super unscrupulous student

Chapter 8212 Spirit beast frenzy 2

108 Zhuo Yifan cooperated with each other and staged a magic circle layout show that raced against time.

One after another, the magic circles formed and then disappeared into the void.

Zhuo Yifan, who has obtained the True Inheritance of the Dunshen, feels that his understanding of the formation has deepened every time he arranges a magic circle. This arrangement of the magic circle is also a process of practice and comprehension for him.

It's just that the beasts won't give him more time.

The shock was getting closer and closer, and the frenzy of spirit beasts was close at hand.


Finally, there was an earth-shattering explosion, and the whole earth trembled violently, as if it was about to burst the altar.

Zhuo Yifan was taken aback.

At this moment, he casts the [Seven Stars Against the Sky Formation] of Dunshen, hiding in the void, even Anlong can't feel his true position.

Because around the entire altar, the fluctuation of his Void Dungeon was left behind.

The light on the altar dimmed, and a giant beast roared out from inside.

Seeing this giant beast, Zhuo Yifan couldn't help being shocked, and exclaimed in disbelief: "How is it possible? Isn't this strange beast extinct long ago?"

The giant beast in front of him was more than five feet tall, and it looked like a small building.

It is more than ten feet long, covered with rock-like scales, and looks very thick.

One after another is like a moving hill, with the blessing of speed, it is very scary.

This is an ancient monster called [Double-headed Rhinoceros].

At the same time, it is also the most harmless kind of beast.

The so-called harmless means that they are relatively [mild] compared to other beasts, and their intelligence is low, and they are somewhat like the type of human beings with developed limbs and a simple mind.

In ancient times, this kind of strange beast was often the first choice for the Xiantian Yuan clan to hunt and kill, just like humans slaughtered pigs and cattle.

However, this kind of strange beast has a characteristic, that is, it is timid, and once frightened, it will run wildly.

Usually it's nothing, but once it is stimulated, the high speed plus its own weight and strength is definitely a very terrifying force, even if it is a real fairy or a real demon, it can't withstand their impact.

This kind of strange beast, which was used as food, was the first to become extinct.

There are statues of them in the caves outside.

Zhuo Yifan had seen them several times on the steps of the secret realm last time, and they often appeared as the prey of the tribe's warriors celebrating.

Unexpectedly, the real situation is so terrifying, they rush out, as if to tear the void.

Zhuo Yifan secretly groaned, such a domineering big guy with limited IQ is often a single-minded person, and is the nemesis of the phantom array.

Their minds are simple, and they are less affected by the phantom formation. After all, the phantom formation basically changes according to the fluctuation of the mind.

The two huge heads of this [Double-Headed Rhinoceros] hung down, rushed out, and stepped into Zhuo Yifan's magic circle with one foot.

Zhuo Yifan secretly groaned, this [Double-Headed Rhinoceros] is indeed the most docile beast, but they are also the most timid, after being frightened, the only reaction is to run.

The biggest feature of the phantom array is to magnify the inner fear.

This time it was even worse, [Double-Headed Rhinoceros] ran wildly because of being overly frightened, and now being stimulated a second time by the phantom array, it would be almost insane.

When they got angry, they just ignored it, closed their eyes and rushed forward.

Zhuo Yifan was dumbfounded.

Encountering the same group of strange beasts who didn't know how to adapt at all, his magic circle was violently smashed away in an instant.

[Double-headed Rhinoceros] rushed out one after another, and the whole cave trembled violently, making it impossible for anyone to stand up.

The stones on the ground were all shaken to a height of more than one meter, and shot towards the cave walls on both sides one after another. There was a burst of explosions, and sparks flew everywhere.

It is conceivable that the hardness of this rock wall really surpasses most steel.

However, although [Double-Headed Rhinoceros] broke through the magic circle, it also hesitated for a while and wasted some time.

It wouldn't matter if it was in normal times, but now it's a beast tide, and countless strange beasts are running wildly together.

Running at extreme speed, the front does come to a sudden stop, which is almost catastrophic.

What's more, a simple beast like [Double-Headed Rhinoceros]?

The collision of this kind of hill-level beast is very terrifying.




What happened made Zhuo Yifan dumbfounded.

The [Double-Headed Rhinoceros] in the front rushed to the narrow passage, but the strange beast behind it rushed at a faster speed.

It was literally a rerun of the rear-end collision on the highway.

The beast behind was so fast that it couldn't control itself at all, and directly hit the ass of the beast in front.

Zhuo Yifan couldn't bear to turn his head away.

The [Double-Headed Explosive Rhinoceros] in front let out a miserable howl, and flew up directly, like a hill, directly smashing into the pothole, blood and flesh flying.

Another advantage of this [Double-Headed Rhinoceros] is that their horns are so hard that they can even be broken off and used directly as weapons.

In the abstract painting of steps, Zhuo Yifan saw countless tribal warriors holding long horns like sharp knives, which was from [Double-headed Rhinoceros].

A pair of sharp horns pierced the cave wall continuously, and the fragments flew all over the place, creating a road in an instant.

Zhuo Yifan was dumbfounded and his heart trembled.

This rock wall has a strange composition, and even Zhuo Yifan can't easily destroy it, but these strange beasts can smash it with their bodies alone, and this power is too scary.

His heart moved, and then he was horrified.

You know, this is the No. [-] secret realm!

With such a strong physical strength, even a true demon is no more than that!

If such a group of beasts at the level of real demons rushed over and directly crushed them, who in the entire demon world could stop them?

It is estimated that the defense line of Tianyao Empire will collapse in an instant.

The scene was extremely tragic for a while.

There were frequent accidents in the front, but the [Double-Headed Rhinoceros] in the rear regarded death as home, and didn't know how to retreat at all.

It seemed that something more terrifying was driving them behind.

Zhuo Yifan felt both ridiculous and shocked when more than a dozen giant beasts crashed to death in a row.

This is just the beginning.

As the road ahead widened, the undead [Double-Headed Rhinoceros] continued to charge, but with obstacles, their speed had completely slowed down.

Zhuo Yifan was hiding behind the teleportation array at the moment, with a wry smile on his face.

The herd was endless, and there was no possibility for him to leave.

After [Double-Headed Rhinoceros], there was a relatively petite beast.

[Double-nosed mammoth], [Double-headed fire ox], [Double-headed iron-winged tiger]...

This made Zhuo Yifan dumbfounded, why does this alien beast like two heads?Are they all deformed?

What makes Zhuo Yifan even more puzzled is that these are all ancient origin beasts that have long been extinct.

What kind of interface is this? Why are there so many extinct beasts?

Thinking of what the man in black said, a strange look appeared on Zhuo Yifan's face.

Could it be that the spirit beast world failed?

No, the green dragon and fire phoenix were all born in the world of spirit beasts. If there were such a large number of ancient strange beasts, it must have been known to the world long ago.

In fact, there are no ancient source beasts in the world of spirit beasts.

So, where did these extinct source beasts come from?

Looking at the teleportation array on the interface where the alien beasts kept gushing out, Zhuo Yifan's eyes shone brightly, and he decided to go in and explore.

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