Under the blessing of the space-time magic circle, the five people practiced for a long time, and Zhuo Yifan's insights were kept there, which was of great help to them.

These few days are equivalent to several years, and their cooperation with each other has reached a new level, which is by no means comparable to before.

Xiahou Shangyu, Zhuo Aotian and Xie Dongting are also eager to try.

Zhuo Yifan laughed, and said: "Let them take the lead, everyone observe carefully, look at the characteristics of these strange beasts, find out their weaknesses, and deal with them when we meet them in the future."

He had a premonition that there should be many opportunities to deal with this kind of strange beast in the future.

The five agreed, flew out and fell from the sky.

Seeing the five people who suddenly appeared, the villagers guarding the city were stunned and couldn't believe it. Afterwards, they cheered, and some even fell to their knees and worshiped.

Ordinary tribal villages have their own special beliefs. Otherwise, it is really difficult for a group to survive without spiritual support.

Obviously, the appearance of the crowd matched the god in their minds.

The five of them fought for the first time, and their fighting spirit was blazing.

The five immortal swords also emit different colors, forming a colorful circle of sword energy, like a meat grinder, and when they are still in the air, they shoot out thousands of sword energy, shooting a double-headed explosive rhinoceros to the ground. hole.


The five people fell to the ground, and the whole earth trembled.

Whoosh whoosh!

Countless sword qi are continuous, dense like machine guns, with almost no gaps.

Everyone was full of praise.

This kind of intensive attack, almost no one can avoid it.

At the peak of the Mahayana period, if you use this kind of magic circle, you can leapfrog the battle.

Even Anlong nodded secretly, and said, "I didn't expect to have the opportunity to see the day when the Five Elements Sect join forces. It's really rare!"

puff puff!

Suddenly, countless sword qi directly penetrated from the ground, and all of them pierced the belly of the giant beast.

In an instant, the blood was soaring, and another [Double-Headed Rhinoceros] was severely injured.

Leaving the position of the teleportation array on the interface, their protective magic power also disappeared, and they all relied on their physical bodies to resist, so they were no match for sword energy.

If they were able to display spiritual power, the alien beasts would actually take advantage, because many of their defenses benefited from the inner alchemy in their bodies. After being restricted, they were only stronger than ordinary alien beasts.

The five people are different. Within the envelope of the starship, there is also a small-scale force field. In this force field, all the rules are the rules of the starship.

So here, they can still burst out their spiritual power.

Under the ebb and flow, of course I feel relaxed.

The two behemoths fell unwillingly like this, and it took only 1 minute before and after.

The move made the villagers even more excited.

In their eyes, that [Double-headed Rhinoceros Explosion] was simply invincible.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the gods came, they killed him.

It's so easy, only a god can do it.

The five of them didn't expect to strangle the [Double-Headed Rhinoceros] so easily, and their confidence immediately increased. With a whistling sound, the sword array was like a spinning killing machine, bringing up a huge tornado and rushing towards other beasts.

This sudden change also attracted the attention of the strange beasts. They were furious and ran over one after another, charging at the five people.

The whole earth trembled violently, and the strange beast was running with amazing power.

With a long howl, the five of them suddenly jumped up, ten feet off the ground, and dispersed.

Whoosh whoosh!

However, the five sword qi erupted from five directions and concentrated on the first strange beast.

This is a king elephant, six or seven feet long, with ancient runes on its nose, which looks like some kind of secret spell, very mysterious and powerful.

Its long nose rolled out, and there was a sound of explosion in the void.

Just relying on physical strength, it is also enough to crush Mahayana masters.

The two sword qi were actually intercepted by it in mid-air and could not be combined.

But the other three sword qis hit his body accurately.

Chi Chi.

Although the sword energy is fierce, the elephant king's skin is extremely thick, even harder than [Double-Headed Rhinoceros], it didn't penetrate it, but it roared in pain.


Suddenly, a small, hedgehog-like strange beast flew up in the air, and when it opened its mouth, it spit out jet-black spikes.

The five of them couldn't help being taken aback.

Zhuo Yifan shouted: "Be careful, this spike has toxins that poison the nerves, once it is shot, the real devil will also be paralyzed."

The five of them already felt the threat of the spikes, which was an instinctive warning, so of course they didn't dare to be shot, so they stepped on the direction of the magic circle and quickly avoided it.

Zhuo Aotian asked to fight: "Yifan, let's go to some activities too!"

Zhuo Yifan nodded and said, "Everyone go out, pay attention to cooperation, and be careful and safe."

Everyone cheered in unison, took out magic weapons one after another, and rushed out in a swarm.

Zhuo Yifan and Anlong didn't move, they sat on the sofa and began to taste the fine wine.

This is Zhuo Yifan's attitude towards friends. Anlong helped him, and he would not be stingy with wine.

"Brother Zhuo, it's astonishing that your family and friends have made such rapid progress in such a short period of cultivation."

Anlong watched these people bravely charge towards the group of alien beasts, and couldn't help admiring them.

Zhuo Yifan sighed, "It's a pity that time doesn't wait for me. I didn't expect the catastrophe of the Three Realms to happen so quickly. Now we don't have enough time!"

Anlong also said: "Yes, if it is delayed for a thousand years, who else in the three realms is Zhuo's opponent?"

Zhuo Yifan glanced at Anlong: "Brother An is flattering me too much, there are countless demon kings and fairy kings in the upper realm, so how could it be my turn to be a young boy?"

Anlong said: "The great powers of the upper realm, I'm afraid they don't have much energy to pay attention to the lower realm. I'm afraid that everyone and the interface will be involved in this peerless catastrophe."

Zhuo Yifan said: "How many [voids] are there? With their existence, wouldn't the human race have no power to fight back?"

"This [Kong] is said to be an ancient remnant, and the number cannot be large. In the records of unofficial history in the past, they appear very rarely, but they are all in the upper realm, and this is the first time I have seen them in the lower realm."

Zhuo Yifan's heart moved: "Is there something in the lower realm that attracts them?"

The two looked at each other and exclaimed at the same time: "It's really mysterious!"

It must be lured by huge interests to make them not hesitate to use such precious war resources.

Creatures living in the world are inevitably driven by profit, especially this evil plane race.

If they really came for Xing Tian's secret treasure, things would be really serious.

Zhuo Yifan is bound to obtain Xing Tian's secret treasure.

The people below fought in a scuffle, fighting in a daze.

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