super unscrupulous student

8206 - Amazing Change 1

Xie Dongting snorted coldly in disdain: "Although I don't drink much when I follow X, I can still drink two catties! Can this small sip make me drunk?"

He picked up the wine glass, but his expression suddenly froze.

It wasn't that the wine suddenly increased, but that after he picked it up, the wine glass suddenly gave off a faint fragrance.

Xie Dongting couldn't help being shocked by Zhuo Yifan's method. With a snap of his fingers, he cast a sealing formation on the cup to prevent the wine from evaporating, and the formation didn't disappear until it was picked up.

The timing was so accurate it was truly astonishing.

Of course, these can only bring Xie Dongting a small shock, what surprised him was the aroma of the wine.

It was an indescribably strange fragrance, not particularly strong, but that fragrance seemed to rise from the depths of the soul, making one's soul tremble uncontrollably, wanting to cheer loudly.

He picked up the wine glass tremblingly, took a deep sip, and was immediately intoxicated, as if immersed in an extremely wonderful scene.

Anlong had already impatiently picked up the wine glass, took a deep sniff, and said intoxicated, "I remember smelling a fragrance from afar at the Demon King's birthday banquet 5000 years ago. I didn't expect to have the opportunity to taste it myself , this visit to the lower realms is really not in vain!"

Everyone had weird faces when they heard the words, and they raised their wine glasses one after another. At this moment, their expressions changed.

Even Huabai jumped out of the void, looking at Zhuo Yifan pitifully.

Zhuo Yifan glared at her angrily: "Didn't you only eat treasures? When did you change to drinking?"

"Boss, this wine is too fragrant, more attractive than baby, give it to me!"

Of course, Zhuo Yifan couldn't be stingy with Xiaobai, so he reached out and took out a wine glass and filled it up for her.

Anlong's eyeballs almost popped out.

This Zhuo Yifan is too kind to his pet, he only has half a cup.

Xiaobai cheered, took the wine glass, held it up carefully with a pair of small paws, and took a sip lightly, his expression suddenly became richer, Zhuo Yifan couldn't laugh or cry.

The starship turned into a stream of light and flew towards the sixth secret realm.

People sitting inside don't feel anything at all, just like being in a real villa.

But the surrounding scenery can be seen in a panoramic view.

While tasting the wine, while watching the beautiful scenery, it is simply beautiful.

Just smelling the aroma of such fine wine is like drinking a few catties of high-strength spirits, making people intoxicated.

And after drinking it, I felt refreshed, and my whole person's vitality increased greatly, as if I had practiced for many years.

Refined with the sap of the tree of life and various elixir herbs, the wine that has been precipitated for tens of thousands of years, is it comparable to ordinary wine?

Ordinary people will be directly drunk to death as long as they smell the fragrance from a distance.

All the people present were masters of the Mahayana period, but after drinking, everyone's cheeks were flushed, and they had to use their energy to adjust their breath.

It took a full three hours to drink a small and a half glass of wine.

It's not that they are reluctant to drink, but that the alcohol is so strong that they can't stand it at all.

Anlong let out a long breath, feeling extremely satisfied.

Good wine is one thing, the key is to fulfill one of his previous wishes.

It seems that Mo Chen is right, this lower bound is really the greatest opportunity in his life.

Although the starship was refined from a planet, its size now displayed to the outside world is only the size of a palm. Even a master of true demons would find it difficult to capture his fluctuations.

This No. [-] secret realm is larger and more primitive than No. [-] secret realm. After all, most of the energy of the Yin family is devoted to the No. [-] secret realm, and it is jointly developed with the An family.

As for the Ouyang family, the relationship with the Yin family is not very good, and there is no possibility of cooperation between the two parties.

Therefore, this No. [-] secret realm is considered a primitive secret realm, and most of the areas inside are barren.

Even the natives of the secret realm did not dare to go deep.

Among all the secret realms, Secret Realm No. [-] is the only one that has established a regime.

The other secret realms exist in the form of tribes, and everyone fights endlessly with each other, and there is no complete system at all.

In these secret realms, all kinds of strange and ferocious beasts abound, and even true demon masters dare not be careless when they are in it.

The secret realm seems to be larger than the mainland, tens of millions of miles across, and at the speed of a starship, it would take a long time to fly over.

Because of the unknown danger, Zhuo Yifan didn't dare to fly too fast.

Here, even the power of the mind has to be suppressed, which is not very easy to use.

Zhuo Yifan seems to be very comfortable sitting on the sofa, but his spiritual power communicates with the entire starship and observes everything around him.

"Boss, slow down ahead, I seem to have found a treasure."

Xiaobai suddenly appeared drunk and whispered in Zhuo Yifan's ear.

Zhuo Yifan glanced at her: "You are not drunk and looking for me, are you?"

"Really boss, I can't do anything else, but I am extremely sensitive to the smell of treasures. This is definitely a good thing worth stopping for."

Zhuo Yifan's eyes lit up: "Really?"

Xiaobai nodded solemnly: "It's more real than real gold."

Zhuo Yifan thought that he was not in a hurry anyway, and besides, the original purpose of his trip was to seize treasures, so he was a fool if he put away the treasures that were right in front of him.

Zhuo Yifan controlled the starship, and flew away according to the direction designated by Xiaobai.

But Zhuo Yifan's eyes suddenly froze, and a strange look appeared on his face.

Anlong also stood up and said in surprise, "Why are there so many dead bodies? What happened?"

Zhuo Yifan said: "Go down and see if you don't know."

After collecting the starship, everyone fell to the ground together.

This is the entrance of a valley. The valley is probably not less than [-] meters in length and width. The mountains on both sides tower into the clouds, which looks very precipitous.

The surrounding trees are lush, but there is a dead silence, not even the sound of insects, which is a bit scary.

It is deep in the middle of the dense forest, and ordinary people rarely set foot here.

But at the mouth of the valley, there are at least hundreds of corpses lying there.

Ouyang Qingzhi took a step forward, took a closer look, and said with a gloomy expression, "It's from the Ouyang family."

Zhuo Yifan frowned and said, "Why did the Ouyang family die here?"

He stretched out his hand and pointed, and a power of faith turned into a rune and irradiated on a corpse. Immediately, that corpse became transparent, fully revealing the situation inside the body.

It can be clearly seen that his neck was twisted abruptly, his bones were shattered, and he was killed with one blow.

Ouyang Qingzhi also looked at a few corpses, and said in surprise: "They are all core disciples, and they would never leave the family if they had nothing to do. Why did they die here? And they died within three hours."

Zhuo Yifan said in surprise: "Hundreds of core disciples of the Ouyang family traveled thousands of miles to the center of the secret realm, which is really outrageous."

[Brothers who have book currency please support "My Mysterious Miss", PK kneels, only available on the shelves, free 65 words, Xuanwu also tried her best, it happens to be my birthday, please do me a favor and subscribe Bar!Thank you! 】

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