super unscrupulous student

Chapter 832 Xinghai Bar 1

"News? What news? It's about the account reconciliation among the three companies?" Zhuo Yifan immediately sensed that something was wrong and asked softly.

"That's right. The time and place are determined by Tang Tianfeng, so I don't know the specific situation now! But I can give you some clues. Whether you can find anything depends on your own luck!" Wei Zhendong pondered for a moment, somewhat said hesitantly.

"Don't you even know the time?" Zhuo Yifan asked Wei Zhendong in disbelief.

"I only know that Tang Tianfeng said within three days, but I don't know the specific day and when! I can inform you when the time comes, but I'm afraid that something will happen. And I will tell you when the time comes, your people The deployment is not so fast!" Wei Zhendong explained.

"Then tell me, what clues can you give me?" Zhuo Yifan frowned and remained silent for a moment, then nodded and asked.

"There is a Xinghai bar in Fengdu City. I can only give you this news. I know it is Tangmen's property, and the person in charge is a woman! But that woman seems to be quite mysterious. Some people say that she is Tang Tianfeng's illegitimate child. Girl, I don’t know if it’s true! This woman rarely appears in bars. If you’re lucky, you might be able to find her! The location of this meeting, I saw this in the first two reconciliations Woman, I am very close to Tang Tianfeng, it is said that she arranged the location!" Wei Zhendong said a lot, Zhuo Yifan's brows furrowed deeper and deeper.

"What's this woman's name?" Zhuo Yifan asked.

"Her name seems to be Tang Min. I think she must be from the Tang family!" Wei Zhendong replied directly.

"Okay! Is there any other news to tell?" Zhuo Yifan nodded, and then asked again.

"Not for the time being! I just want to inform you that the account reconciliation is about to start. This time Tang Tianfeng is more careful than the previous two times. You can see your luck! I can only give you some hints in secret! That's it for now. Alright, I just came back from Tang Tianfeng's place, now I'm going to take a bath and get comfortable!" Wei Zhendong said with a smile, as if he and Zhuo Yifan had been friends for many years.

"Hehe, you go, just remember not to let others catch the water mouse!" Zhuo Yifan chuckled, and then hung up the phone.

Seeing Zhuo Yifan frowning deeply, Song Zihan had already withdrawn from the passion between men and women just now, tidied up his clothes, looked at Zhuo Yifan and asked, "What happened? Wei Zhendong phone? What did he say?"

"It seems that we are going to go out for a while. Wei Zhendong called me just now and told me about a bar, and asked me to find someone there. It is said that she is Tang Tianfeng's illegitimate daughter!" Zhuo Yifan nodded and said.

"An illegitimate daughter? Tang Tianfeng also has an illegitimate daughter? He is so fearless, why would he hide a daughter?" Song Zihan asked inexplicably, "Is he still afraid of his wife?"

"It's nothing strange to be afraid of your wife. No matter how powerful a man is, he also has weaknesses. I never thought Tang Tianfeng would have this kind of situation! But it's hard to say whether the news Wei Zhendong gave is true or not. Tang Min, the person in charge of the bar, Regardless of whether she is Tang Tianfeng's illegitimate daughter or not, Wei Zhendong at least said that she had appeared at the scene of the previous two accounts reconciliation and write-offs. It is said that the venue was also arranged by her! If this is the case, then this woman can take advantage of it !" Zhuo Yifan pondered for a moment, then nodded.

"Since this woman is so important, how could Tang Tianfeng allow us to get close to her easily. He will definitely arrange for many people to watch over her. Isn't it a surprise if we do this?" Song Zihan asked with a frown.

"Zi Han, do you know the concept of an illegitimate daughter?" Zhuo Yifan asked with a chuckle.

Song Zihan was taken aback for a moment, and immediately seemed to understand something.

"Illegitimate daughters are not visible. Tang Tianfeng also doesn't want people in the Tang Sect to know! Tang Min's public identity is just a bar owner in an industry under the Tang Sect. Tang Tianfeng used so many people to look at her, isn't that Is there no 300 taels of silver here?" Zhuo Yifan said with a sneer.

"Then what if Tang Min isn't Tang Tianfeng's illegitimate daughter?" Song Zihan asked again worriedly.

