super unscrupulous student

Chapter 8332 Sudden change

The personnel are still the same people who went to Ouyang Continent last time, but there are more Ouyang families in it.

But the enemy to face is relatively stronger.

Because in the Eighth Secret Realm, without the super inner support of Yulong, the Fox Clan will no longer be a helper, and everything can only be relied on by oneself.

The starship flew silently, and the eighth secret realm, like the sixth secret realm, was in an undeveloped stage.

There is no complete regime in it, everyone is big with fists, and the mountain is king.

However, any indigenous family in it is much larger than the original earth.

Affected by the rules of the secret realm, outsiders do not have an advantage here.

The natives, on the other hand, use the crystal nuclei of various beasts to make weapons, and they can remain undefeated against monks.

The starship flew here silently, passing through mountains and mountains, and it was not until a hundred thousand miles later that a human gathering place appeared.

Zhuo Yifan found that the eighth secret realm seemed a little different from other secret realms, and it seemed very barren.

Even in the continuous mountains, I didn't see many valuable things.

Is it because it is the eighth secret realm, so the resources are also ranked last?

A group of people are also at ease, sitting in the commander's villa, enjoying the beautiful scenery and drinking fine wine.

Anlong has almost regarded this place as his home these days, and it seems very casual.

He shook his head and tasted the fine wine, and said, "I said Zhuo Yifan, when we search aimlessly like this, what year and month are we going to find! Miss Fang didn't even mention her address, it's really irresponsible."

Zhuo Yifan said disapprovingly: "Don't worry, the more I can't find anyone, the more relieved I am. At least it shows that the army of the Death Alliance hasn't captured the eighth secret realm yet."

Anlong smiled wryly: "You only worry about your Tianyao Continent, not Miss Fang? I think Miss Fang seems very interesting to you. Otherwise, you put him in the harem, so that the little devil can also taste the beauty of being raped." What it's like to be a cuckold."

Zhuo Yifan rolled his eyes at him, and said: "Where did you think, Miss Fang is not an ordinary person, she is a strange woman who cares about the Three Realms, she can only be viewed from a distance, not to be played with."

Xie Dongting said: "This girl is very scheming, Yifan, be careful."

Zhuo Yifan said: "I believe that Miss Fang will stand on the side of justice when it comes to right and wrong."

Xie Dongting shrugged: "Anyway, if your sister asked me to bring it, I have already brought it. You can figure it out yourself."

Zhuo Yifan said in surprise: "My sister still cares about this kind of thing? Shouldn't she be more worried about you getting worse in this colorful world?"

Xie Dongting said: "I am so honest, your sister is very relieved."

"Brother Xie, when a man is alive, he should do whatever he wants and be happy. It's really heartbreaking for you to stick to a single tree and give up the whole forest. Why don't you learn from Brother Zhuo?" Anlong and Zhuo Yifan got mixed up. For a period of time, I knew Zhuo Yifan's nature well, and was very close to the people around him.

Drinking with Xie Dongting also produced some feelings.

Xie Dongting simply closed his eyes, ignoring these two scammers.

Zhuo Wenhui asked herself to look at Zhuo Yifan and avoid messing around outside, but Xie Dongting also knew that this was simply impossible.

How can a brother-in-law meddle in other people's emotional matters?

Zhuo Yifan controlled the starship and stopped outside the city.

Although this country can only be regarded as an ordinary force in the secret realm, it is also extremely magnificently built.

Above the entire city, there is a large formation, even if the starships pass through the sky, don't even think about passing by.

Most of the magic circles in the secret realm rely on leylines and materials, lack flexibility, but are stronger and stronger, and are difficult to be destroyed.

Anlong said: "Are you planning to enter the city?"

Zhuo Yifan said: "The Death Alliance army attacked the secret realm, and the people here should have heard some news. Let's go and find out, maybe there will be news."

Anlong said: "This is one hundred and eight thousand miles away from the center of the secret realm. It is the most remote small country. What do they know? In my opinion, it is more reliable for us to go directly to the Fang Family Continent."

Xie Dongting said: "The Reaper Alliance launched an attack at the same time, and the six major families should have been attacked. It has been several months now, do you still think Miss Fang will be near the Fang family mainland?"

Zhuo Yifan looked at the tall city gate and said with a smile, "It doesn't matter how much it is, let's take a look inside the city."

Zhuo Aotian, Mo Li, Qingyan, Qinglong Huofeng, etc., a total of 30 people left the starship and walked towards the city gate.

From a distance, Zhuo Yifan had to pay a certain amount of crystals as tolls when he saw people entering and leaving the city.

Suddenly there was a violent shock, and a group of knights rushed out of the forest and rushed towards the city gate.

Everyone was surprised.

Could it be that this group of cavalry still wanted to attack the city?

"Kill! The Ofi family will never be slaves."

"Overthrow the traitors and restore my grandeur."

"The Demon God is invincible, the Austrian God must win!"

Zhuo Yifan and the others looked at each other, and hurriedly stepped aside.

They don't know the situation, so naturally they can't intervene at will.

The riders of this group of cavalry are not ordinary horses, but a mysterious beast... Lightning Pegasus!

This kind of beast has always existed in legends, because they are sacred symbols and are rarely revealed in front of people.

In particular, they not only have lightning attributes, can spew out powerful lightning attacks to paralyze the enemy, but also have wings, which can fly, which can be called dragons that can see their heads but see their tails.

This kind of strange beast is called a divine beast by the natives, and it is rare to see one at ordinary times, but have you ever seen dozens of them appearing together?

They are twice the size of ordinary horses, covered with silver hair, eyes like lightning, and majestic.

Qing Yan's eyes sparkled when she saw it: "Honey, this horse is so cute."

Zhuo Yifan smiled and said, "If Yan'er likes it, my husband will get you one later."

Anlong frowned and said: "These people seem to be related to the tribe, and they should be fighting among themselves."

Zhuo Yifan said: "When they break through the city gate, let's take advantage of the chaos and enter! Try not to intervene in the fight between them."

Yuan Tianba said disdainfully: "A group of children are playing house, if there is anything to pay attention to, we might as well just rush in."

Mu Yuqing snorted coldly: "You're quite big, you know how to use force to solve things, so use your brains."

Boom boom boom!

The speed of this group of knights was very fast, and before they arrived at the city gate in an instant, the runes on the foreheads of the lightning pegasus flashed, and they emitted lightning bolts as thick as arms, squeaking and bombarding the city. over the door.

Although the soldiers on the city wall passed on the information in time, the gate below was huge and difficult to close.

Before the soldiers below had time to close the city gate, lightning had already landed on the city gate.

Suddenly, electric sparks flashed on the tall city gate, and electric arcs swam through it, making a terrible crackling sound.


The soldiers screamed and fell down a large piece at once.

Wherever the rest of the people dared to touch the city gate, they all shouted in panic and retreated.

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