God of War dominates with martial arts, and likes to collect magical secrets. In his secret collection, there are absolutely no shortage of various attack magic weapons and secrets.

Any one is enough to change the living status of an ethnic group.

Everyone has received countless benefits, and of course it will take a while to digest.

Everyone left one after another, agreeing to keep in touch, waiting for Zhuo Yifan to notify the time of the second expedition.

Dongfang Liang looked at Zhuo Yifan and said, "Brother Zhuo, I heard that the Human World Continent sent an envoy to ask Brother Zhuo to return to the human race. I don't think you will agree?"

Zhuo Yifan said indifferently: "I think I'm doing well now. The so-called demon race and human race are all caused by people's hearts. In the eyes of the great powers in the upper realm, all the lives in the lower realm are the same."

Dongfang Liang showed a strange smile, and said: "Brother Zhuo's words are very true, but those traditional sects in the human world may find it difficult to accept Brother Zhuo's thoughts. They think highly of themselves, and I'm afraid they will bring some bothered."

Zhuo Yifan laughed loudly and said, "People respect me one foot, and I respect others one foot, that's all."

"Then I'll take my leave and look forward to the next adventure in the secret realm with Brother Zhuo."

Dongfang Liang laughed and left.

Kong Wu also proclaimed the Buddha's name, saying: "Benefactor Zhuo, see you in the future."

Zhuo Yifan nodded slightly. He knew that this monk must be anxious to find a place to consolidate his cultivation. After all, he had reached the realm of success without crossing the catastrophe, so he had to consolidate it.

After everyone left, Anlong didn't move.

Zhuo Yifan's heart moved: "Brother An, if you have nowhere to go, you might as well go with me."

Anlong said: "If I walk around randomly, will you be relieved, Brother Zhuo?"

Zhuo Yifan was stunned, and then laughed: "Brother An is really humorous, I think Brother An needs to digest the gains in the secret, I know there is a place that is very suitable for Brother An, if you don't mind Brother An, you can go there How about retreat?"

Anlong thought for a while, and said: "Forget it, I'd better find a place to retreat in the secret realm, I won't go far away, if brother Zhuo needs anything, even through telepathy."

"Brother An, you said earlier that there was news about Senior Mo Chen, but I don't know if it is true?"

Anlong said: "What I said is true, I have indeed met fellow Taoist Mo Chen, and my [Devil Heart] was also given by fellow Taoist Mo Chen. Fellow Daoist Mo Chen's cultivation in the way of divination and prediction is indeed true. It’s shocking, weeping ghosts and gods, what he said, it seems absurd, but he realized it one by one.”

"However, I don't know much about the whereabouts of Fellow Daoist Mo Chen. This time in the lower realm, it was only he who sent the magic talisman and told me the secret."

Zhuo Yifan frowned and said, "Senior Mo Chen, you didn't suffer any danger, such as being hunted down or something."

"Fellow Daoist Mo Chen traveled the three realms with ease, but I have never heard of offending any great powers." Anlong thought for a while and said.

Zhuo Yifan was taken aback for a moment, didn't Mo Chen say that he would need his help in the future?

Since there are no enemies and no one has been hunted down, what do I need to do?

Anlong arched his hands and said: "Brother Zhuo, I will take my leave for the time being. If you have anything to do, please send a voice transmission."

Zhuo Yifan nodded: "Alright, Brother An, please do what you want."

Anlong stepped into the void with one step, and disappeared in an instant.

Xiaobai got out of Zhuo Yifan's arms: "Boss, where are we going now?"

Zhuo Yifan laughed, and said: "Of course, I will go to the central city of the dark family to accept the territory, and then go to the border to unify the two continents."

Everyone stepped into the void.

The power of Zhuo Yifan's mind spread out in the demon world, as far as thousands of miles away. With a movement of his mind, he matched the fluctuation and instantly passed through the void.

Compared with teleportation, it is faster and more effective, and it will not attract the attention of others.

Zhuo Yifan himself was very surprised by the power of the [Seven Stars Against the Sky Formation].

With Liejiao, Ao Bao and Xiaobai, he moved his figure again and again, almost reaching the limit.

Soon, they approached the core of the Yin family... the central city.

But it's dead silent here now.

There was no aura of life in the entire city, and the people around were frightened and fled the city far away. As a result, the most prosperous place in the entire Yinjia Continent turned into a dead place with no living beings.

In that city, among the countless private houses, food was even placed on the dining table, but the people had disappeared.

These people were all used as sacrifices by the insane rulers of the silver family, and the sacrifices opened up the guiding channel.

Liejiao Aobao was also very angry.

However, Patriarch Yinshan has already been swallowed by Liejiao, and he has let out a bad breath.

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