super unscrupulous student

Chapter 8384 Temple Secret 2

Hongyan looked at Ran Deng with a gloomy expression, and said, "No matter where we are, it won't change the fact that we are enemies."

The mysterious man sighed: "It's been so long, everyone should stop being hostile to each other. It's the greatest luck that we can survive and be reborn here."

The Taoist sitting under the swan geese lightly waved the whisk in his hand, and said respectfully, "Old Ancestor, are we trapped here and will never be able to get out?"

The old ancestor sighed softly: "What's wrong here? It's exactly the same as the earth we used to live on. Go out? What can we do if we go out?"

The old man with the white beard chuckled: "That's right, at least it's safe to stay here, no one can find us."

A ferocious monk sneered and said: "Taishang Laojun, this is in line with your character of greed for life and fear of death. You will stay in this gap in time and space forever, and just live in mediocrity!"

Taishang Laojun smiled disapprovingly: "Ksitigarbha, there is no reincarnation here, and there is no hell, don't you feel very used to it?"

"Not now, but sooner or later there will be." Dizang was not angry, and smiled happily: "I have a disciple who is talented and intelligent. He has already figured out the mystery of reincarnation. I don't think it will take long for him to rebuild reincarnation. Let the creatures of this universe enter into an orderly cycle of development."

"What, the TARDIS has reached this point?" Hongjun was taken aback.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect it! The first time I saw this girl, I had an illusion that she would become one of the most famous true gods in the universe sooner or later. Unlike your apprentice Xing Tian, ​​who knows how to fight and kill. "

Hongjun frowned and said: "The purpose of fighting and killing is to eradicate the alien beasts in the universe. They are born with evil and will cause considerable damage."

Dizang showed a sneer: "Everything in the world has yin and yang, and where there is justice there is evil. These strange beasts were born just following the rules of the law of heaven. What's the crime?"

Seeing that the two sides were about to quarrel again, the ancestor waved his hand and said in a deep voice: "You have been arguing about these issues for countless years, can't you stop?"

Dizang said: "Old Ancestor, this Zhuo Yifan has a mysterious origin. He appeared in front of our fairy mountain inexplicably. Until now, we have not figured out his specific origin. If we trust him like this, I am afraid it will cause unimaginable disasters." as a result of."

"Oh, in your opinion, what should we do?" The ancestor glanced at Ji Zang.

"It's very simple, arrest him and imprison him in the time-space prison forever, so that no matter how long it has passed, he will not even think about going out to do evil."

As soon as Dizang said this, everyone's expression changed, everyone knew the horror of the time-space prison.

Locking up there is equivalent to being imprisoned for eternity.

Nuwa frowned and said, "Zhuo Yifan is my disciple, I will take care of everything about him, I don't need you to worry about it."

"But he has been in the God Academy for 10 years, and he still can't learn anything. According to the rules of our Presbyterian Church, he is no longer qualified to stay here." Master Tongtian said with a sneer.

"Who said he is not qualified to stay here? Do you know what kind of exercise he is practicing?" Nuwa smiled disdainfully.

"What technique?" Everyone asked in unison.

Nuwa, however, focused her eyes on the ancestor and did not speak.

Everyone's face changed instantly, and they all looked incredible.

The Lord Buddha said tremblingly, "Old Ancestor, what my junior sister said is true?"

The ancestor pondered for a while, and said: "That's right, all of this is true."

"Why?" There was a trace of strangeness on the Lord Buddha's face: "Didn't you say, my ancestor, that only one person can practice your skills in the entire universe?"

"That's right, Zhuo Yifan is the one I chose." The ancestor said lightly, "Do you know what it means to go through a thousand calamities?"

"Isn't it just reincarnated a thousand times and endured the experience of the world of mortals? Everyone here can do it, so what's so difficult about it." The Lord Buddha said unconvinced.

The old ancestor sighed leisurely: "You only know one thing, not the other thing. Although Zhuo Yifan is very wicked, he also has unlimited potential. Maybe he can really help us fulfill our wishes?"


Dizang took a deep breath, and said painfully: "Old Ancestor, although I understand your feelings very well, we really can't go back. How can Zhuo Yifan do things that you can't even do? "

Nuwa said in a deep voice: "I believe him. If there is anyone in this universe who can help us, it must be Zhuo Yifan."

The Lord Buddha said: "Although we have different ideas, we are surprisingly consistent on this point. Only in our own place can we find peace of mind."

The ancestor sighed: "We are trapped here now, wasting our time, and we will never be able to step out, let alone reverse time and space, and break free from the shackles. Among many students, I am optimistic about Zhuo Yifan."

Hongjun frowned and said: "Old Ancestor, I think Xing Tian is a good kid, worthy of a great job, and definitely more reliable than Zhuo Yifan. Every time this kid comes back these years, he always makes a fuss and complains. Such a naughty guy, How can it be possible to achieve great things."

Hongyan interjected: "A few of my disciples are not bad. For example, the boys who practice five-element spells are all talented. Once they learn it, they will definitely be able to take charge of their own."

The ancestor said indifferently: "Are you sure you can control them? The creatures in this universe are born with a wild nature. They are easily seduced by power and get lost in it."

"I think they are simple and cute, and they are easy to use." Hongyan said with a smile: "Don't worry, these boys are very obedient. Once they succeed, they will definitely help us."

Ran Deng said: "Helping others is helping ourselves. The enemies of the past must still be looking for us everywhere. They are cruel and ruthless. Once they discover this universe, they will definitely cause disaster. The creatures here really need the power to protect themselves."

Nuwa said lightly: "Everyone thinks too much, just let things take their course. For us, time is passing forward and will not change, but for the local creatures in this universe, the past and the future are completely intertwined. There is no way to tell them apart, the problems you are worried about may have already happened, if that is the case, why bother yourself."

"No, if it happens, then our present is the key." Hong Jun said: "Several of my senior disciples have passed the trial, and I want to let them leave after they have recuperated."

The old ancestor said: "Do your best to obey the destiny. Although we are honored as gods by them, in fact, we can't even control our own lives."

The Lord Buddha chuckled: "Everyone, it has been so long and Zhuo Yifan hasn't arrived yet. Can it be judged that he has failed?"

"Whoever said I failed, I will come."

Suddenly, Zhuo Yifan yelled.

Immediately afterwards, a figure was seen flying down from midair, and landed on the chaotic grass pile in front of the hall with a bang.

[Brothers, today is the update of Chapter 4. The following updates are arranged in this way. Update as many manuscripts as there are. Don’t rush everyone. Xuanwu has been a bit difficult recently. I hope everyone understands. 】

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