super unscrupulous student

Chapter 8237 A Strange Discovery

Zhuo Yifan boldly drilled out of the ground and swaggered towards the altar.

Sure enough, the surveillance feeling from the void reappeared, but it only stayed on him for a moment, then moved away again, as if he recognized him as his own.

Zhuo Yifan was secretly proud, because only the beasts turned into humans, and he hadn't heard of anyone turning into a beast.

This reminded him of the Monkey King in Chinese myths and legends. Was his 72 transformations an illusion, or was he directly transformed from the cell gene like himself?

Zhuo Yifan dared to conclude that as long as his cultivation level is high enough, it is not impossible to truly reach the level of Monkey King.

While walking, Zhuo Yifan was distracted studying [Dementor Drum].

It is said that the soul-destroying drum is refined from the skin and soul of the beast. It not only has the function of confusing people's hearts, it can attack alone, and it can also launch a terrible lore secret technique, directly attracting the enemy's blood, controlling the heart, until it bursts.

With the sound of one drum, the souls of the dead will die, and with the sound of the second drum, everything will be silent, which is very terrifying.

After Zhuo Yifan forcibly seized it, he never saw through the mystery.

With this drum in his hands, it was no different from an ordinary rattle.

At this moment, he turned into a fox family, of course he wanted to see if he could trigger this artifact.

The power of the drum is still fresh in his memory, and he still has lingering fears in his heart.

If Yu Zun used it, Zhuo Yifan might not even have the slightest chance.

Of course, Zhuo Yifan's heart is stronger now, but he doesn't want to try that feeling anymore.

The power of the mind covered it, but the snare drum didn't respond.

Zhuo Yifan pondered over and over again, from the leather to the small hammer, but found nothing. If he hadn't snatched it from Yuchan himself, he would have almost wondered if it was a small toy discarded by someone on the side of the road.

But Zhuo Yifan is a stubborn person, and he will never give up until he finds out why. He is not lonely along the way.

The entire Wanli area is like a dead land, and Zhuo Yifan is the only living creature, not even a small flying insect.

Those strange beasts did not directly rush out of the secret realm and wreak havoc as Zhuo Yifan thought, but instead disappeared and searched for traces.

This made Zhuo Yifan a little uneasy.

Everything was silent, Zhuo Yifan could even hear the sound of his heart beating clearly, and it seemed to be very regular.

A light flashed in his mind.


Yes, it is the frequency!

【Dementor Drum】The reason why it can move the heart, match its beating, and cannot be controlled by itself, the most important factor is the frequency. '

It emits a strange fluctuating frequency, which forcibly makes the target's heart frequency match, fluctuating with him.

Zhuo Yifan controlled the heart of the devil, and began to recall the fluctuations at the beginning.

The simulated memory ability of Devil's Heart can be called abnormal, and soon, Zhuo Yifan reproduced the original fluctuation frequency.

Zhuo Yifan's body shook, showing an incredible expression.

He found that this kind of fluctuation actually caused his own heart to fluctuate, forming a wonderful resonance.

At this moment, the heart and soul perfectly merged for the first time, as one.

It was the first time for Zhuo Yifan to feel so warm and natural.

In the past, because of the particularity of the devil's heart, he always had the feeling that it was not a part of his body, but a strange individual living in his body. He had his own instinctive consciousness, and would even leave after the death of his master. new owner.

Although this kind of thing won't happen before the master dies, I still feel a little uncomfortable thinking about it, and there is a kind of estrangement.

Now, the fluctuations of the mind and the heart are completely consistent, and this gap seems to disappear all of a sudden.

Just like Zhuo Yifan established a spiritual force field to communicate with believers, in an instant, everyone understood each other, just like a family.

And this strange frequency was controlled by Zhuo Yifan.

Zhuo Yifan was trembling, for the first time in his life, he felt so nervous, like walking a tightrope, if he was not careful, he would be doomed.

Obviously, this kind of fluctuation is not strong, why does it bring such a deadly threat?

Zhuo Yifan's heart was full of doubts and shocks. Although he had received the inheritance of countless Yuanzu's great powers, even if he was a true god, he never raised this question.

Zhuo Yifan was sweating profusely, and he actually felt fear.

A ridiculous, self-inflicted fear.

He stopped slowly, as if he was holding a unparalleled treasure and was afraid of falling.

The devil's heart was still beating gently as always, but Zhuo Yifan seemed to be possessed, and he couldn't help but use his heart to match.

Zhuo Yifan couldn't understand it.

Finally, he couldn't bear the curiosity in his heart anymore, and simulated again.

This time, he was obviously more proficient than the first time, and quickly entered the state. The devil's heart and mind established a strange force field, trembling slightly, as if calling for something.

Zhuo Yifan blissfully patted the [Dementor Drum] lightly, with very light force, completely in accordance with the frequency of the fluctuation of the mind, as if playing a concerto.

The [Dementor Drum], which had not responded all the time, trembled slightly this time, and a strange fluctuation came out, which merged with Zhuo Yifan's spiritual force field, causing a ripple.

Although it was only a small fluctuation, Zhuo Yifan broke out in a cold sweat, feeling as if he was throwing a nuclear bomb as a ping pong ball.

But obviously, the force field built by Zhuo Yifan is still relatively stable. After the drum sound fluctuation was added, it did not cause a collapse, but directly increased it by a large amount, making the force field stronger.

Zhuo Yifan was taken aback, but was overjoyed, and tapped the [Dementor Drum] lightly again.

This time, a stronger fluctuation came, but it was still perfectly resolved by Zhuo Yifan. This fluctuation was also integrated and became a part of Zhuo Yifan's control.

Zhuo Yifan was puzzled for a while, it seemed that it was completely different from Yuchan's use!

Although I don't know the effect of the force field I unintentionally built, it must be a good thing to get an increase.

He became more and more proficient, and lightly touched the [Dementor Drum] again, integrating the strange fluctuations into his force field.

The excitement of walking on a tightrope and performing a show made Zhuo Yifan never tired of it.

He discovered that he was also a person with a strong risk-taking factor in his bones.

The force field slowly grew, becoming more and more solid and powerful.

Zhuo Yifan was also looking forward to it more and more.

The attack power of [Dementor Drum] was not realized, but this auxiliary function gave him a surprise.

His force field became stronger and stronger, and in the end, the sound of the drum could even vibrate continuously, and the three truly reached a harmonious state.

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