super unscrupulous student

Chapter 8198 Peerless Wine

Seeing the tree of life come back to life, all the wood elves were so excited that they fell to their knees, chanting words, praying and praising.

Countless emotional girls have tears in their eyes.

Zhuo Yifan's status in their hearts had risen to the height of a god.

The elf queen looked at Zhuo Yifan with bright eyes, and was very satisfied with her decision to assign Mu Yuqing to Zhuo Yifan.

Zhuo Yifan slowly opened his eyes, and said: "The toxin of the Tree of Life has been completely removed, and it will slowly recover from now on, and it will return to its full state sooner or later."

"Thank you, Brother Zhuo!"

The elf girls shouted excitedly.

The queen looked at Zhuo Yifan, just like a mother-in-law looks at her son-in-law, the more she looked at her, the more pleasing she was.

"Xiaofan, why didn't Yuqing come back with you? Is she okay now?"

Zhuo Yifan also felt a little uncomfortable when he met the eyes of the Elf Queen, and was slightly embarrassed. Although he had nothing to do with Mu Yuqing, he still felt guilty.

"Your Majesty, Yuqing is currently cultivating, so she didn't come back together. I will let her come back to see you alone next time."

"No, no need." The Queen laughed and said, "It's rare for this child to go out for a trip, so let her hone it outside, but this child has been arrogant and self-willed since childhood, Xiaofan, you have to take care of it."

Zhuo Yifan said seriously: "Don't worry, Your Majesty, I will."

"The Tree of Life can be rejuvenated thanks to Xiaofan's help. From now on, we are a family. Just ask for your order. Our elves will definitely do our best."

It seems that although the wood elves feel the close relationship between the tree of life and themselves, they don't know the secret of the heart of the world.

In fact, this wood-type secret realm space is a failed kingdom of God.

It's just that the ancestors of the Mu clan sacrificed themselves for others. Although they sacrificed themselves, they left the kingdom of God and completely entrusted it to the tree of life.

No wonder the Wood Elves are so attached to the Tree of Life, which itself is a mother-daughter relationship.

The tree of life revived, and the entire elves were in a state of joy, and the queen even ordered a feast to celebrate.

Zhuo Yifan's hospitality was hard to refuse, so he had no choice but to stay and enjoy the hospitality of the elves.

These elf girls are all charming, with cool clothes and clear and pleasant voices.

Zhuo Yifan thought they were born with such a cool and elegant attitude towards strangers.

Who knows that now it is an eye-opener for him.

It turns out that their enthusiasm and coldness are completely different from person to person, and they are still two extremes.

Elves like to drink alcohol. They use hundreds of flowers and the skillful hands of elf beauties to brew it. It is known as a rare wine in the fairy world. Many fairy kings even pay a lot of money to buy it, which is very rare.

However, the wood elves only make wine for themselves and respected guests, and never take it away.

In order to entertain Zhuo Yifan, Her Majesty the Queen personally brought out fine wine that had been preserved for tens of thousands of years.

This fine wine contains endless aura. If ordinary people take a sip, although they cannot become immortals immediately, they can definitely cleanse the essence and cut the marrow, and change their physique.

Even a master like Zhuo Yifan was so amazed after drinking it that he almost swallowed his own tongue.

"When the tree of life was still healthy, the spiritual liquid on her branches and leaves was used instead of spring water to brew every day. It had infinite vitality, comparable to elixir. For tens of thousands of years, only these eight altars remained, and the current tree of life It will take at least thousands of years for the recovery speed to reach the level of winemaking again."

Zhuo Yifan's eyes lit up when he heard it, and he originally wanted to have the audacity to ask for a jar for his wives to taste, but he was too embarrassed to ask.

The queen showed a hint of a smile, and said, "Xiaofan, you have many beauties, so I will give this altar to you!"

Zhuo Yifan took the wine jar thrown by the queen in surprise, and said with a dry smile, "Thank you, Your Majesty, for the reward."

When he checked his consciousness, he was taken aback.

Unexpectedly, this wine jar is also a magic weapon of space. It doesn't look big, but there are at least hundreds of catties in it, so much wine, enough for Zhuo Yifan to share with his wife and relatives.

He happily accepted the wine jar, feeling that this trip was really worth it.

What the tree of life gave to Zhuo Yifan was a piece of bark.

The bark looked very ordinary, at least Zhuo Yifan used his spiritual power to spy, and he couldn't see anything unusual at all.

But the tree of life said that when meeting the new heart of the world, with this piece of bark, there will be unexpected effects.

Zhuo Yifan regarded this bark as a treasure and hid it in the eyes of the super big array in Qingtian City. It was heavily guarded, Zhuo Yifan would not die, and no one could possibly get it.

The Heart of the World is the most important treasure in the future, no matter what, Zhuo Yifan cannot give it up.

The elves came to toast with shy smiles one by one, and Zhuo Yifan would not refuse anyone who came, anyway, what he was drinking now was not his own wine, this kind of opportunity was too rare.

If it weren't for such a grand ceremony, the queen probably wouldn't be willing to take it out and drink it.

As night fell, colorful lights lit up all around.

This is a unique kind of firefly in the secret realm. It has a wisdom no less than that of a human, and it will emit dazzling light at night.

They like the breath of the elves very much. Whenever there are elves, they will automatically appear around them, but they will never disturb the lives of the elves. There is a strange mutual support relationship between the two. .

Countless fireflies render the entire valley colorful, just like being on the most luxurious and atmospheric stage on earth, which makes people dazzled.

The elves danced in front of the altar, enthusiastic and unrestrained, and the Ana was colorful and thought-provoking.

With the queen by his side, although Zhuo Yifan was very excited, he still looked calm on the surface.

The elves sang and danced, expressing their inner emotions to their heart's content. This was the happiest day since they were born.

The recovery of the tree of life means that their future looks bright. Even if they don't practice, they will have no regrets in this life if they live under the tree of life for a long time.

Feeling their joy, Zhuo Yifan sighed deeply.

He can understand the feeling of the tree of life. Seeing his people laughing and happy like this, all the sacrifices are worth it.

Zhuo Yifan didn't know how much wine he drank, anyway, Her Majesty's complexion was not very good-looking, her eyebrows were trembling slightly, with a pained expression.

After leaving the secret realm of wood, Zhuo Yifan appeared on the altar again.

Mo Chen appeared in front of his eyes in a flash. Looking at the drunk Zhuo Yifan, he was taken aback: "That stingy guy is willing to entertain you with a peerless wine. What good thing have you done? Could it be that you gave the queen to me?" ?”

Zhuo Yifan did not expect that the seemingly solemn and honest Patriarch Mo Chen would have such a vulgar side.

After finishing speaking, Mo Chen seemed to sense his gaffe, and his face turned red slightly.

Seeing Zhuo Yifan looking at him with a teasing face, he couldn't hold back any longer, and said angrily: "Why are you so surprised? That's right, I've been thinking about their fine wine for many years, even if it's the grace of salvation, They are not willing to give me a drink, but you are lucky, you almost got drunk, could it be that what you do is more important than me?"

Zhuo Yifan laughed loudly: "Of course, I revived the tree of life, can they not be grateful?"

"What? You even expelled the demon king's remnant soul?" Mo Chen was a little dumbfounded, obviously shocked.

Because he also shot himself at the beginning, but he was almost not attacked by the poison, and he was completely helpless.

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