"This is also what I am worried about. After all, this kid is unreliable. It is difficult to explain the problem just by guessing! The three of us Tang Tianfeng know each other, including his subordinates. If you want to deal with This Tang Sect must find someone who is not easy for them to detect!" Zhuo Yifan said with a frown.

"Where can I find this person? In Fengdu, only the three of us can do this mission. Even if other people can be trusted, they don't have the ability!" Song Zihan said with increasing concern.

"I have an idea!" Zhuo Yifan said hesitantly.

"Tell me about it!" Song Zihan asked excitedly.

"Zhao Chun and the others haven't been exposed yet? Tang Tianfeng didn't even know that Zhao Chun belonged to us, and Zhao Chun has been in Fengdu for many years, and he is very mature in all aspects. It is very suitable for him to go!" Zhuo Yifan said tentatively.

"Zhao Chun?" Song Zihan didn't expect Zhuo Yifan to ask him to approach Tang Min, and seemed a little surprised.

"Do you have any concerns?" Zhuo Yifan asked, frowning.

"Of course, if Zhao Chun is exposed, then we will lose this game completely! In Fengdu, our biggest dark force, that is, the trump card is Zhao Chun. It's too risky to do so!" Song Zihan shook his head and said, obviously do not agree with this method.

"Then what should we do? We can't find a more suitable candidate than Zhao Chun now!" Zhuo Yifan said very depressed.

"Let's think of a way! If it's not a last resort, Zhao Chun can't use it for the time being!" Song Zihan shook his head and said.

"Okay! Think again!" Zhuo Yifan couldn't help but sighed, and sat down helplessly.

Seeing Song Zihan's hesitant expression, Zhuo Yifan hugged her into his arms again, and said softly: "Don't worry too much, we still have time. In the evening, find some people to go to that bar to have a look Say no more!"

"Hmm!" Song Zihan was still not used to being so intimate with Zhuo Yifan, her pretty face flushed unconsciously again, then she nodded, and leaned into Zhuo Yifan's arms.

When Liu Meng came back after taking a bath, Zhuo Yifan told Liu Meng what happened just now, and asked Liu Meng to arrange for two Huajianmen disciples to go to the Xinghai Bar to check on the situation at night!

"That's no problem! Just two people below us can go! But I'm worried that Wei Zhendong is misleading us. How could Tang Tianfeng easily hand over such a big matter as reconciliation and write-off to a woman? "Liu Meng raised her concerns.

"What you said is very reasonable, but now we would rather believe it than believe it!" Zhuo Yifan said helplessly.

At this moment, Song Zihan's cell phone rang suddenly.Zhuo Yifan and Liu Meng cast their gazes unconsciously.Song Zihan quickly stood up from Zhuo Yifan's arms, took out his mobile phone, and frowned when he saw the call.

"What's wrong?" Seeing Song Zihan's expression of hesitation, Zhuo Yifan couldn't help but put a question mark in his heart.

"Oh! It's nothing, it's the director!" Song Zihan looked at Zhuo Yifan with a complicated expression, then shook his head and said.

"Your director and the deputy director have a confidential discussion? Do you want us to avoid it?" Zhuo Yifan asked with a wry smile.

"Oh! No, I didn't mean that!" Song Zihan quickly explained, and then connected the phone.

"Zi Han?" Zhuo Wenhui's voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Hmm! What's the matter?" Song Zihan said in response.

"I'm coming to Fengdu too! Come pick me up!" Zhuo Wenhui directly said a piece of news that made Song Zihan's heart skip a beat!Is Zhuo Wenhui coming to Fengdu too?What does this mean?Is Zhuo Yifan's life experience going to be announced?

"Why do you want to come to Fengdu all of a sudden? The director agreed?" Song Zihan asked a little nervously, making Zhuo Yifan and Liu Meng next to him feel a little inexplicable.

"Of course, my father doesn't agree. It's impossible for me to come here! I know that you are still weak against Tang Tianfeng. I will use my military connections to cooperate with you!" Zhuo Wenhui said directly.

"Then, do you have other things to do in Fengdu?" Song Zihan couldn't ask directly in front of Zhuo Yifan, so he could only ask tentatively.

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