super unscrupulous student

Chapter 8341 Desert Mutation

Lie Jiao's figure flashed, and she stood in front of Mu Yuqing.

Mu Yuqing asked vigilantly, "What do you want to do?"

"It's nothing, I just want to tell you, if you feel disgusted like this, what should you do if you are stripped naked by a man and do such a shameful thing!" She said with a worried expression: "Sister, there are many It’s a good film that the master treasures, why don’t we find some time to study it?”

"You...shameless! I won't be with people like you."

Mu Yuqing trembled with anger.

As traditional and conservative wood elves, what they hate most is playboys who don't respect feelings.

Zhuo Yifan coughed dryly, and said, "Everyone, stop making trouble, let's hurry up and find Miss Fang."

Lie Jiao has improved a lot during this time.

Every time she fell asleep and cultivated, she would be very different after she came out.

Now the body has been completely fixed, and it has become unfathomable.

Zhuo Yifan was a little surprised by the destructive power contained in his body.

It is also possible to freely switch between the fire spirit and the human body at will, and even maintain a certain form for a long time.

Zhuo Aotian said: "Xiaofan, you really have a heart, you want us all to have some experience in the desert, right?"

Zhuo Yifan said: "Yes, there are countless dangers in this desert, but compared to our future difficulties, they are nothing worth mentioning. Although everyone is practicing fast, they lack real tempering."

Qinglong said: "Master, I feel that there are many fire-type beasts in this desert that are about to move."

Huofeng nodded and said: "That's right, these strange beasts are extremely sensitive to the breath of monks, and they regard the flesh and blood of monks as a delicacy. As long as we go in, they will definitely attract their attention."

Zhuo Yifan said: "If Miss Fang enters the desert, they will definitely cause a commotion among strange beasts, and it will be easier for us to find them."

Ouyang Qingzhi said: "Finding Miss Fang is one aspect. In addition, our main purpose is to snipe the Death Alliance army, eliminate the danger in advance, and defend Tianyao Continent."

Qing Yan said: "That's right, so we have to firmly grasp the secret kingdom in our hands. Just an Odin Empire is far from enough."

Liejiao said disdainfully: "With this desert of death as a barrier, no matter how many Death Alliance troops are, it will be difficult to pass through. What's more, we still have two lines of defense from the Odin Empire and the roof of the world."

"Never underestimate your opponent's strength, and don't underestimate Dongfang Liang's strategy." Zhuo Yifan said in a deep voice, "Dongfang Liang came from behind, and his status in the Death Alliance is rising steadily, and he also knows my weaknesses. We don't have an advantage."

Ouyang Qingzhi said: "The most important thing is that he also knows about Xing Tian's secret treasure."

Zhuo Yifan smiled bitterly: "Are there still people who don't know Xing Tian's secret treasure?"

This protoss really killed Zhuo Yifan. He revealed this secret before he died, and it really caused chaos in the demon world, causing endless troubles.

The Desert of Death is not in vain.

Not only is it boundless, but the climate is harsh, and the temperature during the day is extremely high. Generally, the temperature is more than 100 degrees, and the hottest place is about 500 degrees. In theory, no living things can exist at all.

But there are some magical beasts who like this environment instead.

They are fire monsters.

However, most of these strange beasts appeared during the day, because the temperature dropped sharply at night, even reaching tens of degrees below zero.

Fire monsters can only keep warm if they hide under the desert.

Ordinary monks regard crossing the death desert as the greatest training in their life.

Through this tempering, the whole person will be reborn and completely different.

One can imagine the horror of the desert of death.

Everyone entered the desert, but it was like playing.

With starship guards, there is no need to worry at all.

The people who broke out with all their strength definitely have the strength to resist the Great Heavenly Demon.

People with fire attributes, such as Huo Fengliejiao, are extremely active in this environment, as happy as they are back home.

Especially Lie Jiao, who turned into flames, kept flying in the air and underground, and even went under the desert to hunt strange beasts.

However, most of the strange beasts in the edge of the desert are small beasts with weak attack power.

As it goes deeper, the temperature of the desert is getting higher and higher, and the sun seems to be roasting the desert, doubling in size.

There is not only one sun in this demon world, nine of them rise and fall alternately, and the temperature is relatively high.

Zhuo Yifan closed the protective cover of the starship.

In this way, everyone can no longer rely on the power of rules, and can only resist with their bodies.

After a while, I was sweating profusely.

Zhuo Aotian smiled wryly and said: "Xiaofan, we thought our physical body was already very strong, but who knew the comparison, only to find the gap, it's still far behind."

Xiahou Shangyu said: "Brother Zhuo, it's time for us to work hard. These little guys are becoming more and more perverted one by one, and we are almost lagging behind."

These two are also determined to hone themselves.

The three brothers of the Qinglong Ying family, the three-eyed golden eagle, the flying tiger king, the flying eagle and other strange beasts with three stars, felt very relaxed.

After all, when he was in Sanxianxing, Zhuo Yifan had let them hone in the forbidden area time and time again.

Everyone's physical cultivation has made great breakthroughs, and their resistance is much stronger.

Xie Dongting and He Bizheng Tauren and others have become good friends after getting along during this time.

Because of Zhuo Yifan's relationship, they were very friendly to Xie Dongting, and they were both generous people. After a few glasses of wine, they became like-minded.

Now that he is not on Earth, he does not need to protect X, so Xie Dongting also let go of himself and became much more forthright.

Aobao and Huabai have been sleeping and practicing, but they didn't come out.

To Zhuo Yifan, this kind of body tempering was dispensable.

After all, the level is too low to cause any harm to his body.

Along the way, he was practicing [Guan Shen Ji], using the [Dementor Drum] to recover the lost divine power.

My divine power is not strong enough, otherwise, I would be able to cross the border and kill the bull head.

Knowing the origin of the God of Death Alliance, Zhuo Yifan knew that the relationship between himself and the underworld was already in dire straits, and it would never be possible to reconcile.

And only the power of faith and divine power can cause harm to the creatures of hell.

However, these two kinds of power are quick to use, but extremely slow to recover from cultivation.

Suddenly, Lie Jiao flew back with a whoosh, and said loudly: "Master, there is a place in front of which the fluctuations are very violent. It seems that strange beasts are moving. Should we go and have a look?"

Zhuo Yifan said, "How big is the scene?"

"Probably... there are tens of thousands of strange beasts!" Lie Jiao said excitedly: "They are so excited, they must be hunting."

Zhuo Yifan's face changed: "It's probably Miss Fang and the others, let's go and have a look."

Everyone was shocked.

It would be much easier if we could find Miss Fang and the others here.

Lie Jiao turned into a fire elf and flew forward: "I'll go and have a look first, you guys come later!"

Zhuo Yifan shouted, "Little Jiaoer, be careful."

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