super unscrupulous student

Chapter 8353 The Psychedelic Forest

Zhuo Yifan said: "Soldiers come to block the water and cover them with soil, what do we have to be afraid of?"

As soon as he beckoned, the starship was collected, and everyone landed outside the city together.

At this moment, the strange beasts were beside everyone, but they were prostrate on the ground without any hostility.

Seeing this astonishing scene, Zhuo Yifan and the others were secretly surprised.

This [Sutra of Bliss] combined with the magic circle is simply too terrifying.

Even Anlong, facing such a powerful attack, might be in danger of being transformed.

But at this moment, the magic circle has been destroyed, so you don't have to worry about being attacked.

Besides, Zhuo Yifan himself was prepared, if something unexpected happened, he would take action instantly.

With the bark of the starship and the tree of life on his body, the secret realm is like a playground to him.

At this moment, the city walls and inside the city are full of kneeling people and strange beasts. The situation is very strange.

After being converted, these people are tantamount to Zhuo Ye's followers and are completely under his control.

At this moment, everyone turned a blind eye to Zhuo Yifan and his party, as if they were air, allowing everyone to walk directly into the city swaggeringly.

"Father, it is not suitable to stay here for a long time. You should leave quickly. I know the purpose of your trip, but Miss Fang has not arrived here yet. Three days ago, in the psychedelic forest outside the border of the Flame Empire, there seemed to be a powerful When a master appears, there should be someone you are looking for."

"Ye'er, is Cheng Wu in the Flame Empire?"

"He is on other borders. The Flame Empire has become a Buddhist country, and everyone will be forcibly converted. Chengwu will build large formations everywhere. Once someone enters, there is a danger of being forcibly converted."

Zhuo Yifan frowned and said, "Ye'er, I don't want to instill any morals and ethics in you, but there are some things that we still need to focus on the heavenly heart and the public opinion on the lower level, so we can't go too far."

"Father, don't worry, although I have converted these people, I will not harm them."

Zhuo Yifan nodded in satisfaction: "I believe you have your own rules."

Zhuo Yifan also couldn't laugh or cry in his heart, and he also knew that this is not a good time to meet each other.

After everyone entered the city, they all boarded the starship and left quickly.

Zhuo Aotian said sadly: "My great-grandson is clearly in front of me, but I can't meet him, this feeling is really strange."

Xia Hou Shangyu comforted: "I'm still the same as you, don't be sour, we are monks now, life is long, now is just the beginning, we will have time to meet each other in the future."

If a cultivator cannot even see through this point, it will be difficult to achieve any results.

Those present are not ordinary people, so naturally they will not leave any knots because of this.

After learning about Miss Fang, Zhuo Yifan didn't want to waste time, after all, Miss Fang was still in danger.

As for Cheng Wu and Zhuo Ye, Zhuo Yifan wasn't too worried, because it was absolutely impossible for Cheng Wu to give up exploring [Xing Tian's Secret Collection].

The starship flew silently.

Even if Chengwu has already controlled the Flame Empire, don't even think about discovering the starship.

Along the way, everyone frowned secretly.

Wherever they went, these people believed in the only sect... Buddhism.

They are extremely devout, and temples abound and are full.

Especially large temples are crowded with people, devout believers are praying and kneeling everywhere.

It seems that the whole country does not need to produce or do other things, just pray.

Anlong was dumbfounded: "This Buddhist brainwashing method is really terrible. These people have all become believers. As long as Cheng Wu wants to, they can take their lives at any time and form a super large formation."

Ouyang Qingzhi frowned and said, "What exactly is Cheng Wu's intention? Does he want to build the Flame Empire into a super magic circle? Stop the Death Alliance's attack?"

Qingyan said: "It doesn't make any sense. The army of Death Alliance sweeps the Three Realms. What's the use of Chengwu occupying a small secret country?"

Everyone couldn't figure out Cheng Wu's intention for a while.

What exactly he wants to do, probably only he himself knows.

But the only thing everyone knows is that it is very dangerous in this country.

Even Anlong didn't have an absolute sense of security.

With the help of sacrifices and large formations, the power that Cheng Wu can unleash is really terrifying.

Forcibly transforming the Sutra of Ultimate Bliss is no different from taking slaves.

Once converted, even if it is to sacrifice one's own life, one is willing to do so without any rationality at all.

The horror of this belief is shocking.

Zhuo Yifan didn't want to cause trouble, so everyone stayed in the starship and traveled across the entire country until they came to the border that Zhuo Ye said.

The people above this editor have all been converted into believers by Cheng Wu, while Zhuo Ye only controls a small part.

The proportion of followers of the two is [-]% for Cheng Wu and [-]% for Zhuo Ye.

The place where the starship stays is the territory controlled by Zhuo Ye, so there is no need to worry about being discovered by Cheng Wuke.

With just one thought from the master, he can control the life and death of believers and never betray, so everyone is not worried about being discovered by Chengwu, so they left the flame empire without anyone noticing.

Outside the flame empire is the mysterious and unpredictable psychedelic forest.

As the name of this psychedelic forest suggests, most of the alien beasts in it are of the spiritual system, and the magnetic field in the entire area is abnormal, causing illusions to flourish.

In some illusions, even the masters of heavenly demons have to be tricked, which is very weird.

The more you go to the center, the more chaotic the magnetic field becomes. Not only can you not use magic power, you can't even fly to your heart's content.

The area of ​​this piece of land is very large, about the same as the Flaming Desert. If you don't use the starship to fly, you will have to walk for at least a month to get out.

This is still unimpeded. If you are trapped in an illusion, you will probably stay here for the rest of your life.

Therefore, the environment of the eighth secret realm is harsher than ever before, surpassing the sum of the remaining seven secret realms.

It is also because of this that none of the eight major families has the energy to come here to manage power.

His several natural barriers are daunting.

At first glance, this place is no different from other secret places.

The Psychedelic Mountains are 5000 meters above sea level, which is considered a plateau.

But there are many kinds of trees here, densely packed, which looks very mysterious.

Although there are many strange beasts living in it, standing in the forest, one cannot feel the slightest vitality of life.

This gives people a very weird feeling.

Standing in the middle of a vibrant forest, it seems as if he is in a dead place.

Fortunately, everyone has the Flaming Pegasus, which can be used for transportation.

Zhuo Yifan felt it for a while, and felt that the starship was not completely restricted, but the magnetic field here had a strange and huge energy, the stronger the existence, the more severely suppressed it was.

When a super treasure refined by a planet like a starship flies over, it will be pulled down by the huge gravity in an instant.

Unless the starship explodes with all its power.

But in this way, it's like trying to swim in a swamp, which is impossible.

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