super unscrupulous student

Chapter 8227 Besieged by Beasts 1

The magic circle of Zhuo Yifan and Anlong caused devastating damage to the enemies on this side, and almost all the [Double-Headed Rhinoceros] were dead.

The strange beast behind roared and jumped forward.

They had already smelled the breath of human beings, and suddenly became irritable, vowing to kill this hateful human being.

Zhuo Yifan sneered, his eyes flickered, and he took a step forward. The five fairy swords shot out brilliant light, turned into five sword pillars, and slashed down directly.

A bang!

Under the sword energy of a hundred feet long, countless beasts screamed in horror, and it is unknown how many were hacked to death.

This is a divine sword that contains the power of the stars. The explosion of physical power alone is not something ordinary beasts can bear.

These seemingly powerful beasts were like lambs in front of Zhuo Yifan, and they were completely his food.

There was a faint red light in his eyes, and the [Immortal Art of Immortality] was activated, and a large amount of essence and blood energy was continuously absorbed by him.

He walked like the wind, turned into a stream of light, and rushed directly into the army of alien beasts.

Whoosh whoosh!

Sword energy flew around like rain, shooting through the undead beasts one after another.

Although these strange beasts have thick skin and thick flesh, they cannot be destroyed by ordinary swords or even magic treasures, but Zhuo Yifan holds a sharp weapon that is invincible, how can they resist it.

This strangulation all the way was like a tornado, sweeping across the audience, and wherever it went, the flesh and blood of alien beasts flew across and annihilated continuously.

And Anlong didn't give in too much, he also showed his housekeeping skills, and the weapon was a strange small drum, which looked like a child's rattle, with a small skull on it.

As he turned, these skulls kept beating on the drum surface, sending out waves of invisible waves.

This undulating frontal beast suddenly seemed to be insane, and suddenly turned around and attacked the companion behind him.

Zhuo Yifan's heart moved, this drum actually has the ability to bewitch strange beasts, it really is not a mortal thing!

Look at the strange fluctuations that are emitting from the drum. This fluctuation has no effect on human beings, but it is like a urging talisman to alien beasts.

Soon, there was nothing in front of him.

All the strange beasts turned out to be killing each other to death.

The rest of the strange beasts seemed to know how powerful they were, and they all left him from afar and rushed towards Zhuo Yifan.

Zhuo Yifan was dumbfounded: "Brother An, is this an artifact specially used to deal with intruders?"

Anlong smiled wryly and said: "Brother Zhuo, this is a secret treasure that I obtained unintentionally. Although it is powerful, every time I activate it, I have to pay a price. With my cultivation base, I can't fully exert its power. Confused these simple-minded beasts."

Anlong's expression was really not good-looking, he didn't chase the strange beast even if it didn't come, and absorbed the energy of essence and blood to recover his strength.

Zhuo Yifan's heart skipped a beat, it seemed that he had more time to study.

Facing the tide of strange beasts, Zhuo Yifan's eyes were full of murderous intent. He controlled the sword array and strangled them back and forth like a meat grinder. The strange beasts died tragically under his sword.

But activating the five divine swords at the same time is not a small burden on him.

Seeing the rapid consumption of power, Zhuo Yifan didn't dare to carry out large-scale strangulation anymore, but restrained his strength, protected himself, and formed a small-scale killing array.

This battle can be called heaven and earth, extremely fierce.

In the secret realm, it was absolutely impossible for such a tragic battle to happen before.

The whole land seemed to have been plowed again, and there were waves of soil several feet high.

The bones of alien beasts were all over the place, and the air of blood rose to the sky.

The believers are all wantonly absorbing the energy of essence and blood, which is also a rare experience for them.

"Yifan, come back and defend, we can't stand it anymore."

Suddenly, Zhuo Yifan, who was killing all directions, received a telepathic voice transmission from Ouyang Qingzhi.

Zhuo Yifan took a closer look, and before he knew it, he had already covered hundreds of miles.

Behind him were countless bones of alien beasts. The sheer number made Zhuo Yifan stunned for a while.

Hundreds of thousands of strange beasts died in his hands like this?

In Zhuo Yifan's eyes, there was not the slightest bit of intolerance, but a kind of indifference.

For these evil invaders, the only way is to kill them.

The Devil's Heart also helped Zhuo Yifan collect countless blood energy.

Although Zhuo Yifan now has a feeling that the taste of the devil's heart has become disgusting, ordinary blood essence can't attract it at all, what it needs is the core of the stars.

But when Zhuo Yifan couldn't absorb it, he was still willing to help.

Zhuo Yifan really wanted to learn the blood pill technique from the man in black.

After all, this kind of absorption actually only used half of the power of the corpse of the alien beast.

If one can directly refine a strange beast into a blood pill, at least 80.00% of the value of the strange beast can be guaranteed.

The difference is really too big.

If this kind of direct absorption of blood energy cannot be refined in time, a lot of it will be wasted.

But Zhuo Yifan tried countless times, but he couldn't master this speed, and he never succeeded.

This made him very depressed.

Seeing that the strange beasts all over the place can't be turned into wealth, it is very distressing.

Zhuo Yifan greeted Anlong, and the two flew onto the starship and flew to other places in an instant.

These strange beasts are not stupid. Seeing that the enemy is powerful, they have already changed direction and attacked other places.

The thousand masters on the other two sides cooperated with each other, relying on the magic circle and various weapons. Although they were forced to retreat continuously, they did not collapse and were still stubbornly resisting.

Above the city wall, there are several huge magic mirrors suspended, like a live broadcast, broadcasting the surrounding situation on it.

All the villagers trembled when they saw this series of battles.

This is simply beyond their level of understanding.

In particular, the sight of Zhuo Yifan entering the army of alien beasts alone and being unstoppable was deeply imprinted in their hearts.

Guided by the hints of Ouyang Qingzhi and others, they have completely regarded Zhuo Yifan as a true god.

Although these villagers are not strong, they are pure, sincere, and very pious. Coupled with the impact of the current environment, the feeling of the end of the world is even more intense.

So, soon, they raised Zhuo Yifan from admiration to belief, and prayed for him devoutly.

Zhuo Yifan looked at the fighting situation around him, but frowned.

Anlong smiled wryly: "This is just their probing attack."


Suddenly, a horn sounded.

After all the strange beasts heard it, they gave up attacking and retreated like a tide.

Everyone is coveting, all of them are extremely weird.

These strange beasts go crazy when they see a living being. They are not afraid of death. They never know what it means to retreat. They didn't expect to retreat directly when they heard the horn.

Zhuo Yifan's eyes were fixed, and he said, "It seems that the main player is coming out."

Anlong asked in surprise, "Is it the man in black that Brother Zhuo saw last time?"

"I don't know, but it must be human beings who know that Mingjin is withdrawing troops. We will find out later." Zhuo Yifan said flatly.

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